On January 18, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao had to return to the lord's hut of Yidao from the four industrial islands in the south, although Kong Ming's experiments on developing artillery and muskets on Lianjiu Island were carried out every day.

Because Zhao Pan, Sophie Trani, and Zhang Da had already returned to the lord's hut, and strongly demanded to meet with Qu Mao to discuss military planning issues.

After Qu Mao returned to the lord's hut from Liandao, he saw that besides Zhao Pan, Zhang Da and Sophie Trani, Su Buqing was waiting for him in the living room on the first floor of the lord's hut, so he asked in astonishment, "Why are you all here?" Didn't Su Yan have a good communication with you? Or do you have doubts about what Master Su Yan conveyed to me?"

Zhao Pangong cupped his hands and said, "My lord, Lord Su Yan said to let the troops recuperate for three months and train well to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops. He said that the resources of the administrative department are insufficient, but the subordinates know that it must be what you mean, after all, the Raiders seven Hou Guoqian, my lord, you have made it very clear.

The subordinates have no doubts about recuperating for three months. "

Qu Mao called the four heroes to follow him to a meeting room on the third floor of the lord's hut, and asked the maids in the lord's hut to bring tea, then asked: "Since there is no objection, why did you come to me together? In the lord's hut, can't you go to Liandao to find me?"

Su Buqing said: "My lord, we have won seven new Marquis countries in the inverted U-shaped area of ​​the Eastern Continent, which means that the Imperial Guards need to continue to send a total of 21,000 Imperial Guard soldiers to the independent territories of these seven Marquis countries. For the royal guards of the seven vassal states, the administrative department needs to send 7 heroes to serve as the garrison heroes of the seven vassal states.

The subordinates are a little worried that they will not be able to fulfill your master's plan to have 1 million imperial guards on Yi Island, so they come to find you together with the army, guard army and magic army, and ask for your help.

If your lord can provide the Royal Guards with 100,000 to 150,000 warrior recruitment coupons for the fifth-tier court guards, I believe that with the help of recruiting and training your own third-tier princess guards and fourth-tier guards, you can still fulfill your mission, my lord. The Million Guards Plan. "

Qu Mao nodded and said: "Yes, the fifth-tier court guards can actually train themselves, the main reason is that we don't have enough horses in Yihou territory.

I don’t bother to let you go to Zhang Da and Zhao Pan to discuss the distribution of our few self-supporting war horses. Later, I will give you a recruitment coupon that can recruit 150,000 fifth-tier palace guards. You will take it away after today’s meeting .

As for the third-tier princess guards and fourth-tier guards, I personally suggest not to recruit from the residents, but to select low-level fighters who have accumulated enough military merits from the garrison for upgrade training. "

When Su Buqing heard that Qu Mao had fulfilled his request, he couldn't help but said, "Yes, my lord, my subordinates also have the same intention."

Zhang Da also said: "My lord, the garrison still needs to expand the number of soldiers by 20 million. In fact, the garrison has abolished 20 million soldiers when rectifying military discipline. This time it is only to make up for the number of abolished soldiers, so the subordinates think it is a very important thing." easy thing.

However, due to the small number of garrison heroes, the subordinates believed that it would not be possible to train the newly recruited 20 million garrison soldiers to have sufficient combat effectiveness within three months. "

Qu Mao said: "Oh, if everyone is in this predicament, it's not a big problem, we will directly extend the recuperation time to 6 months..."

The four military heroes said in unison: "No!"

Qu Mao sighed and said, "Well, the garrison doesn't want to directly arrange military affairs for 20 million new soldiers, but we definitely need the recuperation time for the first three months.

If 10 million garrison soldiers can be trained in the first three months, it should be able to use it, and it should be feasible to train the remaining 10 million new garrison soldiers in the next three months.

The Yihou Territory is now an independent territory on the Eastern Continent, including 1 kingdom, 1 principality, 21 marquises, and 15 islands in the Holy Land. In theory, it should not be a big problem.

It's really not good, just add some heroes to the garrison in the future. "

Zhao Pan immediately said: "My lord, although the army only needs to expand its army by 5 million, but the subordinates here are all high-level arms, I am afraid it will not be so easy to complete."

Qu Mao rolled his eyes at Zhao Pan, ignored Zhao Pan, and said to Sophie Trani: "Sophie, the Magic Army, I can provide 10,000 recruitment tickets for seventh-level senior magicians. 2,000 high-level magicians from each of the five departments; 50,000 intermediate magicians from the sixth level, 10,000 from each department; 100,000 junior magicians from the fifth level, 20,000 from each department.

I can only provide you with 160,000 official magicians. After all, the training period for magicians is a bit long, and they need magic talents. As for magic apprentices, you have to figure out your own way. "

Sophie Trani made some calculations and said, "My lord, why don't you give another 140,000 third-level intermediate magic apprentices and fourth-level advanced magic apprentices? I have discussed it with the teacher. It is estimated that within three months, the magic school will be about 140,000. Only less than 100,000 official magicians and magic apprentices can be provided.

Your lord paid 300,000 for our magic army, and if you count the students who have joined the magic army in the past three months, even if it doesn't reach 1 million, it's almost the same.

The University of Magic Healing also needs some students and professors from the Magic Army. "

Su Buqing said: "My lord, at present four new military medical universities have been established, and a total of 100,000 soldiers from the Five Armies have been transferred to study at the military medical universities. You need to think about this, my lord."

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Okay, 160,000 official magicians, 240,000 magic apprentices, a total of 400,000, and you have to figure out the rest."

Afterwards, Qu Mao turned his head and asked Zhao Pan: "Zhao Pan, when will you give me the list of types and quantities of soldiers?

I'll prepare them for you as soon as possible, and after they are completed, you still have to recruit and train. "

Zhao Pan said: "My lord, I will write to you immediately after swiping down."

Qu Mao had already buried himself in the krypton warrior recruitment coupons in the cheating mall. While purchasing, he said, "Zhang Da, the guard army should provide 500,000 third-tier sentry recruitment coupons, so as to save our own war horses."

Soon, Qu Mao placed the recruiting vouchers needed by the Imperial Guard Army, Garrison Army, and Magic Army on the conference table in front of him, and said with a wry smile: "Now that we have newly expanded so many soldiers, plus the newly captured territories of the seven princes, I don't know if our territorial account will be able to achieve a balance of payments in the next three months..."

Zhao Pan put a piece of paper in front of Qu Mao and said, "My lord, that's all for the army."

The soldier recruitment coupons placed on the conference table have already stimulated Zhao Pan's eyes to the point of blood red.

Qu Mao glanced at it, bought a soldier recruitment ticket, and said, "Zhao Pan, go back with the soldier recruitment ticket and train hard for three months."

After sending off the four heroes, Qu Mao took a look that he only had 20 million cheating points left, and heaved a long sigh.

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