Hearing Gabriel's words, all the angels and Naga banshees were stunned.

Satan, the fallen angel, is also the devil.

It was originally one of the angels created by God, who controlled darkness and disasters.

The most powerful angel besides God.

However, he later attempted to usurp the throne of God and fell into the devil.

It can be said that Satan and these angels who believe in God are opposites.

But Gabriel said fiercely:

"God and the angels have long since disappeared.

We have inherited their blood, and we must hold on to the last hope and wait for the return of the gods!"

''Satan's bloodline has not been inherited, but we can summon his power to sacrifice!"

"We just use his power to do things for us!"

All the main angels glanced at each other, and indeed, it was a better choice to summon the power of Satan to repel these undead than to perish.


"I agree."

The angels agreed.

Finally, they turned their eyes to the Naga Banshee.

Summons the life that Satan mainly sacrifices, that is, the troops of the Naga Banshee.

Looking at the troops being slaughtered constantly, the Naga Banshee also gritted her teeth.

Agreed directly.

It is better to let them all be killed than to kill them all. All were sacrificed, so that he had a glimmer of hope of surviving.

Seeing the Naga Banshee agree, Gabriel walked into the hall 293.

There is an altar in the very center of the hall.

He walked in front of him and started talking.

"Great God, please forgive our stupidity now.

"In order to protect the last angel fire, we need to borrow the power of Satan to fight these undead!

Gabriel prayed for a while, and then began to chant a spell that would be difficult to understand.

A black hexagram appeared above the altar.

It exudes an air of cold fear.

A low-pitched voice echoed in their ears.

Like a devil whispering something in his ear.

The black hexagram gradually enlarged, pierced through the hall and rose into the air.

The battlefield is covered in an instant.

Shen Hui saw such a vision through the vision of the Nether Walker.

Although Shen Hui was not present, one could see that the vision that appeared had nothing to do with these holy angels.

"What kind of trick are they doing?"

Just when Shen Hui was confused, all of a sudden.

The hexagram casts countless black lights.

Covering the sky and the sun directly changed the appearance of the weather.

The area was suddenly plunged into darkness.

A (ahej) ominous breath pervaded, and the undead exudes two completely different feelings.

At the same time, these amphibians were covered by black light.

And those ordinary angels.

They are rotting fast.

The loss of flesh and blood turned into thick water, which looked extremely terrifying.

Shen Hui's Nether Walker is said to have been killed with a single blow.

And their way of dying is completely tortured to death.

"Kill your own people?"

Faced with such a situation, Shen Hui already knew what the other party was doing.

And the area where the Holy Court Alliance is located has a dark night.

It also caused many lords in this large area to find something different.

"This breath is a fallen angel, Satan!"

Although they were far apart, those lords felt the aura emanating from there.

The lords of the rest of the country's forces are all confused.

They know that there is the Holy Court Alliance of Angels, ... the sphere of influence.

But how could these angels summon a devil like Satan?

And the lords of the Dragon Kingdom knew what was going on.

They were horrified.

Fallen angels are not like these angels, they have inheritance.

Fallen Angels can only cast phantoms by sacrificing the power that summoned them.

The Holy Court Alliance calls Satan, which must be sacrificed.

Although Satan is very powerful.

But Satan belongs to the traitor among the angels.

Therefore, as an angel organization, it is impossible for the Holy Court Alliance to summon him.

And this situation can only illustrate one point.

That's when these angels are caught in a life-or-death crisis!

They need to harness the power of Satan!

And what can cause such a crisis is obviously the natural disaster alliance that has already attacked them.

That is, the new lord of their Dragon Kingdom, and the new leader of the alliance, Shen Hui!

In the Holy Court Alliance, but there are the Naga Banshee and her troops there.

How long does it take?

They actually let these angels open sacrifices and prepare to summon Satan.

This means that the two alliances combined have not played against Shen Hui's natural disaster alliance.

And still at an extreme disadvantage.

These lords who saw their intentions immediately reported the battle situation here to the world chat channel.

"The latest battle situation, the Holy Court Alliance seems to be dead."

"Ah, I heard it right, it's not the Calamity Alliance, but the Holy Court Alliance?"

"Amazing, do you want to hang like this?"

"Is this the source of his confidence? Shi Di turned out to be so powerful!

"What a short time, what happened there? And what about the Naga Banshees?

Some lords immediately asked, and they wanted to know the battle situation there.

"The sacrificial ceremony was opened at the Holy Court Alliance, and the place has fallen into darkness. They want to summon Satan!"

"No way, summon Satan! This is the fallen angel among the angels, and it is also the strongest!"

"Although Satan exists as an individual, his power is extremely terrifying, and he is completely a killer in the battlefield!

"The power to summon Satan changes according to the number of sacrifices, but there are 200,000 troops led by the Naga Banshee!""

When all the lords thought of this, their expressions suddenly became distorted.

Like Satan, there is an individual existence with strength beyond the group.

Fully strategic deterrent.

Like a group of children fighting each other, suddenly an adult came.

It can completely reverse the situation and fight back.

Although this is also a move that loses a thousand enemies and loses a thousand.

All the lords just started listening to the battle report and celebrating Shen Hui.

Such a short period of time can actually suppress the Holy Court Alliance and the Black Coral Waters Alliance.

But this time they started to worry again.

Although it is known that Shen Hui's undead number is high.

But the ants killed the elephant and put it in this endless continent.

Except for places like Banished Lands.

The rest of the place is totally unsuitable.

The gap between attributes is irreparable.

At that time, it will be like a giant stepping on ants, and a group of them will die with one foot.

Shen Hui is in danger!

All the lords thought at the same time and thought that Shen Hui was still a big boss.

Second, at this time on the battlefield of the Holy Court Alliance.

All amphibians and ordinary angels have been dissolved by the black light.

The six-pointed star array began to run.

A terrifying pressure came from inside.

Then a huge black shadow slowly descended from inside.

Satan has been called out!.

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