Lord Of The People: I Recruited A Mutant Succubus From The Start

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-First The Beastly Destroyed Army! (2 in 1!)

Listening to Nagai Kaede's words, the tumultuous new lords around him gradually calmed down.

"All the new lords will be repaired in place, appease their troops, and when the other new lords arrive, we will launch an attack directly."

After Nagai Feng finished speaking, he went towards his own troops, and the surrounding new lords also prepared.

"Hey, buddy, your soldier is the vine witch, can you lend me one?"

"Use? What do you want to do?"

"Hey, you understand."

"Fuck! Big brother, the tree vine witch is dry, can you do it too?"

"Dude, be accommodating, I'm addicted to anger, and the troops are still iron beetles, and I'm almost suffocated."

"Go on, play, play, play, don't take my arms as a joke."

"What are you in a hurry? Break through the succubus territory immediately, there aren't enough succubuses for you to vent?"

"Succubus! Hehe..."

It is naturally impossible for so many new lords to be completely quiet. After Nagai Feng left, everyone turned the topic of discussion to the succubus, but the voice was much lower.

Many new lords have begun to think that after this time, they have to capture a succubus no matter what.

For nothing else, just for physical and mental pleasure.


Black Mist Alliance chat group.

[Leader, the army that attacked the succubus territory has already reached the Black Mist Forest. Have you contacted the leader of Nagai Feng? 】

[Yeah, seeing that people are about to start fighting, if we don't act, we won't be able to keep up with the heat. 】

[Your mother's description is really good, but the leader really can't hesitate any longer. 】

Xu Xinghe frowned as he watched the news in the Black Mist Alliance chat group.

For the past two days, he has been observing the succubus territory.

He knew in his heart that Li Tianlan must have told Qi Qiqi that the succubus territory was about to be attacked by a large number of new lords and troops.

However, in the past two days, Qi Qiqi did not have any panic.

Still hunting in an orderly manner,

It's just today that I can't stay behind closed doors. Obviously, I got the news and I'm ready to start dealing with it.

What does this mean?

It shows that this guy has no fear at all about this siege.

It can even be said that there is a taste of fearlessness.

Although Xu Xinghe didn't know what Qiqiqi was relying on, he knew something in his heart.

That is the result of this joint attack, and there may be changes.

[I decided to wait and see, you can choose to join the attacking army, but remember, do not use the banner of the Black Mist Alliance. 】

Xu Xinghe's words appeared in the chat group of the Black Mist Alliance, which directly caused an uproar.

[Leader, what do you mean by this? Stop doing it? 】

[So many troops and new lords, just one round of attack, can break through the succubus territory, what are you still hesitating about? 】

[Yes, only by leading us can we get a share of this attacking army. 】

The members of the Black Mist Alliance spoke in the private chat group one after another, wanting to let Xu Xinghe take them to participate.

After all, there is still a big difference between the loot obtained by the loose and the alliance at the end.

Unfortunately, Xu Xinghe did not speak again.

The members of the Black Mist Alliance also loosened up, and some new lords couldn't bear the commotion in their hearts and chose to go alone to attack the army.

In their eyes, breaking through the succubus territory is just a matter of minutes. At this time, they don't have to work at all, and they can drink soup.

As for Alliance Leader Xu, it's not good to be too suspicious.

In the afternoon, the follow-up troops of the attacking army also came one after another and began to station in the black fog forest.

Nagai Feng looked at the more and more new lords and troops gathered around, and the excitement in his eyes became more and more intense.

With the increase in the number of new lords, the field is also complicated.

"When are you going to attack? My broadsword is already hungry."

"The big knife is hungry and thirsty? I see that some part of your body is hungry and thirsty!"

"Hahaha, I can't see it through without saying it. I have always heard that the succubus is so beautiful and attractive, and now I can finally see it right away."

"Brothers, be careful when fighting, try to hurt the succubus, don't kill it."

"That is, if you kill Qiqiqi, you will be able to subdue those succubuses, and then the brothers will be able to give the chicken a holiday!"

"Hey, don't be arrogant, listen to me, I'm bidding five hundred energy crystals, nothing else, I want an intact succubus, isn't that too much?"

A roar of malicious laughter came out, and a large number of new lords and troops around them made them unscrupulous.

