On the morning of July 1st of the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao attended the autumn entrance ceremony of the fifth year of Tianxuan University of Yicheng University hosted by Kong Ming and Kong Fu.

At the entrance ceremony, Qu Mao did not deliver any speeches. Kong Ming delivered speeches on behalf of the Lord’s House, and Kong Fu delivered speeches on behalf of the Ministry of Education. Of course, the president of Yicheng University also delivered speeches.

In the fall enrollment of the fifth year of Tianxuan, Yicheng University admitted 16,000 new students, which is considered to be the top enrollment scale among all 36 universities and Wucheng Military Medical University.

Sitting on the rostrum, Qu Mao silently looked at the dark crowd of freshmen sitting on the playground of Yicheng University, filled with emotion in his heart.

Among the 16,000 new students, Kong Ming and Kong Fu were selected from the 1.2 million residents with excellent and excellent qualifications, there were also freshmen selected from the Duchy of Tassels and the Six Marquis States, and there were even those selected from the Duke of Green Wings. New students selected from among the children.

No matter where these freshmen come from, Qu Mao looks very satisfied. Four years later, these 16,000 freshmen will become outstanding talents in various development routes of Yihou Territory.

In the past, I always felt that the speed of cultivating talents in the Yihou Territory was too slow, and I always disliked the four-year schooling system of universities and the three-year schooling system of vocational technical schools, but after fighting several big battles in the mainland, Qu Mao felt that his mood was calm. a lot.

The construction of the 36 universities in the Holy Land started after taking over the Duchy of Tassels, and taking down the Duchy of Tassels was basically a matter of the beginning of the fourth year of Tianxuan. Now almost a year and a half has passed, and the first batch of college students have graduated. In the next two and a half years, and now that the Yihou Territory is going to develop peacefully for at least half a year, Qu Mao doesn't feel that long in an instant.

After the opening ceremony of Yicheng University, Qu Mao did not go to other schools to attend the opening ceremony with Kong Ming and Kong Fu, but returned to the lord's hut.

After staying in the four industrial islands in the south for more than 20 days, Qu Mao felt that it was necessary for him to rest in his own room in the lord's hut, and carefully study all aspects of the development of the Yihou territory.

At noon, according to Qu Mao's request, Xinping sent Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, and Sophie Trani a comprehensive battle report on the Qingyi Principality's battlefield.

After reading it briefly, Qu Mao sighed. Since the Yihou Territory captured the Qingyi Duke's King City, in the follow-up campaign to attack the Qingyi Dukedom's uncaptured territory, the Yihou Territory's troops once again paid a full 300,000 soldiers The price of death.

By the time the entire territory of the Qingyi Principality was captured, the total number of soldiers killed in the Yihou Territory on the battlefield of the Qingyi Principality had exceeded 1.6 million, and the total number of wounded soldiers was as high as 2 million. Among the wounded soldiers, it is estimated that At least 400,000 will retire due to injuries and become residents of Yihou Territory.

The Green Wing Principality was originally a super principality with a population of more than 1.5 billion. However, after taking over the entire territory of the Green Wing Principality, one-third of the territory of the Marquis of Moner has not been planed out to increase the population of the Yihou Territory. The population has reached 1.7 billion. It can be seen how heavy the killings were by the soldiers of the Yihou territory on the battlefield of the Qingyi Dukedom, and more of them were the residents of the Qingyi Duke's royal family who were foolish and loyal.

On the morning of June 22, the fifth year of Tianxuan, all the battles on the battlefield of the Qingyi Principality came to an end. In the past more than a week, Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, and Sophie Trani have been on the border between the Qingyi Principality and the Dali Kingdom. The construction of 5 military towns began, and now the first-order city wall has basically been completed and encircled.

After discussing with Zhao Pan and others, they plan to leave a total of 900,000 soldiers to guard the five military towns on the frontier, and the remaining nearly 2 million soldiers will return to Wucheng in Jierhou State or the garrison city in Qingyi Principality one by one to rest. , of course the fortified city is still under construction.

On the battlefield of the Marquis of Moner, Su Buqing also finished discussions with Mo Yangqiao and Jia Kui. On July 5, he led all the Imperial Guards back to Yi Island, the holy land of Yihou, the border between the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire. The 13 military towns still maintain a confrontation with about 1.7 million troops.

Of course, the follow-up garrison army and magic army will also change their defenses. It is estimated that the troops deployed on the border between the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire will drop to about 700,000 in the end, not counting the port of Moner, which the navy is responsible for defending.

After the battle of the Yihou Territory Navy on the battlefield of the Qingyi Principality, the Qingyi Fleet was quickly formed. After the defense of Qinggang, Feigang and Yigang was transferred to the Qingyi Fleet, they withdrew to Wucheng Port and Nancun. Base and Reef Chain Naval Military Base.

Obviously, Sylvia Ocean and Fur Swamp are considering building a brand new naval military base on the west coast of the Green Wing Principality. After all, the coastline of the Green Wing Principality is the first stop when sailing from the Central Continent to the Eastern Continent. .

The establishment of a naval military base along the coast of the Principality of Green Wings can provide a frontier supply center for the mainland to send troops in the future. Qu Mao also expressed his agreement with this plan of Sylvia Ocean and Full Swamp.

In his bedroom, Qu Mao lay reclined on the bed, flipping through the information sent by Xinping one by one. The Yihou Territory has begun to implement the six strategies that Qu Mao decided on June 11. The entire Yihou Territory has begun to return to calm. In terms of internal affairs The development is carried out rapidly.

Liu Qianhui and Zhen Fu also began to send envoys to different aboriginal forces non-stop. They visited the aboriginal forces in the inverted U-shaped area of ​​the Eastern Continent, exchanged alliances, and merged matters. Although the results have not yet been achieved, at least the aboriginals have been envoys. Forces are not life-threatening.

Of course, on June 29, when Qu Mao discovered that the number of gold coins in the account of Yihou Territory was less than 2 million, he kryptonated 20 million cheating points in one breath, and purchased 300 million gold coins in the cheating mall to supplement Yihou In the territory account, Qu Mao even transferred an additional 50 million gold coins in his backpack to the Yihou territory account.

So far, the number of gold coins in Qu Mao's backpack has returned to less than 1,000, but there are more than 350 million gold coins in the Yihou territory account.

If the Yihou Territory no longer expands its army and does not carry out large-scale infrastructure construction, Qu Mao estimates that the 350 million gold coins will be used at least until the end of Tianxuan's five years.

Moreover, as the territory of Yihou strengthened its rule over Qingyi Principality, Jilihou Kingdom, Jiliehou Kingdom, Napoleon Kingdom and Monerhou Kingdom, Qu Mao believed that there would be a period of peaceful development for half a year. A principality and four marquises, to varying degrees, will bring some gold coins to Yihou's territory, and the basic poll tax will definitely increase some gold coins.

"Peace is really hard to come by. I hope that this period of peace can help the Yihou Territory digest the results of the main continent's battle. After digesting the independent territory of the main continent, the Yihou Territory will definitely have more potential." Qu Mao told himself silently.

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