Su Yan nodded, turned around and explained a few words to Liu Sansi, handed over all the troops to Liu Sansi, and followed Qu Mao to the room where Qu Mao lived in the Qingyi Duke's palace.

After entering the room, Qu Mao said: "Su Yan, sit down first and have a cup of tea before we talk."

Soon, a third-tier princess guard soldier from the easy princess royal guard entered Qu Mao's room with two cups of tea. Qu Mao and Su Yan each took a cup of tea and sipped.

Putting down the teacup, Su Yan said: "My lord, I have heard from many heroes that you have been unhappy since you entered the Qingyi Principality. What's on your mind?"

Qu Mao grinned and said: "There is nothing unhappy, after seeing Su Yan you, there is nothing unhappy.

A few days ago, it was mainly because I knew that after so many soldiers were killed on the battlefield of the Qingyi Principality, I felt a little sad in my heart. I wondered if I made a mistake in changing the rhythm of attacking the main continent, so my mood was a little low. "

Su Yan said helplessly: "My lord, since we are going to send troops to fight, we must be prepared for the soldiers to spill blood on the battlefield.

The subordinates believe that as long as our soldiers can take more than double the enemy casualties, it is worthwhile, and it is nothing more than that we pay more compensation to the families of the dead soldiers. "

Qu Mao said indignantly: "Every time there is a war, I will spare no effort to prepare a large number of combat soldier recruitment coupons for the major military branches. I originally wanted to suppress the enemy's force superiority, but I didn't expect that every time our soldiers fight It was a heavy loss.

Ever since I knew that the Principality of Pengda was researching gunpowder, I also became a little anxious. I didn’t dare to continue to attack the main continent steadily. The Marquis of Napoleon, the Marquis of Gillette, and the Marquis of Monel did not manage well, and a large number of people had to be moved from the holy land to these four princes to build our towns.

It seems that they are still impatient and can't eat hot tofu, and haste makes waste. Now the Qingyi Dukedom has suffered heavy losses on the battlefield, and almost no people in the Holy Land can move out.

Although we have more frequent battles to attack the main mainland, no matter whether it is the Marquis of Auspicious, Napoleon, Gillette or Moner, or the territory that has been occupied by us in the Green Wing Principality, it has not given us any support. The territory brings greater benefits, but it actually increases the number of fighters in our Yihou territory. "

Su Yan sighed, and said: "My lord, everything has advantages and disadvantages.

Since you have already talked about this, my lord, let me talk about my concerns.

Speeding up the strategy of conquering the main continent will naturally speed up our progress in fighting for hegemony on the continent. The expansion of the territory and the increase in the total number of residents are obvious benefits. However, it is naturally more difficult for the administrative rule, the return of the residents, and the residents to live and work in peace and contentment.

We forcibly seize the land and country of these residents by force, and they will naturally hate us, so it is reasonable that the residents of these newly seized independent territories are not loyal. There is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world.

Now because of our stable rule, we are concentrating on the construction of towns in the newly captured independent territory to house the residents of our holy land. Isn’t it possible to evacuate the residents of the holy land, and secondly, to stabilize the rule of the newly captured territory?

It's just that the residents of the Holy Land in our Yihou Territory suddenly expanded during several wars, and a stable social and family structure has not yet been formed. In addition, the number of residents transferred from the Holy Land during this period is too large, which caused the population of our Holy Land to be emptied all of a sudden. .

What the subordinates are now worried about is: the population of the Holy Land has been relocated, and the subsequent development speed will inevitably slow down. "

Qu Maodao: "I have already asked Liu Sansi to arrange people to return to the Holy Land, and sent Kong Ming a recruitment coupon that can recruit 600,000 excellent-level qualified residents and 900,000 excellent-level qualified residents. More than 60 vocational and technical schools are preparing for enrollment in the fall, but the number varies, and at least more than 1 million people can be freed up.

Moreover, this time we will expand the number of students enrolled in the 36 universities and more than 60 vocational and technical schools in the Holy Land in the Tassel Principality and the six major kingdoms.

In my letter to Kong Ming, I request that in the autumn enrollment, at least 300,000 residents recruited by the 1.5 million resident recruitment coupons will be recruited, and the Tassel Principality and the Six Marquis States will try to recruit another 600,000. In this way, the autumn enrollment scale can be expanded to There are an average of 10,000 people in each school. After three or four years, there will be a large number of professional talents output. "

Su Yan nodded and said: "Master, with your arrangement in the Holy Land, although it is not enough to replenish all the relocated residents, it can at least replenish more than 2 million people within a month, which is a great supplement. Although Half of these residents have to go to school to study, not counting the social labor force.

As time goes by, the subordinates believe that in the independent territory we conquered from the main continent, those residents will be able to eat their stomachs, and the pressure of being ruled will not be as great as before, and they will definitely have less and less rebellion and resistance to us. .

The subordinates are still worried that the gold coins in our territorial account have been consumed very quickly recently, and it will be very troublesome to continue to expand the army and prepare for war. "

Qu Mao opened the attribute panel of Yihou territory and said: "The total population of the territory has exceeded 1.5 billion, and the total number of soldiers is estimated to be no less than 30 million.

I replenished the territory account with 65 million gold coins in late March, and now the remaining gold coins are less than 10 million. How long has it been? "

Su Yan sighed and said, "My lord, this is what my subordinates are really worried about.

The number of soldiers is increasing, the military expenditure is increasing, and the newly captured territories are waiting for us to invest more gold coins, but the residents of the newly captured territories cannot produce economic benefits.

The more territory we occupy, the more pressure we will have, which will wear us down sooner or later.

The Nandi Chamber of Commerce does not engage in population transactions, and can barely earn 100,000 gold coins a year; the North Island Chamber of Commerce estimates that its income is only 50,000 gold coins in one year.

150,000 gold coins, not even one day's military expenditure. "

Qu Mao tapped the table with his fingers and said, "After Liu Qianhui returns from Fulu Principality, we will call a meeting with the core heroes to adjust our strategy.

At least wait until the Green Wing Principality and the other four newly captured Marquis States are digested, and they can barely maintain a balance of income and expenditure before proceeding with the main mainland strategy. "

Su Yan nodded and said: "My lord, Lord Liu Qianhui is expected to land in Qinggang tonight, and arrive at Qingyi Duke's King's City tomorrow evening, then we will make a good plan.

If Master Liu hadn't wanted to visit the Qingyi Principality, we could actually go to Qinggang to wait for Master Liu, and then go straight back to the Holy Land. "

Qu Mao said: "Don't worry about it for a few days, the Duke of Fulu should support some of our population, wait for Liu Qianhui to come back."

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