Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1012 Inspection and Secret Fortification

On May 3rd in the fifth year of Tianxuan, the troops stationed at the border of the Marquis of Moner in the Yihou Territory dispatched a total of more than 100,000 troops to attack the Mughal Empire in retaliation for the invasion of the Mughal Empire's invasion force on the construction site of the Yihou Territory. Fortification operations within the empire were raided.

The entire raid and harassment operation lasted only half a day, and ended with 0 deaths and 17 minor injuries in the Yihou territory, and nearly 10,000 soldiers and civilians of the Mughal Empire were killed and countless injuries were reported.

As for how long the Mughal Empire's fortification plan would be delayed due to this raid, Qu Mao did not make an in-depth assessment, but the impact of a few days is definitely not small.

In any case, after being attacked and harassed once by the troops of Yihou Territory, although the Mughal Empire's invading troops would still harass the Maocheng construction site and the Yancheng construction site, the frequency and intensity were much smaller.

At least on May 4th and May 5th when Qu Mao and Su Yan were still staying at the Yancheng construction site, the total number of times the Mughal Empire invaded troops harassed the Yancheng construction site and the Maocheng construction site did not exceed five times.

In about three more days, the fifth-tier city walls of Maocheng and Yancheng will be completed. At that time, it is only necessary to station the second-tier archers and third-tier swordsmen troops in the garrison camp into Maocheng and Yancheng. Worried about the harassment of the Mughal Empire's invading forces.

Qu Mao and Su Yan have been staying at the construction site of Yancheng. In fact, they are waiting for the completion of the fifth-level city walls of Yancheng and Maocheng to form an encirclement. Once this task is completed, the mountains and lakes where Maocheng and Yancheng are located The grassland border with a total of nearly 100 kilometers in between will be solid, and there is no need to continue to hoard 1.8 million troops on this grassland of less than 100 kilometers.

Of course, the anti-harassment action reduced the frequency and intensity of the Mughal Empire's invasion forces. Qu Mao and Su Yan naturally needed to amplify the convenience of defense brought by this town.

In the early morning of May 6th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Su Yan led 300,000 troops alone, Qu Mao led 300,000 troops to the west, Su Yan led 300,000 troops to the east, and patrolled Yihou territory and The confrontational frontier of the Mughal Empire in the Monar Marquis.

This border line is 1,200 kilometers long. Of course, Qu Mao and Su Yan are not just for patrolling the border. It is not very meaningful to patrol the border now. The reinforcements of the Mughal Empire's invasion force have not arrived. On the long border line, The strength of the Mughal Empire's invasion force was not deployed.

The main purpose of Qu Mao and Su Yan leading the army to patrol the border is to secretly build a first-order city wall in the area where towns need to be built to confront each other, and enclose the town first.

As long as the Yihou Territory plans to build a town on the border of the Marquis of Moner and surround it with a first-level city wall, and guard 10,000 to 30,000 low-level soldiers at will, the Mughal Empire's invading troops will have to pay more than 5 times if they want to break through This is why Su Yan and Qu Mao each brought 300,000 troops.

The location of the construction of Maocheng and Yancheng happens to be the midpoint of the 1,200-kilometer border.

According to the agreement between Su Yan and Qu Mao, Qu Mao will go west to the border of the Mughal Empire, Monerhou Kingdom and Mofeihou Kingdom, another aboriginal force, and will build the five towns that still need to be built in the entire western border. , all the first-order city walls of the main town were built.

The same is true for Su Yan, who has built all the first-order walls of the four towns that need to be built in the east, because Suramar has already built towns about 100 kilometers away from Port Monell in advance.

The 300,000 troops led by each of them will leave 300,000 to 50,000 troops to garrison each time a city wall is built. Therefore, the 300,000 troops led by Qu Mao and Su Yan are mainly infantry, and the number of cavalry is 100,000. No more than 50,000 people.

Of course, neither of the second-tier archers brought them. They usually brought third-tier princess guards, third-tier swordsmen, fourth-tier crusaders, and fourth-tier guards.

Even with the 3-meter-high city wall guard provided by the first-tier city wall, even if the Mughal Empire's invading troops dispatched soldiers of the same level, they would need more than five times as many troops to completely capture it.

What's more, once Qu Mao and Su Yan completed the task of secretly building the city wall, Jia Kui would immediately arrange for more low-level guard soldiers to take over these border towns.

The 300,000 army led by Qu Mao bypassed the huge lake from the direction of the Marquis of Moner and continued to advance westward.

The 300,000 army led by Su Yan also bypassed the mountains from the direction of Marquis Moner and marched eastward. According to Qu Mao's request, Suramar has set out from Moner Port to build the first town in the east with professional fortification craftsmen rushed over from other independent territories in advance.

Qu Mao felt that once all the 12 towns were built, and each town was designated with 50,000 garrison soldiers and 400,000 cavalry from the army and Janissary, then the 1,200-kilometer border between the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire would form a border. A complete defense network can be defended impregnably with only 1 million troops.

