Since it was decided not to upgrade the Yihou Territory and the lord's hut, the Yihou Territory focused on the development of the Holy Land's industry and technology, as well as the stability of the rule in the independent territory of the Eastern Continent.

On December 15th of the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao had just returned from the four industrial islands in the south to the hut in Yihou Territory, when Su Yan greeted him and dragged Qu Mao to Qu Mao's bedroom on the fourth floor of the lord's hut.

Qu Mao looked at Su Yan in astonishment, and said, "Su Yan, it's hard for you to go back to the holy land once, so there's no need to wait for me in the living room of the lord's hut, right?"

Su Yan said excitedly: "My lord, the number of gold coins in our Yihou territory account has reached 310 million gold coins."

Qu Mao looked at Su Yan in astonishment, and said, "Oh, is there anything strange about this?"

Su Yan rolled her eyes at Qu Mao, and said, "My lord, since you added 350 million gold coins to your account at the end of June, we have conquered four more Xiaohou kingdoms in the inverted U-shaped area of ​​the Eastern Continent.

The subordinates remember that when we had a meeting in September, there were only more than 300 million gold coins left in the account, and now it has reached 310 million gold coins, which shows that our rule on Dongdalu has entered a stable period, not only can we maintain a balance of payments, There is even a small amount of balance. "

Qu Mao smiled and said, "Su Yan, this may have something to do with the massive layoffs of the army and the garrison."

Su Yan smiled, and said: "My lord, disarmament has always consumed more gold coins, because not only the military salary has to be settled in advance, but also the retirement resettlement fee is paid.

There is now a small amount of surplus, which means that the Duke of Green Wings, the Marquis of Jili, the Marquis of Gillette, the Marquis of Napoleon, and the Marquis of Moner have been able to create value for the territory of Yihou. In the second half of the fifth year of Tianxuan, there is still a certain amount of investment in the four newly captured princes on the Eastern Continent, which can be regarded as the most outstanding achievement in internal affairs. "

Qu Mao said helplessly: "That's right, it's a very good achievement. Su Yan, you, the Chief Internal Affairs Officer and Queen of the Tassel Kingdom, have made great contributions.

Su Yan glared at Qu Mao, and said, "My lord, this subordinate is not here to ask you for credit."

Qu Mao patted Su Yan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I know, after working hard for half a year, the development of our Yihou Territory has indeed achieved fruitful results. 5 million, but the combat strength is stronger than in the past.

After a series of reorganizations, the garrison has been reduced from 100 million soldiers to 80 million soldiers, and its combat effectiveness has not declined.

Among the navy's 45 million soldiers, there are 500,000 in the Navy's magic army, and 800,000 marines have been trained.

The total number of soldiers in the Magic Army has reached 600,000, of which more than 200,000 are formal magicians. The magic school and the magic apprentice training courses in various magic towers have also provided the Magic Army with a large number of magic apprentices.

The number of Imperial Guards in the Holy Land has been maintained at about 500,000. Counting the royal guards sent out, the total number is probably close to 600,000.

You must know that our population has reached 1.8 billion, and the total force is less than 180 million.

The princes, duchies, and kingdoms of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alliance also allow our Nandi Chamber of Commerce and the North Island Chamber of Commerce to do business in their countries, which makes the combined profits of the Nandi Chamber of Commerce and the North Island Chamber of Commerce at the end of this year exceed 1 million Gold coins, almost 50 times higher than last year.

So to have the current situation, I think it is all reasonable. "

Su Yan smiled and said, "My lord, if I had known that peace could bring such great benefits, we shouldn't have fought so fiercely in the first half of the fifth year of Tianxuan."

Qu Mao said: "It has been silent for about half a year, and I am afraid that we will still have to fight next year. After all, the power of the Chosen players and lords is developing very fast. If we continue to remain silent, what we will develop will always be economic strength, not comprehensive strength. Overtaken by other Chosen player lords."

Speaking of this, Qu Mao couldn't help but take a look at his cheating system. Seeing a total of 50 million cheating points, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After the gold coins, the Yihou Territory basically stopped large-scale infrastructure construction projects, and Qu Mao's cheating value can only be provided by industrial products.

In just half a year, Qu Mao was surprised to return to the cheating value above 50 million points. At the same time, it also increased a lot of confidence. With the cheating value, Qu Mao felt that his confidence to face the challenge was much stronger.

Su Yan threw herself heavily on the chair in the small living room of Qu Mao's room, leaned on the back of the chair, looked up at the ceiling, and murmured: "My lord, do you know that all the reservoirs and water storage in the four southern industrial islands are The pool has been filled with water, and the scenery is beautiful now?

The four kingdoms conquered in the first half of the year, the Duke of Green Wings and the four kingdoms conquered in the second half of the year are gradually recovering their prosperity, and the most prosperous areas are basically the towns built by our Yihou territory.

Seeing these achievements, the subordinates felt that they were in a dream.

A few years ago, my lord, when you picked up your subordinates at the seaside, although your subordinates had thoughts of restoring the country in their hearts, they always felt that it was just an extravagant hope, and they always thought that this life would be wasted on this isolated island..."

Qu Mao walked up to Su Yan again, patted Su Yan on the shoulder, and said, "Su Yan, in the sixth year of Tianxuan, we will speed up the progress of the attack on the Eastern Continent, and soon the Tassel Principality will be upgraded to the Tassel Empire. It will change from Her Majesty to Her Majesty the Queen.

You will see the more powerful territory of Yihou, no, it may be the territory of Yi Gong, or even the territory of King Yi or Emperor Yi.

do you know? There are 6,721 factories on the 15 islands in the Holy Land that are owned by the lord's hut, and the total number of factories built by the residents themselves is also 872, not counting the 100,000 handicraft workshops.

These factories are all creating taxes for our territorial accounts. "

Su Yan sat up straight and said, "My lord, it seems that the number of our troops is a bit small.

With a population of 1.8 billion, we don't even have 180 million soldiers. "

Qu Mao smiled and said: "Before the plenary meeting in ten days' time, we will communicate with the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief of each army separately. I will ask them to give priority to the deployment of army and navy personnel."

Su Yan nodded and said, "My lord, you just have to have your own plan.

The subordinates believe that half a year's production of so many military factories should be enough to support our Yihou territory for another battle to conquer the Principality level. "

Qu Mao waved his hand and said, "If we go to war now, it will not be as simple as just fighting a principality.

Su Yan, you should prepare for the general hero meeting on December 24th. I have to call Kong Ming and Kong Fu to discuss the spring enrollment of each school in the sixth year of Tianxuan. "

Su Yan nodded and said: "Yes, my lord! You go to your business first, and the subordinates will go to prepare for the meeting."

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