Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1070 The real battle preparation meeting

On April 5th, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao summoned Su Yan, Kong Ming, Xuande, Liu Qianhui, Zhen Fu, Sirta Delta, Xinping, Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, Sylvia Ocean, Su Buqing He held a military meeting with Sophie Trani in the meeting room on the third floor of the lord's cabin. Originally, he wanted to determine the target of the military operation in the inverted U-shaped area of ​​the Eastern Continent after April 15.

Under Liu Qianhui's series of requests, the army, garrison army, and magic army finally discovered that the only option left for the attack target was the Red Leaf Principality.

The territory of the Red Leaf Principality is larger than that of the Green Wing Principality, but two-thirds of the border borders the independent territory of the Yihou Territory on the Eastern Continent.

It is equivalent to that after Yihou Territory wins the entire territory of the Red Leaf Principality through war, it only needs to defend one-third of the border of the Red Leaf Principality, and the defense of this one-third of the border can also reduce the need for the original independent territory to defend the Red Leaf. Frontier defense of the two thirds of the principality's frontier.

The combat objectives have been determined, and the military heroes and related heroes are all on the scene. Naturally, Qu Mao will not announce the end of the meeting in advance, and will definitely discuss the details of the battle further.

Qu Mao asked all the heroes attending the meeting to discuss the battle plan and preparations for the battle. Until now, the Yihou Territory has not really held a preparation meeting for the battle on the main mainland after April 15th.

Su Yan, Kong Ming, Xuande, and Sirta Delta began to organize the five commander-in-chiefs to discuss in detail, while Xinping continued to provide information on the Red Leaf Principality.

After a long time, Qu Mao said: "Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, Sophie Trani, I suggest that as far as the specific plan of the battle is concerned, it is best for you to go to the office building of the military department next door with Silta Delta. After formulating and formulating a specific combat plan, leave the Holy Land and return to the Eastern Continent to gather soldiers to prepare for the war.

I made a request to you before: I hope you will end the fighting within a month, but this conflicts with the request of Lord Liu Qianhui and Lord Zhen Fu of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so I will not continue to make this request for you.

Since I didn't mention the requirement of ending the battle within one month, I have to make another requirement, that is, before the end of the battle, the casualties of all soldiers should not exceed 1 million.

Don't say you can't do it, I know that the Red Leaf Principality is stronger than the Green Wing Principality, and I also know that the Qingyi Principality has more than 2 million casualties on the battlefield, but it has been 10 months since the Qingyi Principality's battle ended, we not only The number of soldiers has doubled, and with the siege weapon such as explosive packs, the combat effectiveness of our soldiers should have increased many times. Therefore, it should be a reasonable requirement to control the number of casualties within 1 million. "

Zhao Pan said: "My lord, although we suffered more than 2 million casualties on the battlefield of the Principality of Green Wings, but you demanded that the number of casualties be reduced by half in the Principality of Red Leaf.

Please rest assured, my subordinates absolutely cherish the life of every soldier in the army, and the total number of casualties can be controlled.

As the adults said, the total number of our soldiers has increased, our combat effectiveness has increased, and our weapons have also been updated.

On the battlefield of the Qingyi Dukedom, the place where we lost the most soldiers was in the siege operations. When we attacked the seven princes at the beginning of the year, our soldiers were used to using explosives to destroy the protection of the enemy's city walls, thus greatly reducing the siege fighters' strength. casualties. "

Zhang Da also said: "Don't worry, my lord. On the battlefield of the Qingyi Principality, the garrison was mainly damaged by endless rebellions and riots. Now we reserve military rations and consumable strategic materials 10 days in advance. By then, as long as the military rations can keep up, In the territory we have already occupied by the Red Leaf Principality, rebellion and riots will inevitably decrease.

At the beginning of the year, we had experienced the battles in the seven kingdoms. As long as there was enough food, there would not be too many rebellions and riots. Therefore, on the battlefield of the Red Leaf Principality, our garrison army can also protect our soldiers to minimize casualties. "

Qu Mao cast his eyes on Xuande and said, "Xuande, the garrison believes that sufficient reserves of military rations and consumable strategic materials and transporting them to the periphery of the battlefield are the key to reducing the casualties of the garrison soldiers."

Xuande said: "My lord, the expendable strategic materials produced by the military factory in Yihou Territory have not been used for too long, and now we also urgently need a hearty battle to consume the expendable strategic materials we reserve.

Please rest assured, my subordinates will deliver the general rations and expendable strategic materials to the vicinity of the Red Leaf Principality within 10 days.

Qu Mao said: "Xuande, there is no important matter here that requires your participation. You should go back to Jidao early to prepare for the delivery of military rations and consumable strategic materials. If the supplies arrive around the Red Leaf Principality, it will be considered a great achievement for you."

Xuande stood up, walked outside, and said, "Yes, my lord."

Qu Mao thought for a while, and said to Su Yan: "Su Yan, the administrative department should not wait until the entire territory of the Red Leaf Principality is conquered before considering the construction of towns. The location of the construction of the town group. Once the troops take over the territory, the construction of the town group can be started immediately.

Su Qiaoer is currently busy summoning residents in the Holy Land. In April of the sixth year of Tianxuan, I provided Su Qiaoer with a resident recruitment voucher that can recruit 1 million residents, and the population of the Holy Land began to become crowded again. "

Su Yan nodded and said: "My lord, you are right. The population of the Holy Land is indeed a bit high. The subordinates will fully communicate with the intelligence department to lock the location of the town group in advance, and build it immediately once it is taken."

Sylvia Ocean said: "My lord, it's all about the battles between the Army, the Garrison and the Magic Army. There shouldn't be any subordinates here. I want to leave first and go to urge our navy to continue to complete the preparations for the war."

Qu Mao glanced at Sylvia Oshen, and said, "Sylvia, don't be in a hurry! Together with Su Buqing, follow Sylta Delta to the office building of the Military Department, and fight against the anti-Easy Town Alliance. Battle deduction several times.

It is now April 5th, and you still have at most two months to prepare. At least two months later, the construction of the fortress in the Valley of Heartlessness will begin.

It just so happens that Liu Qianhui is in the Holy Land, so you can ask her about the precautions for building the Heartless City. "

Liu Qianhui's eyes lit up, and she said, "Qu Mao, have you already started preparing to help my old lady restore her former territory?"

Qu Mao gave Liu Qianhui a white look, and said, "Damn! Even if you win the Anti-Yizhen Alliance, you still have to be the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yihou Territory honestly."

Liu Qianhui said disdainfully: "As long as the territory can be taken back, it doesn't matter if it's my territory or not."

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