Lord Of The People: I Have An Army Of Trillions Of God-Level Undead

Chapter 74 The newcomer area BOOS opens, the choice to join the alliance

All the lords realized that this was the gate of heaven that was always open.

In the land of exile, more powerful and terrifying creatures were attracted.

All the lords were frightened when they saw the changes that occurred there.

The troops under their command were even more frightened and trembling.

And Shen Hui's ghost walker acts as an undead, although there is no fear in it.

And also the strongest.

But looking at these tentacles, Shen Hui, the lord, frowned.

Although only the tentacles are revealed, their information can also be probed.

【Crazy Void】

[Quality: Emperor]

[Level: Level 250]

[Skill: Void Infection, Frenzy Thrash, Void Parasitic Void Shuttle Void Swallowing ∼ Devour]

[Introduction: A powerful monster born from the Void Brood, - will devour all creatures]


[Defense Power: 231000]

【HP: 700000】

A 250-level frenzied void is terrifying.

Basic attributes, attack and defense directly reached more than 200,000!

In addition to the HP attribute, this is already twice the offensive and defensive attributes of the Nether Walker.

And according to the situation in the exiled land.

All monsters come in groups.

Just like the frenzied zerg that appeared before, the number has reached a terrifying level.

And this madness and nothingness, there is no accident that there is a terrifying number.

If only let them swarm like crazy zerg.

It really became a disaster.

All the lords had chills on their backs, and they all fell into fear after seeing the level of this frantic void.

If they run out, they will be wiped out.

And Gabriel and the others who were going to call for reinforcements.

After seeing the vision of the gate of heaven, the expression on his face changed from the previous heavy to a surprise.

"Hahaha! We don't have to do it!"

"I didn't expect that the gate of heaven opened on the periphery of the exiled land could also encounter such a powerful monster!

"God forbid, these undead are sure to die!

They stared at the battlefield, and as long as these frenzied nihilists came out, the goal would be achieved.

But in the next second, their eyes were stunned.

And Gabriel scolded a rare angrily: "Zhuo! 35

On the faces of all the lords, the fear they had brought before was slowly disappearing, and they showed a false alarm.

"I'm getting my mentality, and I'm ready to run away.

Shen Hui was also relieved.

This passage can't accommodate the huge body of the mad emptiness at all.

They use huge tentacles to expand the channel.

And the gate of the kingdom of heaven, which is constantly being pulled and pulled, is indeed constantly expanding.

But now it has expanded to the limit, and a trace of crack has appeared directly.

After being pulled a few times at the end, the gate of the Heavenly Kingdom shattered directly.

A turbulent flow spurted from there, and the space channel healed.

Directly cut off the tentacles stretched out by the frenzied nothingness and fell to the ground.

[The space channel connecting the exiled land has been closed]

[The space channel connecting the exiled land has been closed]

Three system prompts appeared in the minds of all lords.

Foreshadowing that this terrible disaster has been lifted.

All the lords burst into cheers.

Gabriel had a look of resentment, and he knew it best.

The broken passage of the gate of heaven was completely related to his strength.

Had he been strong enough, the gates of heaven would not have opened on the periphery of the exiled land.

Not to mention that the gate of the kingdom of heaven will not be shattered because of the madness and nothingness coming out of it.

"Lord Gabriel...now...is it time for us to go now?

An angel looked at the angry Gabriel and reminded him kindly.

The expression on Gabriel's face also changed rapidly.

From anger to panic.

Now the gate of heaven has disappeared, and those monsters who have no place of exile are pouring out.

These undead can completely let go.

Then they are still here, aren't they waiting to die!

"Go, go! Go!"

Gabriel shouted, and now the energy of the reincarnation pool has been used by Rafael.

If he died, he was really dead.

And even if the reincarnation pool can be used, is it still me after rebirth?

Even the previous memory is gone, it is completely another angel.

They fled quickly and rushed to the Holy Court Alliance.

And Shen Hui looked at the place where the gate of heaven disappeared.

I originally thought of using this place as an experience room all the time, so that I can get more experience.

