The onslaught of Mughal invasion forces came quickly, but ended even more quickly.

Less than a minute after the fifth-tier heavy cavalry unit led by Lu Bu had a formal confrontation with the heavy cavalry unit of the Mughal Empire's invasion force, the right wing of the Mughal Empire's invasion force phalanx was confronted by the reinforcement cavalry unit of the Imperial Guards from the Yihou Territory. Ferocious attack.

When the Mughal Empire's invading troops realized that their cavalry phalanx was being attacked on three sides, and only the number of heavy cavalry troops on the front was relatively small, they turned their heads and prepared to retreat without hesitation.

Although the number of fifth-tier heavy cavalry soldiers on the front is small, after rushing past these heavy cavalry soldiers, what greeted the heavy cavalry troops of the Mughal Empire was a shield wall composed of fourth-tier guards and a large number of fourth-tier crusaders behind the shield wall. .

It was also the commander of the Mughal Empire's invasion force who saw the opportunity quickly and gave the order to retreat without hesitation. Gao Lan, Lu Bu, and Su Buqing who had gathered together had to turn their horses' heads and chase after them.

Qu Mao's three cheat summoning skills have been released, and it doesn't make any sense to continue to follow the troops, so he returned to the Maocheng construction site ahead of schedule.

From the time when Qu Mao and Su Yan realized that the enemy cavalry was coming in the zero-level residential house, until Qu Mao returned to the zero-level hut on the Maocheng construction site, even half an hour did not pass. Qu Mao rushed to the battlefield and released Three cheat summoning skills earned a full 10,000 cheat points.

Soon, Su Yan, Su Buqing, Lu Bu and Gao Lan walked into the zero-level residence where Qu Mao lived.

Su Buqing cupped his hands and saluted, "My lord, please forgive me for the late rescue."

Qu Mao waved his hand and said: "There is no need to say this, your reinforcements came in a timely manner, go and count the battle damage."

Su Buqing did not leave, but cupped his hands and said with a smile: "My lord, thank you for adding 390,000 new soldiers to our Imperial Guard. The 390,000 new fighters will be assigned to the Praetorian Guard after the Mughal Empire's invading forces have stabilized their confrontation.

The operation carefully planned by the subordinates to lure the enemy deep did not achieve the expected results. The enemy commander was too cunning and ran too fast. "

"Elaborate planning?" Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, with a bad premonition lingering in his heart.

Su Buqing said: "Yes, my subordinate commissioned intelligence personnel to spread the news to the Mughal Empire invasion force, saying that you are here, my lord.

But after Lord Zhang He sent the news, his subordinates knew that their fake show was real, and you and Lord Su Yan really came here. "

Qu Mao said angrily: "Damn it! You bastards, Zhao Pan did the same thing last time."

Su Buqing smiled and said: "My lord, when you inspected the Jilihou country, Mr. Zhao Pan leaked your whereabouts to the rebels and mob leaders of the Jilihou country, and then gathered the rebels and mobs of the Jilihou country together. And the inspiration obtained from the incident of Jianzhi.

The only regret is that you and Su Yan really came here, my lord. "

Qu Mao said disdainfully: "Who knows if you deliberately used the two of us as bait, or it was really just a coincidence."

Su Buqing said: "My lord, my subordinates have been leading troops here to confront each other so as not to consume the vitality of the Mughal Empire's invading troops. This subordinate thinks that they are just soldiers who fettered our army for nothing, especially now that they are fettered by Marquis Moner. The total army strength on the border between the Kingdom and the Mughal Empire is as high as 2 million. Once the Dali Kingdom participates in the battle on the battlefield of the Qingyi Principality, the subordinates think that we will be very passive.

That being the case, it is better to lure the snake out of the hole and gradually eat away the strength of the Mughal Empire's invading troops. After all, in terms of military strength, our army has the advantage. "

Qu Mao thought for a while and said, "I don't really want to be a bait, but Su Buqing has a point in saying so.

Let's count the battle damage, I hope this time it will be a better result, it is really us who are consuming the strength of the Mughal Empire invasion force, not the Mughal Empire invasion force is consuming our force. "

Soon Lu Bu and Gao Lan returned to Qu Mao's zero-level residence together, glanced at Su Yan and Su Buqing, but did not speak.

Qu Mao asked: "My lords, what is the loss of our army?"

Gao Lan said: "My lord, our army has not lost much. The fifth-tier heavy cavalry and fifth-tier court guards killed 1,781 and injured 1,212, and the fourth-tier light cavalry killed 311 and injured 981.

The casualties among the fifth-tier heavy cavalry and the fifth-tier imperial guards were mainly fifth-tier heavy cavalry. After all, the fifth-tier imperial guards of the imperial guards were only rushing reinforcements, and the frontal charge was all the fifth-tier heavy cavalry of our army. "

Qu Mao turned pale with anger, glared at Su Buqing, and said angrily: "In less than an hour of combat, 2092 soldiers were killed and 2193 soldiers were injured. These are all fourth-tier fighters and fifth-tier fighters. And it's cavalry, soldiers are casualties, how can war horses be good?"

Deep down in his heart, Qu Mao hated it even more. Such a large casualty of soldiers was at least a loss of 40,000 to 50,000 points of cheating points. Perhaps these heroes were acquired by soldiers too easily, and they didn't cherish the lives of soldiers at all. stay high.

Lu Bu squeezed out a smile and said, "My lord, you are soft-hearted and always reluctant to bear the casualties of our soldiers. But the brave man wins in hand-to-hand combat and chooses to gallop the battlefield as a soldier. How can there be no reason not to suffer casualties?

In this battle, we killed 4,421 cavalrymen of the Mughal Empire’s invading troops, captured 6,712 enemy cavalrymen, and captured more than 3,000 horses. The enemy’s formed troops who fled back were probably less than 10,000, and tens of thousands of others were captured. Our army chased and broke up.

It may not be an easy task for the Mughal Empire invasion force to completely gather these nearly 30,000 fleeing fighters.

Even for the more than 10,000 cavalry who retreated back smoothly, the subordinates believed that many were injured, so the subordinates considered this battle a big victory. "

Seeing that Qu Mao's face was still in a bad mood, Su Yan said: "My lord, since ancient times, in combat, one thousand enemies have been killed and eight hundred self-damaged. In this battle, we used more than 4,000 casualties to defeat the enemy's 50,000 cavalry. The army caused more than 40,000 enemy casualties, which is already 1 to 10 battle losses. It is a big victory, and our soldiers are a big victory."

Qu Mao sighed, and said: "I understand the truth of killing an enemy by one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred, but after all, it is our robe, who was working together just a moment ago, and suddenly life and death are separated, it will always make people feel sad .

Su Buqing, Gao Lan, and Lu Bu paid for the dead soldiers and treated the wounded soldiers. The prisoners of war were escorted to the King's City of Moner and then dealt with. Zhen Fu should now persuade the prisoners to surrender on the battlefield of the Qingyi Principality.

If they can be persuaded to surrender in the Marquis of Moner, they will be persuaded to surrender, and they will be resettled in the Duchy of Liusu, the Marquis of Jill or the Marquis of Luanshan. "

"Yes, my lord!" All the heroes answered Qu Mao in unison.

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