Lord Of The People: I Have Countless Territorial Traits

Chapter 69 Territorial promotion pardon order! (please complete))

Lu Qing searched for a while, and finally found the regional territory in his personal information.

[Lord: Lu Qing (Green Emperor)]

[Strength: Bronze Superior] (actually silver top strength)

[Territory: Qingdi City]

[Territory level: Bronze lower level]

[Territory area: 2500m×2500m]

[Regional territory: unnamed wasteland (can be renamed once)]

[Territory characteristics: Devouring evolution (black iron, growable), primordial dragon nest (mythic unique), quadruple drop increase (silver), indestructible (platinum), Shadow Whistle Legion (bronze), Tiger Talisman of Soldiers (gold)]

See Lu Qing here.

Only then did he realize that his strength had been tested by the novice lord this time, and he had been promoted to the bronze superior.

Before, his own attention was on the battlefield of the dragon race and the monster "800".

He didn't notice his own strength.

He looked at the contents of the regional territory.

"I've already occupied this place, and it doesn't seem appropriate to call it Nameless Wasteland.

Lu Qing thought about it.

Then choose to change the name of [Nameless Wasteland] to [Original Dragon City].


The original dragon's capital!

Then he clicked on the description of the regional territory.

After reading.

He probably has a certain understanding of the regional territory.

As the territory controlled by the lord, the regional territory has two advantages for the lord.

One: Regional territories can greatly increase the territory of the lord, and within the territory, a large number of basic resources and corresponding rare resources will naturally be derived.

These resources can be picked at will.

The specific amount and rarity of resources depend on the grade of the region and the lord's territorial level.

Even in the lowest-level black iron area, if you harvest all the resources at one time, you can get millions of units of resources.

If you pay attention to recycling, you can completely make a black iron area provide resources continuously.

2: When a field area becomes the lord's area territory, the monsters in the area territory will not take the initiative to attack the territory territory!

The upper limit of the monster's strength growth will not exceed the level of the territory!

That is to say.

In the territory area, as long as they do not take the initiative to die and provoke the monsters in these areas, they can move freely in the area without worrying about being killed by monsters.

Moreover, if the monsters in the area are kept in captivity, these monsters can be used as slaughter resources for the citizens to improve their strength.

"if it is like this."

"The monsters in the area can be used as a 'leveling point' for the weak and small.""

"After the weak territorial people have a certain strength, they will go to areas outside the territory to participate in the killing. 99

Lu Qing's eyes lit up slightly.

With the increase of human population in the territory.

Coupled with the characteristics of the Tiger Talisman of the Soldier.

Lu Qing has already started to think about building a Terran army.

At that time, once the lord war is started.

The dragon army is responsible for the main output of the battlefield!

The Terran army is responsible for making up the sword!

This fit is also good.

Then he asked Zhou Quan, who was guarding at the door, to call Zhao Gongyi over.

After Zhao Gongyi came, Lu Qing changed the nameless wasteland to Primordial Dragon Capital and told him about the regional territory.

After Zhao Gongyi heard this, he immediately became excited.

Can I leave the territory during the day and go for a walk outside?

Lu Qing seemed to see his thoughts.

"You can only act in the original Dragon Capital."

"Leaving the original dragon capital, monsters will still take the initiative to attack our human race. 35

"Also remember to warn the under-strength human races in the territory, don't kill the provocative monsters just because of curiosity.

"They just don't actively attack, not they don't attack."

"Of course, if you have the strength and the territorial people of the fighting profession, you must encourage them to kill monsters to train themselves."

"After a while, when there are more people in the territory, I may build a human army.""

"You have to be prepared here.

Lu Qing reminded.

"Yes! Lord, I understand, I will tell others about these things!"

Zhao Gongyi said excitedly.


Lu Qing nodded.

Zhao Gongyi respectfully saluted and then left.

Lu Qing saw Zhao Gongyi leave.

His eyes fell on a package in front of him..

This is the extra mystery bonus.

Lu Qing reached out and took it, opened it and took a look.

A bronze-colored token lay quietly in the package.

He looked at it.

Gold text emerges.

[Treasure: Territory Promotion Pardon]

[Grade: Special]

[Treasure Ability: Use within 12 hours, you can avoid the resource requirements for territory promotion, and directly promote the territory to a small level. ]

[Introduction: Don't wait for it to be outdated. ]

[Current remaining time: 11:58:46s]

Time goes back one second at a time.

"This thing.""

Lu Qing was surprised.

Think about it.

I think this treasure is also good.

He upgraded his territory to Bronze Intermediate, and there were still two Bronze-level Territorial Hearts left.

With this, you don't have to spend time looking for it.

Before he came to the heart of the territory, he put the territorial promotion and pardon order on it.

The golden hint text appears.

[Whether to use the territory promotion amnesty order to exempt the resources for the next promotion of the territory, and directly promote the territory level?]

"Yes! 99

Lu Qing said.

The voice just fell.

[Congratulations on your territory being promoted to Bronze Intermediate Territory!]

[Your territory is expanded to 3200x3200m!]

[Due to the territorial promotion amnesty order, the additional increase to 4000x1.54000m!]

[The newly added territory will automatically expel the monsters that are inhabiting and enter the regional territory!]

[Add corresponding natural materials (wood, minerals, sand, plants...) in all territories!]

[The upper limit of the material level that can be born in all territories has been raised to Bronze Intermediate!]

Lu Qing observed this text.

"Territory has become all territorial.

"It should also include the regional territory."

"The expelled monsters were also expelled into the regional territory."

"I feel that after having the regional territory, the change is really big.

Lu Qing was a little emotional.

Then he looked at the Blue Star Human Race Achievement Treasure Chest.

ps: The wrong name description about the Light of Sanctuary has been changed back, the name is the Light of Sanctuary, not the Mistbreaker.

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