But when something like this happens, the channel collapses directly.

But overall, it's a good thing.

It can be considered to have lifted a potential crisis.

And Shen Hui has obtained tens of thousands of crystals of frenzy here.

The goal of improving the strength of all the lords in their area can be considered complete.

All the ghost walkers felt the angel's breath moving away quickly.

Shen Hui just sneered.

Their day of reckoning is approaching.

All the lords are still immersed in the joy of a crisis lifted.

Shen Hui directly led a group of Nether Walkers and flew over the second line of defense.

All the lords looked at Shen Hui's arrival and immediately cheered again.

Unlike chat channels without voices, this time it's face-to-face cheers.

"Boss Shen Hui! Boss Shen Hui!

"A great pen! Big Brother Shen Hui is invincible!"

"Boss Shen Hui, I want to give birth to monkeys for you!

Just check it out in the chat channel.

Now in reality, even their arms are cheering.

The sound of screams resounded through the sky.

Shen Hui felt slightly embarrassed.

But I got used to it quickly.

With a wave of one hand, the Nether Walker who followed him quickly formed a combination.

Using their skills of skeleton and human integration, they directly built a high platform in the air.

This scene sparked screams again, but this time it was just the female lords.

And the male lords cast envious and jealous eyes.

"Zhuo, what kind of ability does he have, and he can still use it like this, it's amazing!"

But Shen Hui didn't think much of it at all, he just wanted to find a high place where he could stand.

Too bad it doesn't, just build one yourself.

In the eyes of everyone looking up, Shen Hui pressed his hand to signal them to be quiet.

It's not a chat channel now, they are noisy and Shen Hui can't speak.

They fell silent suddenly.

"Brothers, lords, I still have more than 10,000 frenzied crystals here. 99

"I'll wait for it to be released. I've already used it, or it's about to be saturated, so don't grab it."

"Our goal is to sprint to break through the protection of the planet's will!"

"Towards a wider endless continent!

Get more resources to beat players from other countries!

All the lords were excited when they heard Shen Hui's words.

One step ahead, one step ahead.

In all the lords of other countries, they are still looking for the stream-like resources in the newcomer area.

And they will go to embrace the words of the sea.

This is the real step across the insurmountable chasm.

That's called true leadership!

All the lords cheered along with Shen Hui's last words.

And Shen Hui immediately put tens of thousands of crazy crystals on the shelves.

One by one is snapped up, and all lords can own it at an inexpensive price.

In less than a minute, all the frenzied crystals were emptied.

All the lords began to use their own troops and began to increase their level.

One after another, white upgrade lights flashed in this army group.

There are also many troops whose eyes are red.

This is a sign that frenzy crystal usage has reached saturation.

Killed more than one million frantic zerg, just a little endless source.

have already earned over a million.

The qualitative change caused by the quantitative change, it seems that the monsters in the exile land still have merit.

In addition, it is the total of nearly 30,000 frenzied crystals obtained.

It directly increased the troops of all lords by 8 levels on average.

And the system prompt that Shen Hui was looking forward to finally appeared at this moment.

[All lords in this area have reached the strength to be free from the protection of the planet's will]

[The newcomer area BOOS will be opened at the following coordinates at noon tomorrow]

[After killing, you can leave the range of the newcomer's area]

[All lords in this area have reached the strength to be free from the protection of the planet's will]

[The newcomer area BOOS will be opened at the following coordinates at noon tomorrow]

[After killing, you can leave the range of the newcomer's area]

The BOOS strength of the newcomer area can be said to be fixed.

No matter which issue or country it is.

Just because they are used as a test of the strength of all the lords in the area.

Of course, all the lords are required to fight together.

Therefore, the coordinates that appear will be in a place that is relatively close to all the lords' territories.

But to be honest, Shen Hui's current strength is completely worthy of these lords uniting.

There is no problem if the newcomer BOOS is handed over to him to fight.

But in order for all the lords to have a sense of participation, this is not necessary.

Shen Hui took a look and it wasn't very far.

After the crusade tomorrow, you can finally leave the newcomer area!

