Lord Of The People: I Have An Army Of Trillions Of God-Level Undead

Chapter 87 Chaos Altar, the second barracks is born!

【Land of Life】


[Effect: The soil irrigated with the water of life, the plants planted on it will grow rapidly]

Shen Hui did not expect such a thing to exist in the Holy Court Alliance.

It appears that they are also growing the branches of the tree of life.

But now it's all cheap.

The soil irrigated with the water of life, although not as effective as the real water of life.

But if it is used to plant the branches of life, it should also have a miraculous effect.

In addition to the two branches of the branches of life that were harvested, there are now three branches in total.

When Mu Ling and the others come back, they will hand over these things to them.

Now Shen Hui has opened the trading channel.

Prepare to sell the reincarnation pool.

After the world channel was opened, the items in the trading channel were also connected.

The stuff inside is no longer a resource exchange, but a variety of equipment and props for sale.

The reincarnation pool that Shen Hui is going to sell can be said to be a very special type of building prop.

The kind that cannot be replicated by the Chaos Altar.

There is no second among the trading channels.

As for the sale price, Shen Hui is also not a good estimate.

Anyway, for those powerful lords with very high-quality troops and few in number.

The reincarnation pool is very attractive to them.

And they are also the richest.

Directly use the bidding function to auction it out, and the person with the highest price will get it.

In the trading channel, Shen Hui placed the base price of 5 million endless sources on it to start the auction mode.

Without Shen Hui's special promotion, there are countless lords who visit the chat channel.

They found it all at once, among the many items on sale.

At once, there is an extra Infinite that starts with 5 million Infinite Sources.

When they think about what can sell so expensive.

They knew right away when they saw an item for sale, and it was totally worth the money!

"No accident, no accident, after the natural disaster alliance leader defeated the Holy Court Alliance, he really got the reincarnation pool of those angels~||!

"Huh? How do you know that the effect of the Reincarnation Pool is very useful for some powerful lords.

"Go to the trading channel, Shen Hui has already threw the loot on it and sold it for auction!

With these discoveries, the lord of the reincarnation pool said it on the chat channel.

Suddenly, many lords chatting in the chat channel immediately turned to the trading channel.

At this time, the price of the reincarnation pool has soared from five million to seven million.

A lord competition has begun.

And the price has continued to increase.

"Damn it, take it! The leader of the Feiyu Alliance has directly raised the price of Endless Source by one million!"

"The Cyclops lord is also frantically increasing the price. Because of the particularity of his huge size, the number of his Cyclops units is even rarer. It seems that he wants it very much.

"The Cyclops lord of peat, he asked me for credit resources before, saying that he was poor, RNM, pay back the money!

"Lord Fenglin is also increasing the price, and the leader of the Blood Fiend Alliance is also here.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect so many lords to hide so many resources."

"The leader of the tiger evil alliance is also here! The leader of the Luofeng alliance is also here! The leader of the mysterious turtle is also here!"

"I'm going, all the big guys have appeared, just for this reincarnation pool, which is rare."

"These big guys are all top-level arms, and each arm unit is a treasure, unlike ours, a large group, it's a rotten street.

"The price has soared rapidly, and it has actually broken through 10 million!"

A competition within the Dragon Kingdom, in which most of the top lords participated, was staged in the trading channel.

The soaring prices made many lords who participated in the bidding couldn't help but curse their mothers.

Why can't you live with yourself, this reincarnation pool is for yourself.

But all the lords thought so, and no one refused to back down.

The lord who participated in the bidding blushed.

The resources of every unit are precious.

They will consume more resources to increase their strength again, so they can better understand the preciousness of resources.

The lords onlookers laughed and watched the fun.

I haven't seen such intense bidding in a long time.

From time to time, taunt those lords who were eliminated by bidding and contracted their joy for the day.

And at the same time there is a happy man.

That is Shen Hui, the auctioneer of the Reincarnation Pool.

Seeing the soaring prices, I couldn't stop laughing.

With a subsequent auction, the price of the Reincarnation Pool stopped at 15 million.

It was bought by the lord of the mysterious turtle.

Fifteen million of the reincarnation pool was sold to the account of the endless source.

Plus an endless source of 26 million killing Satan.

There are also 1,200,000 endless sources of looting the Holy Court Alliance.

A total of 42.2 million endless sources!

This is the endless source that Shen Hui has obtained the most once so far.

【Lord: Shen Hui】

[Territory Level: Level 8]

[Strength Level: Level 109]

[Lord Skills: Evil Aura, Crown of Wisdom, Undead Calamity, Logging...]

[Currently owned materials: Wood: 215000 Stone: 218800 Endless Source:**]

More is more, but if you want to use it up, it will be fast.

The endless source of more than 40 million has completely built a barracks again.

【Chaos Altar is the only one】

【Quality: SSS】

[Effect: Everything is born from chaos, spend enough chaos points to exchange for anything you have seen (except for some special items, which cannot be exchanged for living creatures)]

[Current Chaos Points: 0]

[Note: One hundred units of Endless Source can be exchanged for one unit of Chaos Points]

[Exchange of Chaos Points for Castle of the Dead: 99999]

[Basic Barracks Exchange Chaos Points: 199999]

199,999 Chaos Points, exchanged with Endless Source, is more than 19 million units.

Now that resources are self-willed, Shen Hui directly chose to exchange them.

[(Good promise) Consume ** Endless Source and exchange 199999 Chaos Points]

[Consumed 199999 Chaos Points to exchange for a barracks]

[The number of Chaos Points to be consumed for the next exchange of barracks is doubled]

With the sound of the system's prompts falling, the Chaos Points are consumed and empty.

There was an extra barracks in Shen Hui's warehouse.

However, when I saw the last sound of the system prompting the people.

Shen Hui couldn't help curling his lips.

Originally, it was planned to exchange unlimitedly in the future to create a territory full of barracks.

Then his own Netherwalker really can't count.

But there is nothing to complain about, just having two barracks has already left the rest of the lords by a large margin.

Not to mention that it is definitely not a problem to exchange several barracks.

Shen Hui placed the barracks on the other side of the main city.

A barracks in the shape of an eighth-level church is located there.

Now you only need to upgrade one barracks, and both barracks will be upgraded.

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