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A large number of Ghana people gathered in front, looking at Ren Qi and others in front of them.

The Ghanaian who was headed was Gabriel.

Gabriel stared at Ren Qi and the others in front, his eyes were full of anger.

"Did you touch the Holy Land?" Gabriel said angrily, looking at Long Yi in front of him.

Long Yi's eyes flickered slightly, and he knew in his heart that the holy land that Gabriel mentioned was the forbidden land.

It seems that the Ghana people know about the movement of the forbidden land by some means.

This is a bit of a hassle.

The Ghana people are completely loyal to the Protoss, and it can even be said to be foolishly loyal.

Now the Ghana people know what happened in the forbidden land, and they actually waited here to surround them.

"Holy land? It's just a tomb, but you still treat it like a treasure." Long Yi looked at Gabriel in front of him and said with disdain.

Although the fighting strength of the Ghana tribe is very strong, the fighting strength on their side is not weak.

Especially the Longyuan Sword in Ren Qi's hand, which almost wiped out the Ghana clan at the beginning, causing the Ghana clan to still have a shadow on this sword. .

In the past, Long Yi also relied on the position of this sword to arrange for the clan to guard.

When Gabriel heard Long Yi's words, he was instantly furious!

"Presumptuous! How dare you insult the Holy Land like this, and you are disrespectful to the Protoss! Damn you!"

Gabriel roared angrily, and then directly charged towards Long Yi who was in front of him.

At this time, the Ghana people around Gabriel also swarmed up in an instant, directly rushing towards Long Yi, Ren Qi and others in front of them.

Without any hesitation, Long Yi directly brought his own clansmen to greet him.

Ren Qi and others also ordered the troops to attack, and greeted the Ghana people in front.

The Ghana's attack power is very strong, but the number of Ghana in front is not too many, only about five or six hundred.

Ren Qi's troops quickly swarmed over, basically forming a two-on-one situation.

But even so, the Ghana people are still not at a disadvantage, and even some have the upper hand.

Ren Qi's eyes flickered slightly, and then he handed the Long Yuan Sword to Elis.

Although before, Ren Qi used the Long Yuan Sword to kill a lot of demigod-level and god-level powerhouse soul bodies, but Ren Qi knew in his heart that it was because of the soul body.

But now, facing the opponents of the Ghana family, his own strength is still a bit overwhelming.

In this situation, the Longyuan Sword is in the hands of Elis, and it is the one who can exert the greatest combat power.

Elis took the Longyuan Sword, and without any hesitation, rushed towards the Ghana people in front of him.

In front of a Ghana tribe, Elis raised his right hand slightly, and a huge dark black lotus rose up, directly wrapping the Ghana tribe in front of him.

However, soon, the dark black lotus flower was directly broken open, and the Ghana people rushed out with a slightly pale face.

However, what it rushed out to face was directly the Longyuan Sword in Elis's hand.

The sharp sword light rose and fell directly on the Nagana clan in front of him, instantly cutting its body apart.

Facing the sharp Longyuan Sword, even the Ghana people with high physical strength could not resist it at all, and the body was directly cut into several parts.

However, Elis also took a breath. The blow just now fully exerted the power of the Longyuan Sword, and it was still relatively heavy for Elis.

Soon, Elis turned his attention to the other Ghana around him.

At this time, Long Yi also fought with Gabriel.

Gabriel was holding a huge sword in his hand at this time, which was very huge.

This is a heavy sword!

The heavy sword has no edge, but it is very powerful, and it is even more beneficial to deal with a creature with a huge body like Long Yi.

Gabriel flapped his wings behind him,

After escaping Long Yi's attack, he quickly came to the middle of Long Yi's body, and the heavy sword in his hand smashed directly towards Long Yi's body.

'boom! ’

The epee fell directly on Long Yi's body, causing Long Yi to scream in an instant, and his body bent heavily.

Like a bowed shrimp.

However, then Long Yi also waved his tail and threw it directly onto Gabriel's body, sending Gabriel flying out.

Gabriel quickly stabilized his body and moved towards Long Yi again.

I don't know how heavy the handle is, but every time it is swung, it can bring a huge wind, like a storm.

And when the heavy sword fell on Long Yi's body, it directly made Long Yi's body instantly stiff, almost spurting blood.

Soon, Long Yi began to fall into the disadvantage.

At this time, the elemental elf queen who had killed several Ghana people came to help, and the colorful light instantly shot from the staff in the hand of the elemental elf queen and fell directly on Gabriel.

Gabriel groaned in an instant, and a small hole was burned in his body.

The sharp eyes glanced at the elemental elf queen, and Gabriel continued to charge towards Long Yi.

Killing this guy first can relieve a lot of pressure.

The Elemental Elf Queen obviously saw Gabriel's thoughts, and directly increased her attack!

Facing the constant attack of the elemental elf queen, Gabriel could only dodge constantly, and then quickly attacked Long Yi.

In the face of Gabriel's fierce offensive, Long Yi was also a little unable to resist.

Being hit by the heavy sword again, Long Yi's body was instantly bent, and then he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and his expression instantly became sluggish.

Gabriel directly improved his breath and wanted to take the opportunity to kill Long Yi.

At this time, dark vines rose up, directly blocking Gabriel's next attack.

The Dark Elf Queen broke through the guards around Gabriel and came to support him.

At this time, Long Yi's situation was not good. There were many wounds on his body, and blood was spilling from the corners of his mouth. He looked a little embarrassed.

However, the situation of Gabriel in front is also not so good, and there are many wounds on his body.

However, at this time, Gabriel seemed to have used some kind of secret technique. Although there were many wounds on his body, his breath did not weaken, but rather increased.