"Brothers, go back and prepare now, and gather tomorrow morning to defeat the newcomer BOOS!""

Shen Hui dismissed them and sent them all back to prepare.

After leaving the newcomer area, additional system functions will be enabled.

One of them is a function called the Metaverse.

It is also an upgraded version of the chat system.

All lords can build their own virtual influence on it, and conduct exchanges and transactions in it.

Just as they are now face to face.

After all, the Endless Continent is so big that many lords may never meet each other for the rest of their lives.

So there is such a function, very practical.

At the same time, according to tradition, when the time comes, those senior lords.

After leaving the newcomer area in the new issue, they will gather in the metaverse for congratulations and welcome.

At this time, Zhuang Chiyan, who was below, waved to Shen Hui.

Shen Hui made the formation of the Netherworld into a step-by-step walk.

Zhuang Chiyan looked at Shen Hui, the existence she needed to look up to now.

"Shen Hui, we will solve the new BOOS at noon tomorrow. If nothing else happens, the seniors will teach us to gather in the evening. 35

Shen Hui nodded, not understanding what she meant.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"It's time to join the alliance..."

Shen Hui knew what Zhuang Chiyan wanted to say after hearing the first half of his sentence.

At the time of the celebration, all the lords will also choose an alliance to join.

After all, it is only a single lord, and he is always weak.

Especially with some special units.

Just like a large number of cannon fodder troops that specialize in collecting resources.

Or a unit like Qingxue that has the ability to create equipment.

All need to cooperate with other lords or vassals to survive better.

So something like an alliance came up naturally.

Those neutral creatures are also united in alliances.

It can be said that joining the alliance is a must.

Zhuang Chiyan continued: "The Shenlong Alliance was founded by the strongest Shenlong lord.

But just looking at the strength of the alliance, the Luofeng Alliance and the Tiger Sha Alliance are all comparable.

I have a little relationship with the Luofeng Alliance. I would like to invite you to join the Luofeng Alliance, and I will definitely give you the highest treatment.

What Zhuang Chiyan said was very sincere.

And can get the invitation of the legendary lord, and also join the Luofeng Alliance, one of the strongest alliances.

If it was the other lords, I'm afraid they would agree immediately without saying a word.

But thinking of joining the alliance, Shen Hui already had a plan in mind.

Join someone else's alliance?

No, it's under the fence!

Shen Hui is a noble, ambitious and powerful lord with a promising future!

Of course, the most important point is that when you join the alliance, you will hand in certain resources regularly.

0.....・・For flowers・・

For example, it is the property fee of the residential area, and the unpleasant term is the protection fee.

Although not a lot, but for a perpetual shortage of resources.

I wish one resource could be used as one hundred percent for Shen Hui.

It's like cutting meat.

So Shen Hui is ready to create an alliance of his own!

"Your proposal is good, but I still have my own considerations. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Listening to Shen Hui's words, Zhuang Chiyan thought that Shen Hui was considering joining the Shenlong Alliance.

After all, there is the blessing of the name of the dragon lord, which can basically be said to be the first choice of most lords.

"Then think about it, and see you tomorrow when you defeat the new boss.

After all, Zhuang Chiyan also left.

But waiting for tomorrow, Zhuang Chiyan has already thought about it.

Pull Shen Hui to join Luofeng Alliance with higher preferential treatment.

The lords who had already started to leave began to contemplate what alliance to join in their hearts.

This is also where they have to prepare, and they are all thinking.

On the way back to their respective territories, they communicated in the chat channel.

"Brothers, join the alliance tomorrow, how about the Fire Emblem Alliance?

"Brother, you have ideals to be a leader, why would you prefer a third-tier league instead of going directly to the top league? 35

"The Shenlong Alliance, the strongest lord of the Dragon Kingdom, the Shenlong lord, is sitting in town, and you have a full sense of security!

"Then you're just thinking about eating shit, don't you look at how much you weigh?"

"It's not impossible for the Luofeng Alliance, the Tiger Evil Alliance, and the Mysterious Turtle Alliance, I'm afraid they will look down on me.

