On the morning of June 10th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, the veteran heroes of Yihou Territory gathered in a meeting room on the third floor of the Lord's Lodge. The heroes Qu Mao convened this time were not based on the departments under the Lord's Lodge, nor the commanders of the five major armies. The Ministry will not come to inform, but will be selected according to the time of entering the Yihou Territory and the number of people involved in the affairs of the Yihou Territory.

So only Su Yan, Kong Ming, Liu Qianhui, Xuande, Su Qiaoer, Xinping, Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, Chafidel, Sylvia Ocean, Fuer Swamp, Sophie Trani came , including Qu Mao, a total of 13 people.

After Qu Mao announced the start of the meeting, Su Yan informed the participating heroes of the current development status of Yihou Territory, including a series of data such as population, territory area, number of soldiers in the army, account resources, and gold coin balance.

All the heroes were very excited after listening to Su Yan's report. In the second year of Tianxuan, most of these people were already in the Yihou Territory, but at that time the Yihou Territory was still in a predicament with a population of less than 10,000, and the holy land had only just been developed. There are only three islands, Yi Island, Outlying Island and Sky Island.

In just three years, the Yihou Territory has developed into a major power in the Eastern Continent, occupying about a quarter of the Eastern Continent, with a population of over 1.5 billion.

Even the Mughal Empire, which ranks first among the aborigines in the Eastern Continent, can only confront the troops of the Yihou Territory at the border between the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire, and dare not directly invade the Marquis of Moner .

The Marquis of Murphy, which is on the border of the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire, is also trembling, sending envoys to the Mughal Empire for a while, and sending envoys to the Marquis of Moner for a while.

However, it is obvious that in the Eastern Continent, the power of the Lord of the Chosen players has far surpassed that of the aborigines, and all of Qumao's Yihou territories have been able to compete with the Mughal Empire, which ranks first among the veteran aborigines. , and the strength of the Principality of Pengda surpassed that of the Yihou Territory by more than a thousand in the lord strength ranking list.

In the east of the Eastern Continent, the anti-Yi Town Alliance's dozens of god-chosen player lord forces are almost the same as the Yihou Territory's noun on the lord strength rankings.

Therefore, the Yihou Territory has developed to the present point in three years. The heroes attending the meeting are very excited, but Qu Mao still feels that it is still not enough. Be small.

After Su Yan's report, Kong Ming continued to report the achievements of the industrialization and technological development of Yihou Territory, including the enrollment of each school in this autumn, and the average enrollment scale of each school is planned to exceed 2,000.

Kong Fu did not come to the meeting, and Kong Ming had already handed over all the resident recruitment vouchers that Qu Mao had sent back to recruit 1.5 million residents to Kong Fu for processing.

This means that in another 20 days, there will be 300,000 more students in the Holy Land of Yihou Territory. After three to four years, these students will be active in various fields of Yihou Territory and contribute to the development of Yihou Territory again. , It will inevitably lead to another opportunity for comprehensive development in Yihou Territory.

Especially when they heard that 36 universities and more than 60 vocational and technical schools in the Holy Land would expand the enrollment quota for the aboriginals of the Tassel Principality and the Six Kingdoms in the autumn enrollment, the heroes were even more excited.

After Kong Ming finished his report, Qu Mao looked at the excited faces of the heroes, sighed, and said, "Everyone, the achievements we have made in the development of our territory are indeed worthy of everyone's pride.

But I don’t know if you have noticed: we still have more than 5 million soldiers fighting hard and brilliantly in the Principality of Green Wings, and on the border of the Marquis of Moner, we also have more than 2 million soldiers fighting against the invasion forces of the Mughal Empire Persevere hard.

In order to transform the territories that our warriors fought bloodily on the main continent as soon as possible, we had to build a large number of towns and cities managed by our own residents on the territories we captured, which caused the population of our holy land to move outward again and again. migrate.

Heroes, the total population of the Holy Land in our Yihou Territory is only 5 million, and 1 million of them will be relocated within the next month.

Among the remaining 4 million people, apart from soldiers, heroes, officials and students, we don't even have working residents.

We don't even have 10 million gold coins in the account of Yihou Territory. The large number of soldiers means that we have to spend a lot of military pay at the end of the month. Now the remaining gold coins are not even enough for the military pay at the end of the month.

Now, the territories that our soldiers have taken in blood, not only cannot be our benefit, but instead become our burden. "

Su Qiaoer said: "My lord, Master Zhang Da is building a garrison city in the southeast area of ​​Qingyi Principality, and five passes around the garrison city. Once it is built, the family members of the guard soldiers in the Holy Land will be moved out. The remaining population of the Holy Land is estimated to be 3 million. It is not enough to maintain the normal production of the Holy Land."

Qu Maodao: "So in the future, if we want to continue to maintain the current speed of the main mainland attack, it means that there will be no population in the Holy Land to migrate out, so as to ensure that the newly acquired independent territories can be smoothly brought under our rule."

Zhang Da said: "My lord, why don't the family members of the security forces move to the security city?"

Su Qiaoer said: "My lord, it is very necessary to relocate some of the more outstanding residents from the Liusu Principality and the six major princes, including the Marquis of Jili, the Marquis of Gillette, the Marquis of Napoleon and the Marquis of Moner, to the Holy Land."

Su Yan said: "Other populations have migrated to the Holy Land. I am afraid it will take a certain amount of time for them to fully accept the Holy Land and form a sense of honor and loyalty."

Zhao Panchang sighed, and said: "Sir, after all, you still think that our progress in conquering the main mainland is too fast, or else the military system will be temporarily delayed. After defeating the Green Wing Principality, we will start the next half of the year." a war."

Chafidel smiled and said: "Zhao Pan, your lord's worries are very reasonable, don't feel wronged.

I also think that although the adults have provided us with a large number of high-level fighter recruitment coupons, in fact, our army has no fighters, but the combat strength is not strong, which is very bad.

We can't rely on the number of fighters every time we fight on the main continent. I think our army needs to stop and improve the combat effectiveness of existing fighters. "

Zhang Da also said: "Yes, my lord, the number of the garrison now exceeds 15 million, and it is the military branch with the largest number of soldiers in the Yihou territory. The subordinates also feel that our garrison troops are not strong enough, so we need to stop and completely rectify the training, improve Combat strength..."

Xinping smiled wryly and said: "Masters of the military system, I think what you said is very reasonable, but the reality may not be as optimistic as everyone thinks. Please take a look at the map."

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