The battle losses of the Qingyi Principality made Qu Mao feel very uncomfortable. Although the losses after the soldiers were killed, the cheating value can be used to quickly make up for it, but Qu Mao was unwilling to send the heroes, soldiers and Residents are simply regarded as NPCs in the game, but treat everyone around them as living and emotional people.

In more than a month, the Qingyi Principality lost more than 1.25 million soldiers on the battlefield, which made it difficult for Qu Mao to accept, but all the heroes also felt very wronged, and there would naturally be casualties in the battle. On the Qingyi Principality battlefield, Yi After all, the territory was victorious.

Qu Mao simply did not discuss the battle damage with the heroes, but asked the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief of each army to formulate a specific plan for conquering the Qingyi Duke's royal city.

But what Qu Mao asked was how many soldiers would be killed or killed in order to capture the Qingyi Duke's King City and capture the entire Qingyi Dukedom, so Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, Sylvia Ocean and Sophie Trani looked at each other in dismay, Not sure how to answer this question.

Shanks Reid said: "My lord, the navy only played an auxiliary role in the process of conquering the King City of the Green Wing Duke and the subsequent capture of the entire territory of the Green Wing Duke.

The navy will devote all the remaining marines in training and naval magicians to assisting in operations, and will also deploy 10,000 third-tier jumping assistants to assist in operations.

Because the navy is only positioned to assist in combat operations on the follow-up battlefield of the Principality of Green Wings, so the casualties will not exceed 10,000. "

Sylvia Ocean nodded approvingly.

Qu Mao said: "The marines and naval magicians who are in training have lost so much on the battlefield, and you still throw all the last bit of seeds into the battlefield. It's thanks to you that you can figure it out.

Is there a follow-up training program for Marines and Naval Magicians? "

Sylvia Ocean said: "My lord, the Jidao military factory has sent 5,000 sets of standard equipment for marines to the Reef Chain Naval Military Base, and my subordinates specially arranged for Justin Smith to return to the Reef Chain Naval Military Base, asking her to According to the 5,000 sets of standard equipment provided, recruit and train 5,000 marines again..."

Qu Mao waved his hand to stop Sylvia Ocean, and said: "Not enough, not enough, given 5000 sets of equipment, do you only train 5000 marines?

Sylvia, I think that with the current size of the navy, at least one million marines need to be trained. In the future, I plan to hand over all of the anti-Yizhen alliance's god-chosen player lord forces to the navy.

The marines and naval magicians trained by the navy in March are almost lost, and now you have to cast even a bit of seed in the battle to conquer the King City of the Green Wing Duke.

You don't have enough Marines, fill it with your Marines?

The Anti-Yi Town Alliance has dozens of god-chosen player lord forces, and the combined territory is larger than the combined territory of the Tassel Principality, the Green Wing Principality, and the Ten Marquis..."

Sylvia Ocean's eyes lit up, and said: "My lord, is there such a big thing waiting for the navy?

Please rest assured, my subordinates will send Master Li Huamei back to Nancun Naval Military Base to continue training and recruiting 10,000 Marines. Argot and Ivan Woodin train 50,000 marines at Takeshi Port.

As for naval magicians, Reef Chain Naval Military Base, Nancun Naval Military Base and Wucheng Port should each train 2,000.

The navy will not participate in the Qingyi Duke King City Raid Battle and the subsequent Qingyi Duke Territory Raiders. The rest are training marines and naval magicians. Training of new marines and naval magicians.

Please rest assured, my lord, before the end of July in the five years of Tianxuan, the navy will definitely have a million marines and naval magicians for you to use when you attack the anti-Yizhen Alliance God's Chosen player lord force. "

Only then did Zhao Pan say: "My lord, although there are three five-tier walls inside and outside Duke Qingyi's royal city, my subordinates believe that the number of casualties in this battle will not exceed 100,000.

According to the information in the city fed back by the soldiers of the army's special forces in training: the total number of third-tier fighters and fighters above the third-tier fighters gathered in the King City of Qingyi Duke will not exceed one million.

Now our army has more than 2,000 special forces soldiers in training lurking in the King City of Qingyi Duke. When we launch a siege operation, they will assassinate the generals and commanders of the Qingyi Dukedom who organize the defense of the royal city, and will also open the door at critical moments. The city gate is convenient for our army to charge and assault.

Therefore, the subordinates don't think that under such circumstances, our soldiers will suffer too many casualties. "

Qu Maodao: "Zhao Pan, don't forget that in the previous battles, even the official magicians in the magic army were killed in battle. How did you convince me that the casualties of our soldiers can be controlled when we attack the King City of Qingyi Duke?" Within 100,000?"

Sophie Trani said: "My lord, the Blue Wing Principality has a magic army of about 100 people. The main reason is that our magic army fought too smoothly in the past, and we didn't consider that the enemy might have a magic army.

The subordinates did not notice for a while, causing the magician and the magic academy to step into the trap of the enemy magic army. The casualties of the magic army on the battlefield of the Blue Wing Principality are all the responsibility of the subordinates..."

Qu Mao waved his hand and said, "I'm not here to hold you accountable, I just feel reconciled to the soldiers who died in my Yihou territory.

In the future battles to conquer the King City of the Duke of Green Wings and capture the entire territory of the Duke of Green Wings, I hope you will take this as a warning and minimize the casualties of our soldiers.

This is why I repeatedly asked you when to launch the general attack on the Qingyi Duke's King City, and when to launch the battle to capture the entire Qingyi Dukedom, including the specific plan of the battle, how many troops are needed, etc. Casualties of soldiers.

The surplus of 1.3 million soldiers on the northern front is transferred to your western front, can it reduce the casualties of soldiers when conquering the Qingyi Duke's King City and seizing the entire Qingyi Dukedom? "

Zhao Pan said weakly: "My lord, of course we hope that 1.3 million high-level fighters with combat experience can be reinforced on the western front, but we have to mobilize 1.3 million troops from the battlefield of the Marquis of Moner to the battlefield of the Principality of Green Wings. It will take at least half a month.

The plan discussed by the subordinates and several other commander-in-chiefs did not give such a long time. We plan to take over the entire territory of the Qingyi Principality within half a month. The only uncertain factor at present is that the Dali Kingdom has already organized Millions of troops are ready to rush to the battlefield of Qingyi Principality anytime and anywhere. "

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