"Be confident, brother, if you are afraid to remove it, they look down on you."

"I'm worried, who can join those top leagues in this issue?"9

"Goddess Qingxue, with the ability to create equipment, all alliances should be competing for it.

"The two emperor-level lords, as well as the legendary lord of the goddess of red smoke, should be fine.

"Not to mention the strength of the big boss Shen Hui, it directly crushes our existence. 35


"Condolences, let's think about us, we can't go up or down."

The chat channel became extremely lively around this topic.

And Shen Hui has already started to count the resources acquired today.

Killing more than one million frantic zerg is equivalent to more than one million endless sources.

The second is the sale of nearly 30,000 crazy crystals.

Although Shen Hui is already cheap enough, it still cannot hold a large number.

A 70-unit endless source, which is also more than one million endless sources.

Adding the two together, the endless source directly broke through three million!

Shen Hui later plans to create his own alliance.

If I remember correctly, there are some requirements for starting an alliance.

One of them is the requirement of a certain number of arms units.

After all, the alliance is called the alliance, and naturally it is not a lord.

Therefore, to achieve this condition, many lords need to respond together.

And it is not something that the lords who have just come out of the newcomer area can respond together.

For Shen Hui, though, the issue of creating an alliance on his own.

Maybe it really isn't a problem with his troop numbers.

However, Shen Hui also decided to prioritize strengthening the building.

This can improve the barracks and directly double the base of daily summons.

It is even more violent when paired with the added crit call.

【Lord: Shen Hui】

[Territory Level: Level 7]

[Strength Level: Level 70]

[Lord Skills: Evil Aura, Crown of Wisdom, Undead Calamity, Logging...]

[Currently owned materials: Wood: 15000 Stone: 18800 Endless Source: 3160000]

It cost 200,000 yuan of endless sources to exchange for 1 million wood and 1 million stone.

【Castle of the Dead】

【Level: 7】

[Currently owned building: Warehouse Barracks Research Institute Wall of Flesh Watchtower Territory Teleport]

[Currently sheltered by the source of the plague]

[Upgrade conditions: 300,000 units of wood, 300,000 units of stone, 400,000 units of endless sources]

[Introduction: The core building of the lord, once destroyed, will lose the lord status]

[The current upgrade conditions have been met]

[Whether to upgrade]


"Upgrade the territory!

As Shen Hui's voice fell, the territory began to expand and expand.

[The castle level of the dead has been raised to level 8]

[The defense of the Castle of the Dead increases tenfold]

[The territory is upgraded to level 8]

【Castle of the Dead】

【Level: 8】

[Currently owned building: Warehouse Barracks Research Institute Wall of Flesh Watchtower Territory Teleport]

[Currently sheltered by the source of the plague]

[Upgrade conditions: 80 units of wood, 800,000 units of stone, 800,000 units of endless sources]

[Introduction: The core building of the lord, once destroyed, will lose the lord status]

The next step is to upgrade the barracks.

[Intermediate Barracks (Additional Summoning Cooldown)]

【Level: 7】

[Summonable unit: Nether Walker (cannon fodder quality)]

[Note: Level 7 barracks can summon 3,200 ghost walkers every day]

[Upgrade conditions: 1 million units of wood, 1 million units of stone, 1 million units of endless sources]

[The current upgrade conditions have been met]

[Whether to upgrade]


"Upgrade! 35

[Improve the intermediate barracks to level 8]

[The number of basic summons of intermediate arms has been increased to 6400]

[Intermediate Barracks (Additional Summoning Cooldown)]

【Level: 8】

[Summonable unit: Nether Walker (cannon fodder quality)]

[Note: The eighth-level barracks can summon 6400 ghost walkers every day]

[Upgrade conditions: 1.5 million units of wood, 1.5 million units of stone, 2 million units of endless sources]

Hearing the basic summoning amount of 6400 units, the corner of Shen Hui's mouth rose slightly.

This plus his 24x crit summon.

You can directly summon 153600 units of Nether Walker!

Compared with the 160,650 units currently owned, it is only less than 10,000 units! Fan.

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