More than 200 to nearly 300 new lords!

More than 20,000 troops!

What is this concept?

To deal with a small territory, it is simply sandalwood as firewood.


Moreover, there are not a few new lords who have heard the sound of the surrounding, adding up to more than 300 new lords.

Just as many new lords were discussing, an angry shout sounded.

"Grass! Which bastard sent the news that we were going to attack the succubus territory to the chat group! He even took a fucking photo and posted it, is this a slap in the face?"

"I saw it too. The nickname is that I have a problem with my brain. Who is the problem with my brain?"

"Fuck! Isn't this a slap in the face to startle a snake? There's a fucking problem with your brain."

The new lords around were swearing and swearing, all trying to find out this bastard who has a problem with my brain.

But so many new lords still only know the nicknames in the chat group, which is naturally difficult to find.

Nagai Feng also saw the news in the chat group, and frowned slightly.

Then, he stood up to appease the crowd.

"Everyone, don't be noisy, it will be exposed if you expose it. Anyway, we have already arrived at this place. The succubus territory is right in front of us, and they can't escape."

"Since the news has already appeared in the chat group, let's go straight ahead and station on the other side of the river ahead to block all retreats in the succubus territory!"

"It just so happens that you don't have to sneak to get water. This time, you don't need any conspiracy and tricks, just crush it directly."

Listening to Nagai Feng's words, the surrounding new lords also became excited.

"Leader Nagai Feng is right, just pull it out, no need for such ink marks!"

"Chongchong, it's done!"

Following Nagai Feng's order, the surrounding new lords started to move towards the exit of the black fog forest ahead.

Now that it has been discovered, there is no need to hide.

A large number of flying troops soared into the sky and came directly to the sky above the black fog jungle, screaming to their heart's content.

Finally, there is no need to suffocate and walk in the black fog forest with wings gathered.

The entire black fog forest shook, and a large number of troops moved forward recklessly, raising a cloud of dust.

From a distance, it was like a black wave surging in the black fog jungle, then rushed out of the black fog jungle and headed towards the river not far away.

In the succubus territory.

Ren Qi also saw the news in the chat group, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

These guys, who directly sent the news of the attack to the chat group, are really talented.

At this time, Luo Ming's news also came.

"Boss Qiqiqi, I saw the news in the chat group, they have already been besieged, do you really need my support?"

"Don't worry, Boss Qiqiqi, my arms are quite powerful now, and I can definitely help you."

Ren Qi responded with a smile: "No, I don't have to worry about it here. You should have met Xuan Ming and Tian Ji Zi, right? Just follow them."

"Oh, by the way, don't forget what I told you, take a picture of the two of them for me, and come back and let me see."

Luo Ming: "Well, I understand, you are also careful over there."

Just as Ren Qi wanted to turn off the private chat, Li Tianlan's private chat popped up again.

Li Tianlan: "You should have seen the news in the chat group, right? Are you sure you are ready? More than 20,000 troops are not child's play."

Ren Qi: "Don't worry, I've seen them all. I'm ready and everything will be fine."

The greetings from Xuan Ming and Tian Jizi came one after another, and Ren Qi also replied one by one.

Afterwards, after turning off the communication device, Ren Qi turned to look at the dwarf elder and said, "How is the heart of the dwarf preparing?"

The dwarf elder: "Reporting to the master, after the master has continuously rewarded various materials, the heart of the dwarf has been upgraded to the eighth order by us, but because the upgrade materials are too common, more energy crystals need to be consumed."

Ren Qi nodded. There are many precious materials needed to upgrade the heart of a dwarf, many of which are not available.

However, after the improvement of the dwarf elders, the dwarf heart has also been upgraded to the eighth order with many times the ordinary materials, but it needs to consume more energy crystals.

【Dwarf Heart】

[Grade Rank: Eighth Rank]

[The most powerful defensive item of the dwarf family, the heart of the dwarves created by the efforts of the dwarf king, can consume energy crystals to release energy protective shields to protect everything in it. 】

[Effect: Open the energy protective cover, which can block any attack of the eighth-order and below. 】

[Consumption: If it is not attacked, the heart of the dwarf consumes one energy crystal every day. If it is attacked, it will consume energy crystals according to the strength of the attack. Attacks below Tier 3 will not consume additional energy crystals. 】

[Quality: Damaged, because the eighth-order upgrade material is more common, the consumption of energy crystals increases by one third when attacked. 】

Ren Qi looked at the current attributes of the heart of the dwarf, and his eyes flickered slightly.

