On December 24th, the fifth year of Tianxuan, all the heroes of Yihou Territory gathered in the large conference room on the second floor of the lord's hut, and held a summary meeting for the fifth year of Tianxuan Territory of Yihou. Achievement, let all the participating heroes hear their blood boil.

Qu Mao put forward the higher expectations of the six years of Tianxuan, and then invited all the participating heroes to have a banquet in the tavern that has been expanded many times opposite the lord's hut.

After enjoying a sumptuous dinner, the heroes at the meeting began their vacation life in the Holy Land of Yihou Territory. Qu Mao gave the heroes a vacation until January 1st of the sixth year of Tianxuan. In fact, some of them were in the main continent or other fields. Heroes with important jobs also left the Holy Land early and returned to their jobs.

For example, Kong Ming and Kong Fu, although they are still in the Holy Land, are exhausted to urge the island owners to use all the resident recruitment vouchers given by Qu Mao that can recruit a total of 2.1 million residents.

Currently, what Qu Mao is paying close attention to is the Spring Festival enrollment work of 36 universities and more than 60 vocational and technical schools in the holy land of Tianxuan six years ago.

The 15 islands in the Holy Land of Yihou Territory are very lively because there are many more heroes and their subordinates on vacation, and new residents are constantly being recruited.

The four industrial islands in the South turned out to be the most popular gathering place for heroes on vacation. After all, most of the heroes in Yihou Territory had the experience of hunting and upgrading on Dry Island.

Now all the water conservancy projects on the four southern industrial islands have been completed, and after a rainy season of water storage, the reservoirs, rivers, ditches and cisterns have been filled with fresh water, making the scenery on the southern industrial four islands beautiful and pleasant.

Especially around Lvlin Town of Liandao, after eight months of continuous afforestation by the residents of Lvlin Town, coupled with the nourishment of a rainy season, although the trees in the surrounding area of ​​100 square kilometers are not tall, they are still full of greenery. In another year or two, Lian Dao may become a lush and lush island.

There are also some heroes who linger in different schools in the Holy Land, and even want to lock students with better academic performance in advance. Therefore, whether it is 36 universities or more than 60 vocational and technical schools, they are all crowded and crowded.

Tianxuan's five-year autumn enrollment has suddenly expanded the number of students in the school, making each school basically have tens of thousands of students in school. Although there are still no seniors with a full school system, the number of students in school has far exceeded Far beyond the original plans for building these schools.

Zhao Pan also reported to Qu Mao on Yidao that Wucheng Military Medical University has experienced the five-year autumn enrollment of Tianxuan, with only 500 students in the school. Qu Mao asked Tianxuan whether to adjust the 5,000 new students determined by Kong Fu to 10,000 new students in the spring enrollment of the sixth year of Tianxuan.

For such a request, Qu Mao naturally would not disagree, and suggested that Zhao Pan does not need to limit the scope of enrollment to the five military branches, but can also recruit students from the society, and even suggested that Zhao Pan expand the enrollment scale to 15,000 freshmen.

Later, Qu Mao suggested that Zhang Da prepare for the Police City Military Medical University, that Sylvia Oshen prepare for the Nancun Military Medical University at the Nancun Naval Military Base, that Su Buqing go to the King City of the Tassel King to prepare for the establishment of the Tassel Military Medical University, and even suggested that Su Faye Trani went to Zhidao to prepare for the establishment of the Magic Medical University and so on.

On the battlefield of the Marquis of Moner, Qu Mao suffered a great loss from not having enough military doctors. Now that he has enough economic strength, Qu Mao naturally hopes to build more military medical universities, at least one military medical university for each service, and military medical universities It is necessary to recruit students from various military and social aspects.

In the last few days of Tianxuan's five years, Qu Mao didn't force himself to deal with too much work. He just met and chatted with the heroes in Yihou's territory casually, or wandered around the different islands in the Holy Land to see Yihou. The specific changes in various parts of the waiting territory, etc.

The entire Yihou Territory is currently in a situation of triumphant progress and all industries waiting to be flourished, which makes Qu Mao feel very relaxed. Fuzhi seems to underestimate the Yihou Territory, but Qu Mao does not think that the Yihou Territory needs Fuzhi to take care of it. .

At the end of the five years of Tianxuan, Maffei Trani of the Nandi Chamber of Commerce and Zheng Sanbao of the Beidao Chamber of Commerce also returned to the Holy Land to report the business results of the two chambers of commerce to Qu Mao.

Looking at the smiles on the faces of Maffei Trani and Zheng Sanbao, Qu Mao knew that the benefits of these two chambers of commerce should not be too bad.

Sure enough, since the adjustment of the six-day strategy in Yihou Territory on June 11, the fifth year of Tianxuan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Yihou Territory began to exert its strength.

At the end of November in the fifth year of Tianxuan, he formed an alliance with 1 kingdom, 1 principality, and 16 lords on the Eastern Continent. Unfortunately, he has not yet persuaded the aborigines to surrender.

But with these 18 allies, whether it is the Nandi Chamber of Commerce or the Beidao Chamber of Commerce, the scope of business has been enlarged several times, and the business route has also become much smoother.

In addition, Maffei Trani personally led the caravan to develop the sea routes of the Central Continent, the Western Continent, the Southern Continent, and the Northern Continent, which greatly increased the income of the Nandi Chamber of Commerce and the North Island Chamber of Commerce in the Yihou Territory.

Throughout the five years of Tianxuan, the combined profits of Nandi Chamber of Commerce and Beidao Chamber of Commerce exceeded 670,000 gold coins, although compared with the 310 million gold coins in the account of Yihou Territory, these 670,000 gold coins are completely negligible.

But compared to the thousands of gold coins that Tianxuan spent in the four years, the Nandi Chamber of Commerce and the Beidao Chamber of Commerce have achieved rapid development. It is no wonder that Maffei Trani and Zheng Sanbao always have smiles on their faces.

When Maffei Trani and Zheng Sanbao reported the business situation of the Chamber of Commerce to Qu Mao, they even proposed to select outstanding students from some universities to graduate in advance. Engaged in trade work in advance, but Qu Mao directly refused.

Nowadays, these students have generally studied in school for two years, and they will be able to graduate completely in two years. Why bother to use them in advance?

When Qu Mao asked senior students to serve as teaching assistants, Kong Fu refused, saying that students had not received a complete education in professional knowledge and could not be regarded as professionals.

After half a year of recuperation and development, Qu Mao's mentality is not as impatient as before. Especially after the development of recuperation has brought about the rapid development of Yihou territory, Qu Mao is even more unwilling to break the hard-won stable development.

All things are first difficult and then easy. The predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade. In terms of talent training, there is naturally a shortage now, but if the training system is broken now, it will definitely be more difficult in the next two or three years.

Instead of trying to overthrow the seedlings, it is better to wait for another two years, when the territory of Yihou will develop more vigorously, and the talents will continue to flow.

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