Lord Of The People: I Have An Army Of Trillions Of God-Level Undead

Chapter 71 The passage to the land of exile is open, and all the lords gather!

Late at night, in the Holy Court Alliance.

All the main angels are gathered together.

"The Naga Clan said that Radiation Nation provides us with resources, which can open a door to the kingdom of heaven in that area to the land of exile."

"Although with Gabriel's strength, it can only be opened at the edge of the exiled land, but many monsters will still be let in.

"Wouldn't such a group of monsters put the lords in there at risk, and if they killed their lords indiscriminately, wouldn't the Dragon Kingdom..."

"The water of our reincarnation is consumed, and there are so many angels, this revenge will be avenged!

Rest assured, our goal is the undead, and put it directly on the undead.

As soon as the undead die, we can immediately close the gates of heaven.

Our goal is just to kill the undead and clean up the excess monsters, which will not endanger those lords.

Even if the Dragon Country intervenes, it will be the attention of the Radiation Country. "

"I think so.

"Agree, why should we always suffer under human beings, we are the real masters of the endless continent! 99

The next day, Shen Hui woke up from the castle of the dead.

Looking outside, he got up and walked directly to the barracks.

"It's another beautiful day, and I don't know if those angels will come again. 35

Shen Hui muttered, but was not afraid at all.

On the contrary, there is still a bit of expectation. When they come, it will be a lot of resources.

There are no good places to plunder resources now.

Shen Hui summoned today's Nether Walker.

3200 base units, 24 times the crit call.

76,800 units of Nether Walker flew out of the barracks riding the Nether Chaos Beast.

In 07, together with the previous 83850 units of Netherwalker, it directly broke through the 10W mark.

160,650 units reached!

In the current territory, if they hadn't been able to fly, it could be said that they were completely crowded.

In the current newcomer area, all the lords are almost searched.

The resources here are quite abundant for the rest of the lords.

You can improve your strength and upgrade your territory.

But for Shen Hui, it is still too scarce.

Whether it is to upgrade the building, or to increase the strength of the troops.

The resources here are insufficient to support Shen Hui again.

Shen Hui urgently needs to go to the wider endless continent outside to develop.

But after thinking about it all night, Shen Hui couldn't think of any way.

A way to improve the overall strength of the Dragon Lord.

"It seems that we have to wait for them to develop slowly.

Send out ghost walkers to find insignificant resources.

They didn't let them go far, just near the territory.

After all, beware of the Holy Court Alliance that may come.

Shen Hui fished in the territory until the afternoon.

At this time, Gabriel came out of the Holy Court Alliance with a small team of angels.

They have been on their way with all their strength since last night, and now they have finally reached the area where the undead are.

More than a dozen kilometers away, Gabriel felt the evil spirit of the dead coming from there.

"Is it there? This aura is indeed powerful. 35

Gabriel frowned, feeling that at least half of their Holy Court's strength would be required to deal with the undead there.

But unfortunately, such a large-scale attack will cause Long Guo to intervene.

So now I have to accept the suggestion of Radiation Nation and open the door to the sky.

Let that group of monsters take the place of you to exterminate the undead there.

Although Gabriel has the ability to open the gates of heaven.

Its duty should be to look after and guard the gate of heaven.

After all, this is the passage that connects the land of exile where there is no reason and only killing.

But you can use this evil monster to deal with the evil, the evil undead.

Gabriel thinks this is correct, and it is a correct usage.

"Just here, you can open the door to the kingdom of heaven in that area.

Gabriel said, making all the angels stop.

At the same time, he took out a lot of materials, all of which were prepared to open the gate of the kingdom of heaven.

Heaven's Gate is a special skill that requires some special materials to use.

And it's just a simple connection to the Exiled Lands.

Can only be used when the Exiled Lands are present.

Of course, if it is replaced by the real Gabriel, it may not have these restrictions if it is not a descendant of angels.

Gabriel got ready and began to chant the spell to open the gate of heaven.

"The gate of heaven that God has entrusted to me, the passage to the unclean place, I will open it at this moment in the name of God!"

Shen Hui is thinking about what to eat at night in the territory.

Suddenly I saw that all my Netherwalkers were restless.

"The angel is here again?"

Shen Hui looked left and right, but did not see any angels approaching.