The heart of the dwarf is one of his defenses.

After all, among the attacking army, there are quite a few Tier 8 arms, if they attack from a distance, there is really no good way for them.

At that time, it is necessary to rely on the heart of the dwarves to defend.

I just don't know how the energy crystal consumption will be.

"You have been standing by the heart of the dwarf. After hearing my order, you will directly open the energy protection shield of the heart of the dwarf." Ren Qi looked at the dwarf elder and said.

The dwarf elder nodded, and then went straight to prepare.

Looking at Elis beside him, Ren Qi asked, "How are the preparations?"

Elis's eyes were sharp, and he said murderously: "Master, you can rest assured that all succubus are ready to fight to the death, and swear to guard the master!"

Ren Qi nodded, and then his eyes fell on the attacking army who had gathered the team in front of the river.

Seeing that many troops had already started drinking the river water, a smile appeared on Ren Qi's mouth.

In the past two days, he has not stopped helping the succubus to upgrade its level, the most important of which is the level of the deadly plague succubus.

Although the time to recruit the dead plague succubus is very small, there is already a level 30, and the rest have also been upgraded to level 20.

If there is an upgrade holy scroll now, Ren Qi will use it on them without hesitation.

At this time, the dead plague succubus was not in the territory, but had already gone to the upstream of the river ahead.


The river in front of the succubus territory.

The attacking army has already arrived here and has begun to station.

A large number of troops travel long distances, and what they need most is not food, but water.

"Hahaha, I originally thought that the water source would be our problem. After all, with so many arms, the amount of water required is not a small problem. I didn't expect that there would be a small river here. It's just God helping us."

"If you want me to say, you don't need to be stationed, just rush over and you're done."

"Fuck, there are so many high-level arms around, the eighth-order arms Hydra, the colorful kite, and the wind-type dragon. This is the first time I have seen so many high-level arms gathered together at close range, although it is our alliance. I was a member of the military, but it still struck me.”

Many new lords looked at the succubus territory that was so close at hand, and said one after another.

At this time, beside the Hydra Dragon, Nagai Feng was negotiating with several new lords with eighth-order arms.

Although he is the person in charge of this attacking army, only with a few people around can he command all the armies.

"Old Huang, Lao Liu, and these others are already stationed here, and the succubus territory is right in front of us. How can we attack?" Nagai Feng asked with a smile, his expression very casual.

Lao Huang, the lord of the colorful kite, said: "Is it worth thinking? Of course, it is a direct attack. The new lord's territory of this level can be won in minutes."

The wind dragon lord Lao Liu frowned and said: "Have you noticed? There has been no change in the succubus territory so far. Logically speaking, we are all stationed here, and he must have discovered it, but in the territory ahead The succubus is still as usual, this is not normal!"

Although it is said that there are exploration-type arms in the attacking army, the mirages in Ren Qi's territory are still relatively high-grade, and they will not be easily discovered if they are not close to the exploration.

So what the attacking army sees now is still a mirage.

"What's this? I guess I was scared stupid." A new lord beside him said.

Old Huang raised his eyebrows and said, "Maybe it's an empty city plan? Or Qiqiqi has already run away, leaving only a few succubuses inside to attract our attention?"

Lao Liu said, "No matter what, I think you should be more careful and send reconnaissance troops to investigate the situation in the succubus territory."

"Is it necessary? I think it's a waste of time, including that we are wasting time now. We attack directly. I will sleep with the succubus tonight." A fiery-tempered eighth-order lord said.

Nagai Feng's eyes flickered, listening to the voices of the people around him, and said: "Everyone, you have also seen the atmosphere of the new lords around you, and you are all eager to try, Lao Liu, it is good for you to be cautious, but I must not be suppressed. Otherwise there will be trouble."

"Right now, while the new lords around me are eager to fight, I will go straight to destroy the succubus territory."

Listening to Nagai Feng's words, Lao Liu thought about it, and then nodded.

"That's right, just do it!"


Several new lords with the eighth-order arms around nodded, and officially decided to directly attack the succubus territory!

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