Looking at the elemental elf queen and the dark elf queen in front, Gabriel's eyes showed a hint of hatred.

"Damn! Damn!"

Gabriel gritted his teeth and roared, and then a golden light quickly emerged from his body.

The golden light quickly enveloped Gabriel's body, making it seem as if he had directly transformed into a little golden man.

At the same time, Gabriel's breath became very strong, and even climbed a lot.

Moreover, Gabriel's body swelled a little again, looking more burly, like a little giant.

Looking at Gabriel's appearance, Ren Qi frowned slightly, seeing some familiarity.

This Gabriel's appearance is somewhat similar to the golden giant angel with wings on his back.

'boom! ’

After Gabriel's breath increased, he stepped on his feet suddenly, and then quickly rushed towards Long Yi who was ahead.

As soon as Long saw this, his expression became extremely dignified, without any hesitation, his body was instantly entrenched, ready to go all out to meet Gabriel in front of him.

At this time, the elemental elf queen also started directly, and a large number of colorful rays of light began to condense on the staff in her hand.

These colorful rays of light quickly condensed together, forming an extremely sharp aura.

‘Om! ’

This colorful light shot out instantly, as if it had penetrated the void, causing the surrounding air to make a trembling sound.

Then, this colorful light came directly behind Gabriel and shot towards its wings.

Gabriel's body was illusory for a moment, as if it was mapped in the water, and twisted.

The colorful light fell directly on Gabriel's body, and it burst open in an instant, and the huge sharp breath directly wrapped Gabriel's body.

However, then Gabriel's body was like the moon in the mirror, a ripple appeared, and then disappeared.

The elemental elf queen was stunned, and then with an ugly face, she saw Gabriel's body appearing beside Long Yi in front.

With the heavy sword in his hand just now, Gabriel slashed down towards Long Yi, who was in front of him.

The pitch-black vines emerged again, quickly woven together, and condensed into a large black net, which directly greeted the epee that fell from Gabriel's hand.

'Crack clap! ’

With the sound of grinding teeth, these pitch-black vines were instantly smashed by the sharp breath on the epee.

Although the heavy sword was blocked and buffered, it was still slashing towards Long Yi quickly.

At this time, Long Yijuan shrank his body, looked at the heavy sword that fell towards him, and slowly opened his mouth!

A dark dragon ball slowly emerged from Long Yi's mouth, and a large number of dark rays of light bloomed directly from the dark dragon ball.

The epee fell, the dark rays of light bloomed, and the two soon touched each other.

The golden light and the dark light touched together, then quickly merged, and then suddenly contracted.

In the end, all the power suddenly burst open!

'boom! ’

A huge muffled sound sounded, and the golden light and the pitch-black light exploded, filling the surrounding space in an instant, wrapping everything in it.

All the light slowly dissipated after two minutes.

In front of Long Yi's body, he flew upside down and landed on the ground. His mouth was constantly spewing blood, and his expression was very sluggish.

The situation of Gabriel in front is also very bad, there are many wounds on the body, and even some cracks appear.

He was holding the epee, his right hand trembled slightly, and the epee in his hand was constantly shaking, as if he was exhausted.

Looking at Long Yi in front of him, there was a hint of hatred in Gabriel's eyes.

It's a pity that this guy was not killed!

‘Om! ’

A colorful light shot from behind him again. Gabriel turned around with the heavy sword in his hand, and blocked the attack of the elemental elf queen with the heavy sword in his hand.

'boom! ’

A large number of colorful rays of light bloomed on the body of the element elf queen, which directly filled the surrounding space.

At this time, everything around him seemed to stand still.

When the colorful rays of light fell on Gabriel's body, these colorful rays of light began to condense, as if they were frozen.

There was a look of horror in Gabriel's eyes, but he found that his body seemed to be unable to move.

The condensed colorful light soon came to Gabriel's side, and was about to 'freeze' Gabriel's body

When the golden light burst out from Gabriel's body again.

'Crack clap! ’

Cracks appeared on the condensed colorful rays of light in an instant, and then accompanied by a shattering sound, all the surrounding colorful rays of light were shattered.

Gabriel was panting heavily, a trace of blood appeared on the right hand holding the heavy sword, and the right hand trembled violently.

Glancing at the elemental elf queen behind him, Gabriel gritted his teeth, then turned and ran away.

Compared to other Ghanaians who would only die in battle and never retreat, Gabriel obviously knew how to be flexible.

However, no one would let Gabriel leave so easily.

‘Om! ’

A sword chirping sounded, and Elis, who was on the battlefield not far away, threw out the Longyuan Sword in his hand.

Elis has been paying attention to the battle here. After seeing Gabriel's serious injury, without any hesitation, he directly threw the Longyuan Sword out of his hand.

Long Yuanjian slid through a silver light in midair, and then quickly sank into Nagabriel's chest.

The speed of Long Yuanjian was extremely fast, and it just didn't give Gabriel any chance to react.

Gabriel stared blankly at the Long Yuanjian on his chest, stunned for a moment.

Then, seeing the Longyuan Sword on his chest, Gabriel's eyes showed a hint of fear.

Gabriel just screamed, and a strange sound came out of Gabriel's mouth, making all the creatures around who heard the sound stiffen.

Even the trembling Long Yuanjian regained its calm in an instant.

Gabriel quickly pulled out the Longyuan Sword from his chest, quickly threw it towards the back, and then quickly fled in the distance.

The voice fell, and everyone's stiff bodies recovered. Looking at Gabriel who fled ahead, Elis, the Queen of the Elemental Elf and the Queen of the Dark Elf did not hesitate, and just chased after them.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Gabriel fled wildly at this time, completely lost the previous spirit.

The direction he fled was where the Ghana people gathered!

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