"All ghost walkers, come back!"

However, their restlessness was indeed a reaction to the holy creatures like angels.

Call the Nether Walker back first.

Not long after Shen Hui gave the order.

Suddenly, not far from his own territory, a holy light group appeared in the sky.

"That's the way of angels! 39

Shen Hui knew it at a glance, but he still didn't see any angels appearing.

"What little conspiracy are you playing on me?

Shen Hui snorted coldly.

At this time, all the Netherwalkers flew back.

Shen Hui wanted to see what the other party was playing.

That holy light group is constantly changing in the sky.

It soon turned into an oval channel hundreds of meters in size.

A wave of madness, irritability, frenzy, no order.

The feeling of being completely out of touch with the holy breath of the angels immediately came out from the passage.

The wild monsters in the distance ran around in shock, and the birds and beasts flew away.

At this time, a system announcement also appeared in the minds of all the lords in this newcomer area.

[The following coordinates open a channel to the Exiled Land]

[The following coordinates open a channel to the Exiled Land]

All the lords who heard the system prompt were slightly taken aback.

Then when I saw the coordinates indicated above, I realized that it was Shen Hui's place.

At the same time, quite a few lords responded and asked what the place of exile was.

"There is something wrong with Mr. Shen Hui, I feel like I haven't stopped for a day. 35

"The land of exile, what is that? The system prompt this time is inexplicable.

"Fuck, the place of exile! It's actually the place of exile! Rollo

"Does anyone know what the Exiled Land is? Tell me."

"Fuck, you people don't listen carefully in class, you don't even know about the third largest force in the Endless Continent. 35

"Wait, it seems to be a bit of an impression, the three major forces of the Endless Continent.

We have Terrans from all over the world, indigenous neutral creatures, and one that seems to be a place of exile. "

"Land of Exile! It's full of endless monsters.

If it is not for lack of IQ, or if the place where they are located has been exiled, they are only connected to the Endless Continent at a certain time.

Maybe there is only one of the three major forces left, and that is the place where they are exiled!

Lords who don't know what the Exiled Lands are.

After hearing someone explain it here, I finally understood.

"I blanch! How can we open a passage connected to the exiled land here! 35

"Damn, what's the situation, who wants to make big boss Shen Hui!

"No, there's a good chance we'll have to do it this time!"

Zhuang Chiyan looked at the direction where the passage appeared.

There was a solemn look on his face.

The monsters in the exile land are endless, but their strength is also very powerful.

Different from the arms of these lords, no matter how powerful and top-level quality it is.

have a developmental period.

And the monsters in the exile land were born from the mother's nest.

Strength is fixed.

Although the upper limit is limited, the lower limit is not very high.

"Whoever opened the passage, if Shen Hui can't keep it, then we will suffer.

"No, this is not Shen Hui's business, but all our lords' business!"

Zhuang Chiyan is not the only one who thinks this way.

Qingxue, Ye Yitian, any lord who understands the meaning behind the Exiled Land.

They all know that this matter is closely related to them.

If the monsters in the exiled land broke out completely, it is no exaggeration to say.

It is not impossible that this is the second wave of a more powerful beast tide.

At this time, Shen Hui also looked solemnly at the passage to the place of exile formed in the air.

"The channel opened by the angel is to play with fire!"

Before the transmission channel is fully opened.

Shen Hui also opened the chat channel to check it out.

"Go! Support Mr. Shen Hui!"

"We must not let those monsters in the exiled land break through and plunder our territory! 35

"Brothers have gathered! Now that the territory is safe, everyone should try to bring as many troops as possible!

"Yes! Although we are not as powerful as Shen Hui, we are still useful, right!"

Shen Hui didn't stop them this time.

If you don't keep it here, if you miss the monster and go out.

These are not the beast tides of the past.

It is not that it will disappear in time, but its strength is also stronger.

If it rushes directly into the territory of some lords.

They simply couldn't resist.

Gather here, even if someone runs away.

At least they're still here as lords.

The territory was destroyed and he still had a life left.

Of course, this is just planning for the worst.

"You all come to gather and distribute the defense circle.

Shen Hui posted a message in the chat channel.

Then he looked at the passage in the sky.

It has already started to operate.

A terrifying and strange cry came from inside.

"All Netherwalkers! Surround the passage!"9

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