Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1066 Three Major Events in the Navy

Qu Mao's inspection of food and consumable strategic materials undoubtedly stimulated the armies to frantically formulate specific combat plans like the same shot in the arm.

After April 15th in the sixth year of Tianxuan, the Yihou Territory will usher in a new war. This has almost become the consensus of all the soldiers and residents in the Yihou Territory. However, the navy does not know when it will be able to fight, so it is a little anxious.

Qu Mao decided to inspect the navy as well, so that the navy should not move around blindly.

After being rejected by Qu Mao several times, Sylvia Oushen and Su Buqing finally stopped looking for Qu Mao, but buried their heads in ignorance of what they were busy with.

On March 24, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao decided to personally inspect the military preparations of the Navy.

If Qu Mao wanted to inspect the navy, he would naturally be inseparable from the Zhongdao Sea Fortress and the Reef Chain Naval Military Base. However, there were no naval heroes guarding the Zhongdao Sea Fortress, so Qu Mao had to continue to the Reef Chain Naval Military Base.

Sylvia Ocean was not in the Holy Land of Yihou Territory. Anyway, Qu Mao could not contact Sylvia Ocean with the magic communication crystal. Instead, he was at the Reef Chain Naval Military Base. Qu Mao met Christine Stone. Ryan.

Seeing Christine Sirian, Qu Mao couldn't help asking: "Christen, what are Sylvia and Fuer doing now?

I dialed the magic communication crystals to both of them, neither of them were within 1,000 kilometers of the holy land. "

Christine Sirian was originally introducing to Qu Mao the infrastructure of the Reef Chain Naval Military Base and the training situation of the naval forces. Hearing Qu Mao's question, he smiled and said, "My lord, in your eyes It seems that there are only two adults in the navy, Sylvia and Fuer, can't you see that our other naval heroes are busy?"

Qu Mao glared at Christine Sirian, and said: "Christine, don't talk so useless. The navy of Yihou Territory was first established by Sylvia Ocean and Fuer Swamp. One drop builds up.

The initial scene where Sylvia Ocean applied for a small warship to me was just like what happened yesterday.

When I talk about the Navy, I naturally think first of Sylvia Ocean and Faure Swamp. Do you think there is any problem? "

Christine Sirian hurriedly bowed his hands to apologize, and said: "My lord, of course there is no problem.

Lord Sylvia is currently patrolling Wucheng Port, Nancun Naval Military Base, Zhongdao Sea Fortress, Reef Chain Naval Military Base, and Yihai Naval Military Base. I am afraid that when you contacted her, Sir, she happened to be in the contact range of the magic communication crystal outside.

Master Fuer mainly stays at the Yihai Naval Military Base. After all, the Naval Military Base is under construction, and Master Fuer personally sits in it. The purpose is to quickly complete the construction of the Yihai Naval Military Base.

My lord, the fleet that you requested to replenish the Principality of Fulu every three months no longer departs from Wucheng Port, but departs from the Yihai Naval Military Base. "

Qu Mao nodded and said: "Well, Sylvia Ocean and Fuer Swamp will definitely not slack off on these infrastructure constructions.

Christine, what is the Navy mainly up to now? I think the navy does not necessarily have to follow the pace of the army and the garrison to launch an attack on the anti-Yizhen alliance, but should make full pre-war preparations according to the actual situation of the navy before launching.

Aboriginal forces, we can probably guess their real strength through intelligence gathering, but the God Chosen player lord's power is similar to our Yihou territory, the real strength is not something that intelligence agencies can detect clearly, I am afraid that the navy will easily commit crimes mistake. "

Christine Sealian sighed and said, "My lord, what you said makes sense. But in our Yihou territory, the navy has always been stronger than the army. Now that the army is attacking, the navy is attacking again and again. During the training in the three places, everyone in the navy took a deep breath.

For now, the navy is mainly busy with three things.

The first thing was the training of marines, naval magicians, and naval land-based long-range fighters. Lord Sylvia Oceanus personally took care of it. Almost all naval heroes participated in this matter.

The second thing is infrastructure construction, which mainly includes the construction of the Yihai Naval Military Base of the Principality of Green Wings and the Rueling City in the hinterland of the Anti-Yizhen Alliance. The former is stationed there for a long time, and the latter is Sylvie. Master Ya Oshen and Master Su Buqing are desperately transporting materials.

The third thing is how to carry the artillery invented by Master Kong Ming on the warship. This matter is currently being personally responsible for this matter. In order to complete this matter as soon as possible, Lord Sylvia Oceanus specifically took his subordinates out of the training of naval soldiers and concentrated on loading the artillery onto the warship. "

Qu Mao shook his head helplessly, and said: "Oh! Sylvia and Su Buqing have asked me many times, but I have refused directly. It seems that Sylvia Oushen and Su Buqing are not giving up.

In fact, I just suggested that they wait until the end of June or early July to build towns or fortresses in the Valley of Unfeeling. After all, if they build a day earlier, they may be exposed one day earlier. Now they don’t need my consent, and they can start preparing materials directly. "

Christine Sirian shook his head and said: "My lord, Lord Sylvia and Lord Su Buqing did not disobey your order, they were just preparing materials in advance, and did not actually carry out the construction of the Heartless City.

The subordinates think that even if we want to build the Heartless City in Heartless Valley, I am afraid it will not be something that can be built in a week or two, and it is a good thing to prepare early.

Now the navy is actively seeking war. Even if it is the anti-Yizhen alliance, the whole navy wants to see it first. It is definitely impossible to fight the anti-Yizhen alliance like the army is fighting against the aborigines. It can be done in a week or a month. Fighting is over, and our Navy is ready to fight the long war. "

Qu Mao let out a long sigh and said, "Since it's a long-term battle, there will definitely not be a war in the short term.

You should study how to install artillery on the warship. The reason why Sylvia selected you is mainly because you saw the powerful firepower of the artillery on the warship. "

Christine Sirian said: "My lord, when Master Kong Ming tested the solid iron bomb on Lian Island, several core heroes of the navy saw it, so Sir Sylvia asked his subordinates to take charge of this project.

As long as 10 warships with artillery are installed, the speed at which we attack the lords of the 27 Chosen players in the Anti-Yi Town Alliance will inevitably increase several times. "

Qu Mao said: "Prepare your armaments well, don't treat the lives of marine soldiers as a trifling matter, keep working hard."

Christine Sirian said: "Yes, my lord! After the artillery is successfully installed on the warship, we will consider attacking the Anti-Yizhen Alliance."

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