Although the naval heroes were very dissatisfied with the artillery live-fire experiment on March 8, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao gave Kong Ming two directions for improvement, and described the power of the artillery. Sylvia Ocean and other naval heroes Decided to wait and see for a while.

Since Minister of the Ministry of War, Silta Delta, also participated in the actual firing experiment of the artillery, the heroes of the Army, Garrison, Guards, and Magic Army soon heard about the actual firing experiment of the new weapon artillery.

Unlike the heroes of the army, garrison army, and imperial guards who scratched their heads in anxiety, the heroes of the magic army are full of a strong sense of crisis. After all, the range of the artillery is said to be up to 5 kilometers, and its power is no less than that of any fire system. magic skills.

But in the magic army, even if it is a ninth-level master-level water magician like Jenny Walter, the range of magic coverage is only one kilometer in diameter, and very few magic skills can have a range of about 500 meters.

Therefore, the heroes who learned the news of the actual artillery firing experiment entrusted Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, and Su Buqing to walk in front of Qu Mao in turn. These troops have to be given a chance to fight.

The first war in the sixth year of Tianxuan started on January 2nd of the sixth year of Tianxuan, and it ended on January 8th. Although it won the victory of occupying the territories of the seven kingdoms of the Eastern Continent, until now, each This army has been recuperating for more than two months.

What's even worse is that there were no rebellions or riots in the territory of the seven marquis states that had just been defeated, which made the militant troops in the Yihou Territory extremely uncomfortable.

Qu Mao strongly demanded that the Army, Garrison, Imperial Guard and Magic Army must recuperate for three months, but it was just boring training. How could it be possible to drain the energy of military heroes and soldiers?

Now Zhao Pan, Zhang Da and Su Buqing kept passing in front of Qu Mao, the purpose was to tell Qu Mao that they were free and could end the strategy of recuperation early and arrange them to fight.

Even if it is to capture another aborigine Houguo in the Eastern Continent, it will be better than training all day long.

After several days, Qu Mao ignored the commanders-in-chief of these three troops. Zhao Pan finally couldn't hold back, and took the initiative to find Qu Mao, saying: "My lord, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has achieved very little recently. The subordinates think that the aboriginal forces They are too proud and do not take our Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Yihou Territory too seriously. It is absolutely necessary to teach them a lesson.

At least five aboriginal forces must be brought down, and tell all the aboriginal forces in the inverted U-shaped area of ​​the Eastern Continent that the majesty of our Yihou territory cannot be underestimated. "

Qu Mao glared at Zhao Pan and said, "Don't talk nonsense, is the three-month recuperation period over?

If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has no results, Liu Qianhui and Zhen Fu will naturally report to me. Why do you eat carrots first and worry about it?

Or is this just the foreign ministry's adjustment of diplomatic strategy? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reached an oral agreement with the Principality of Pengda, which ushered in a rare period of peace for the development of our Yihou territory. Don't cherish it. "

Seeing that Zhao Pan didn't speak, Qu Mao had no choice but to continue: "A verbal agreement with Pengda Dukedom has at least ensured that we don't need to invest more troops in Qingyi Dukedom, your army should be laughing.

Now the Principality of Pengda is taking the time to attack the aborigines forces in the north and northwest of the territory. I think their attack speed is not as fast as our attack on the inverted U-shaped area of ​​the Eastern Continent, so there is no need for additional complications.

The army, garrison army and magic army will go out again, and it will definitely be after April 15, the sixth year of Tianxuan, but if you can't wait, you can make some preparations in advance.

How about this, on March 15th in the sixth year of Tianxuan, all the commanders-in-chief of the army, garrison, magic army, imperial guards, and navy were called to the lord's cabin, and we held a military meeting to arrange follow-up military operations. "

Zhao Pan immediately jumped up and said: "Yes, my lord, the matter of convening a meeting will be arranged immediately by my subordinates."

After getting the exact news from Qu Mao, several commander-in-chiefs gave up the move of continuing to hang around in front of Qu Mao, and returned to their own military headquarters to actively prepare for the meeting on March 15, the sixth year of Tianxuan.

On March 15th, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, Su Buqing, Sophie Trani, and Sylvia Oceani gathered in a meeting room on the third floor of the lord's cabin. Qu Maogang entered the meeting room and sat down. None, so he said: "Five commanders-in-chief, before April 15th, I am not going to open any openings to allow you to fight. Even if you want to start a war, the fastest will be after April 15th.

At that time, I will allow the army, the garrison army, and the magic army to unite in an inverted U-shaped area to launch a battle with the highest level not exceeding the destruction of a principality. Before the official battle, you need to provide me with a detailed and specific battle plan, and Guaranteed combat time shall not exceed 1 month in total.

It can't be like the original assessment of attacking the Green Wing Principality. You said you could win it in a month, but you didn't win it completely after two months of fighting.

The Navy and the Imperial Guards are also not allowed to fight before April 15th. Of course, the Navy has trained soldiers for more than half a year in order to attack the 27 Chosen player lords of the Anti-Yizhen Alliance. I also know that you must be uncomfortable.

But I have to endure the discomfort. I know that the number of soldiers in your navy has reached the requirement, so after April 15th, you can unite with the Imperial Guard to build an outpost fortress in the Valley of Unfeeling at the end of the underground world in advance, but it must be kept secret.

My idea is that the land operations against the Yizhen Alliance will be dominated by the Guards, and the coastal landing operations will be dominated by the Navy.

If you can continue to endure, I hope that you will be more fully prepared before deploying for battle. After all, it is the lord force of the 27 Chosen players, and the difficulty of combat is far greater than fighting against the aborigines. "

Sylvia Ocean said immediately: "My lord, I don't think it's a big problem. I'm fighting against the power of the Lord of the Chosen players. Our navy in Yihou Territory is also experienced."

Su Buqing also said: "My lord, the environment on the side of Unfeeling Valley is based on information from the Ministry of Intelligence. The original vegetation is lush. We built a first-tier city wall in advance, which can be completely covered under the shade of trees and will not be easily discovered by the enemy.

The subordinates feel that construction can be done in advance, and more soldiers of the imperial guards will be sent out of the city to be on duty. It can be done without being exposed within three to five months. "

Qu Mao waved his hand impatiently, and said, "You make arrangements and make plans by yourself.

I only ask that the war must be carried out after April 15th, and I will check whether the military rations are sufficient for you. "

The five commanders-in-chief said in unison: "Yes, my lord."

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