The overwhelming skeletal walkers are out in full force.

As if a meteor rose from the ground into the sky.

No less than the number that was just teleported away, which directly made them groan in their hearts.

And Kanzaki was about to go crazy.

"No! Didn't I just teleport all these Wang Lin away? Why did they appear again!"

"Are you playing with me? You are disobeying my orders!"

The crazy Kanzaki vented his anger on his own unit, the Space Mage.

As mythical-level troops, they have very high intelligence.

And the relationship with the lord is not a simple master-servant relationship, but more like a partner.

Just like Zhuang Chiyan, she always asks the night elves for advice on anything.

They can no longer be regarded as tool people, only low-quality arms are tool people.

Like Shen Hui's Skeleton Walker.

Of course each has its own advantages.

Low-level troops don't need to take care of their feelings too much, after all, IQ doesn't allow it.

But advanced arms, especially mythical arms.

They need to be given dignity and personality.

And the current appearance of Kanzaki is undoubtedly trampling on the personality of these space mages.

"Lord Lord, you don't believe us?"

In the rage, Kanzaki didn't care so much, and directly cursed:

"Let me believe in you, you are not even as good as these cannon fodder undead! How can I believe in you!"

Before Kanzaki could continue to be irritable, the Space Mage swung his staff and gave him a blow, knocking him out.


At this time, there were four neutral lords.

I saw another 10,000 units of Skeleton Walkers emerging from the territory.

Realized, these undead are by no means their enemies!

If they were all dispatched just now, they might have been crushed by now.

All the lords in the east waters must take the initiative, and the Naga lord must lead the team!

"Lord Lobster, you block them, we retreat and report!"

The Flying Snake ordered the Lobster Man to follow the rest of the lords.

"Why me? Why don't you stay and resist them?"

To stay is to die. Of course, the lobster people know that it is naturally impossible to stay.

The army of 10,000 skeletons has already rushed over, and if they continue to delay like this, they will not be able to leave.

The dragon turtle and the deep-sea giant glanced at each other, preparing to leave the lobster man and the flying snake here directly.

And Shen Hui, who watched them fight infighting, made a disdainful voice.

"Is this the Alliance of Neutral Lords? That's all."

If they want to run, they have no chance to escape.

The Skeleton Walker who was teleported away has already rushed over here with all his strength.

In less than three minutes, they'll be here.

Moreover, the units of the water lords that were killed before have turned into ghosts and started to attack them to interfere.

The dragon turtle lord and the deep sea giant lord immediately retreated with their troops.

The lobster man who left the quarrel and the lord of the flying snake saw this, and they led the soldiers away without heeding.

No one is left to stop.

It's just that they didn't know that the Skeleton Walker who returned just ahead had formed an encirclement.

"Those Bone Walkers are back! Back!"

The deep sea giant lord was the first to discover it.

Then they realized something, the lord who teleported those bone walkers away before.

It is indeed here to help the undead lord, sending these undead behind them to surround them!

"Damn it! Ambushed!"

Kanzaki, who was in a coma, had no idea how many system prompts had sounded in his mind.

[You ignored the battle declaration of the neutral lord of the waters in the east, and the neutral lord of the waters in the east has increased hatred towards you]

[You ignored the battle declaration of the neutral lord of the waters in the east, and the neutral lord of the waters in the east has increased hatred towards you]


"Encircle them!"

Shen Hui gave the order, and all the Skeleton Walkers fluttered their wings.

The upper and lower jaws kept colliding to make a "clucking" sound.

The ghosts of the dead creatures danced around with them.


The four neutral lords all cursed in their hearts.

But it is not these undead who are scolded, but their pig teammates.

If you don't stay to block it, how can you run away.

They had to set off huge waves of hundreds of meters, ready to wash away these undead blocking the road.

However, the huge wave just swept over, and all the bone walkers immediately became translucent.

It seems that there is no entity, just a phantom.

Huge waves of water penetrated directly through their bodies, smashing into the air.

All Bone Walkers use ghost transformation, and all physical means in the conventional sense cannot touch them.

Passing through the water waves, they immediately turned into entities and began to attack.

These water lords also have to fight.

However, the end of the battle is naturally only broken.

Their troops died one after another, and the more they died, the stronger the fighting power of Shen Hui and his side.

And their combat effectiveness is getting weaker and weaker.

The blood has long stained the battle waters created by these sea lords.

There were corpses floating everywhere, all over the water.

A beautiful system prompt sounded continuously in Shen Hui's ears.

[Bone Walker kills the flying snake and gets 60 Endless Source]

[Bone Walker kills Dragon Turtle and gets 55 Endless Source]

[Bone Walker kills the deep sea giant and gets 60 Endless Sources]


"When the beast tide comes, you will also send me a wave of endless sources. It is a kind-hearted alliance of neutral lords in the east waters."

Looking at the four lords who were about to be wiped out, Shen Hui already had a plan for the next step.

That is to directly invade the so-called neutral lord alliance of the east waters.

Go to them and get a wave of endless sources for your own development!

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