Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1046 Special Planning of the Navy

Both Sylvia Ocean and Foll Swamp were so invincibly calmed by Qu Mao's question that they didn't even know what to say.

Qu Mao looked at the predicament of Sylvia Ocean and Fuer Swamp, sighed, and said: "Sylvia, Fuer, the number of warships replenished by the navy far exceeds I promised you 1800 ships at the beginning of the year, but I found that the Navy is still desperately training conventional naval fighters and deploying warships.

The two of you have to think carefully about whether it is possible for Tianxuan to capture all the territories of the lord forces of the 27 God-Chosen players in the Anti-Yizhen Alliance in six years, and don't expect the army to have leisure time or extra soldiers to support you. More arduous combat tasks.

Sylvia, when you were in the Principality of Blue Wings, you told me that you could finish training 1 million marines in August, but now it seems that you have only trained about 600,000 in total.

With these 600,000 marines, can your navy defeat the lords of the 27 Chosen players of the Anti-Easy Town Alliance? At most, the garrison is to receive the towns captured by your navy and then guard them.

And the Lords of God's Chosen players are not much different from the military situation in our Yihou territory. There is a high probability that they will have a large number of high-level army soldiers, and the number of heroes will definitely not be small.

Whether the Navy can complete this task, you two must know for sure. "

Fuer Swamp raised his head and said seriously: "My lord, this subordinate believes that the Navy can swear to the death to complete all the tasks that your lord has entrusted to you."

Qu Mao nodded equally earnestly, and said, "Fuer, I absolutely believe in your determination. But after half a year of recuperation, all the heroes of our army must put an end to the thought of exchanging the lives of our soldiers for victory. What we want is A low-cost victory.

Now that your marines and naval magicians are not well trained, when do you plan to launch a war in six years?

well! You two discuss with the naval heroes and decide on your own. The Garrison can only provide support for defending the city after the city is captured. You can’t count on the Army. The Imperial Guard and Magic Army may be able to support you a little bit.

My idea is: the navy has tens of thousands of warships and hundreds of millions of naval soldiers, and before Kong Ming’s successful research on shipboard artillery, the total number of marines and naval magicians exceeded 5 million.

It doesn’t matter if you attack the lords of the 27 God of Choice players in the Anti-Yizhen Alliance. It doesn’t matter if you delay the time. The navy really has no way to take it down by itself. You can also wait for the army to capture the Mughal Empire and cooperate with the navy to fight together , Take all the territory of the Anti-Yizhen Alliance in one fell swoop. "

Sylvia Ocean said with a serious expression: "My lord, the navy doesn't need to wait for the army to help, at most, after returning, the subordinates and Fuer will urge the naval heroes to continue to train a large number of marines and naval magicians. "

Qu Mao glared at Sylvia Ocean and said, "Since you don't think the army is needed, why do the training of marines and naval magicians always talk nicely and not act?

When you were in the Principality of Blue Wings, you told me that one million marines could be trained before August, but now it is obviously not possible. "

Sylvia Ocean said: "My lord, the exclusive equipment for marines produced by the Jidao Military Factory can't keep up, and it's not enough for the subordinates to simply select soldiers from the Navy's third-tier jumping helpers to train marines.

Is it necessary to train some troops from the navy's second-tier ship shooters that can carry out long-range attacks on the road? My subordinates are currently considering, and the army has fifth-tier bed crossbowmen and sixth-tier ballistas, and the navy has ship-borne ballistas. The subordinates are also considering whether to train large-scale long-range equipment arms. "

Qu Mao nodded, and said: "At the beginning, marines and naval magicians were just the exclusive training units I provided for the navy's reference. I will still support you without principle on the navy side, but specifically, do you want to train some exclusive marines and marines?" Combat arms, Sylvia, this is something you and Fuer need to consider.

I personally think that large-scale long-range equipment is still necessary. Combining the experience of iron smelting in Shacheng, the Marquis of Gillette, I estimate that Kong Ming will soon break through the material problem of the artillery barrel, and the artillery may be manufactured soon. The Navy The way of fighting will undergo a huge change. "

Sylvia Ocean and Faur Swamp looked at each other, and nodded to Qu Mao together.

Zhao Pan said: "My lord, you just said casually about the military expansion and preparation plan. There is no problem with the Garrison, the Imperial Guard, and even the Magic Army, but for the army, it may be difficult to complete the troop doubling plan that you requested, my lord.

Army soldiers are mainly fourth-tier fighters and fighters above the fourth-tier fighters. There is no way for sixth-tier fighters and seventh-tier fighters to use our barracks to replenish, and the number of advanced fighter certificates is completely insufficient.

The subordinates believe that our army has no way to complete the plan to multiply the number of soldiers in the army, and you must provide additional support, my lord. "

Qu Mao knew that Zhao Pan was telling the truth, rolled his eyes, and said: "Zhao Pan, the army will first transfer the soldiers who have made contributions to the Qingyi Principality battlefield, Moner Hou Kingdom battlefield, and the four Hou Kingdoms in the second half of the year. Finished, and then give me a list of the types and quantities of fighters needed, and I will make up a batch for you.

But let me tell you first, Chafidel is also here, and the soldiers who replenish the army are not for you to consume on the battlefield, but to be treated as your own robes.

The training of army special warfare fighters does not require barracks. You can’t give me a discount on this aspect. I think 1 million is not enough now. You should at least train 1.5 million army special warfare fighters. "

Zhao Pan and Chafidel said together: "Yes, thank you sir!"

Su Buqing and Wei Qubing glanced at each other, and Su Buqing said: "My lord, since you have promised to replenish the army, my subordinates suggest that all the war horses bred on the Kongdao Ranch, Jidao Ranch and Liandao Ranch be allocated to the guards. military.

The imperial guards need to expand the number of fifth-tier palace guards, and horses are the key. The guard force has expanded to 1 million, and the subordinates believe that the fifth-tier palace guards must be increased by at least 100,000. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Su Buqing, you should discuss with Zhang Da of the garrison about the allocation of our own war horses. The third-tier cavalry sentries and fifth-tier gendarmes in the garrison both need horses.

Of course, I am also aware of the bottleneck of raising war horses in the Holy Land. The soldiers are really not enough to replenish, so discuss it with Zhang Da and make a list for me together, and I will add some to you. "

Su Buqing nodded, and said: "Yes, my lord! The subordinates will reach an agreement with Mr. Zhang Da first, and strive to not need you to provide it.

But if there are not enough war horses, he will definitely speak to the adults. "

Zhang Da also said: "Don't worry, my lord, the expansion of the garrison should not be a big problem."

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