Now, Yihou Territory has deployed more than 2 million troops in the Marquis of Moner. Once the towns are all built, at least 1 million troops can be released. Whether these troops return to the Holy Land for military upgrades, or rush to help Qingyi It is a better choice to take the initiative to attack the Mughal Empire from time to time on the battlefield of the principality, and even continue to arrange it in the territory of the Marquis of Moner.

After bypassing the lake, Qu Mao's army laid out the construction of the first-order city wall of the first town. Qu Mao also laid out the shadows of the city hall, the city lord's mansion, the granary, the material warehouse, the military camp and the medical room. The first priority, the functional buildings in the city wait until the city wall is built and then it is not too late to be on duty for construction.

After guarding for one night, when all the foundations of the first-order city wall were laid and 20 centimeters above the ground, Qu Maocai left 60,000 troops and led the rest of the troops to continue westward.

Before setting off, Qu Mao and Su Yan repeatedly emphasized that they should avoid the surveillance of the Mughal Empire's invading troops and build the city wall quietly. Even if the location of the town was different from the originally planned location, they would not hesitate to do so.

But in fact, after going out, Qu Mao found that he and Su Yan were thinking too much. The Mughal Empire's invading troops simply didn't have enough energy to control the 1,200-kilometer border, and they didn't even have scout troops for surveillance.

Leaving 60,000 troops to defend the construction site, Qu Mao just didn't want any accidents.

The city walls of Yancheng and Maocheng are both 2 kilometers long, but the other surrounding walls, Su Yan, Qu Mao and Suramar have agreed that they are all 1.5 kilometers long, and the 1.5-kilometer first-order city walls are on duty day and night. , Even if soldiers are on duty inside the construction, it can be completed in a week at most.

There are 60,000 soldiers guarding the city. Even if the Mughal Empire invaders discover the construction site and mobilize troops to attack, it will take a few days. After the first three days, the first-tier city walls are generally repaired to a height of about 2 meters. The troops can rely on the city wall under construction to defend, and it should be foolproof, not to mention that the Garrison, Army, Magic Army, and Imperial Guards always have Tier 3 sentry troops to and from the city building troops and between Maocheng and Yancheng.

Of course, before leaving the city construction site, Qu Mao will also optimize the town construction planning drawings and hand them over to the city construction troops, such as reservoirs, ditches, etc., and the locations of various buildings. The requirements and positions are marked on the drawings, which will be completed by the city building troops themselves.

After arranging the construction task of a town, Qu Mao led the remaining troops to continue westward.

Busy until May 11, the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Maocai inspected all the borders of the northern border of Moner Marquis less than 600 kilometers away from the west, arranged the construction tasks of five towns, and left almost all the troops , now there are only about 20,000 troops left with Qu Mao, of which there are only 2,000 third-tier princess guards left in the infantry.

But Qu Mao has also arrived at the junction of the three kingdoms of Moner, Mughal Empire, and Murphy. All five towns have been built, but the last town is still 65 kilometers away.

Around the junction of the three countries, Qu Mao wandered for a long time, repeatedly surveyed the surrounding terrain, after much deliberation, Qu Mao decided that another town must be built at the junction of these three countries, even if this town has a future Do not build guarded villages around.

After all, this place is still 65 kilometers away from the last town on the western frontier. Even if a guard village is built around that town in the future, the junction of the Three Kingdoms and Yihou Territory will still be at least 60 kilometers away from the inhabited area of ​​the Marquis of Moner. Once the enemy chooses to sneak into the Marquis of Moner from here, it will inevitably become a loophole in the defense of the northern border.

After thinking it over clearly, Qu Mao did not hesitate to lay out the shadow of building the first-order city wall, but considering that there were only 20,000 soldiers left around him, Qu Mao limited the construction length of the first-order city wall to 1 kilometer.

The one-kilometer-long town at the junction of the three countries will definitely be a military fortress in the future, and the number of residents will definitely not be too many, but it will be a very important defensive point, so it doesn't matter if it is small.

The side length has been shortened by 500 meters, and the overall time will be shortened to about 4 to 5 days. Therefore, Qu Mao left all 2,000 third-tier princess guards and 10,000 fourth-tier light cavalry guards here. .

After arranging the task of building the last town, Qu Mao led 8,000 fourth-tier light cavalry at eight o'clock in the morning on May 12th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, and began to rush towards Maocheng.

Although the northern border of Marquis Moner was only occupied in this battle, due to the continuous fighting, there are few residents on the border. There are 8,000 fourth-tier light cavalry guards. Qu Mao believes that there will be no problems on the road.

Because he led the troops all the way to the west, Qu Mao rarely saw enemy troops and residents, basically he didn't see any people, and it was desolate.

Starting from the construction site of Yancheng on May 6 and returning now, I have been on the west line for a full six days. It is estimated that when I return to Maocheng, it will definitely take a week. The progress of the town's construction.

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