Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1081 Cheating technology is a good thing

On April 19th, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao left his job of writing the story of ideological and moral education at the elementary stage, and went to the empty island to meet Jia Sixie, and learned about the current agricultural technology in Yihou territory, and from the cheating technology column, All the seeds and crafts related to agriculture in the cheating technology were purchased, and all the brains were handed over to Jia Sixie.

When he arrived at Sky Island, Qu Mao would naturally come back without looking around. Naturally, he needed to carefully inspect the agricultural development of Yihou Territory on Sky Island.

The newly provided potato and sweet potato crops last time will naturally increase the overall grain yield of Yihou Territory. However, due to the taste, deep processing of food crops, and planting safety issues, it is impossible to replant all of Yihou Territory with potatoes and sweet potatoes. The only way is to free up part of the arable land to grow potatoes and sweet potatoes.

In the past, food crops such as rice, wheat, and corn only had a growth period of one month, and naturally they needed to be sown, not only for the overall safety of food production, but also to enrich the taste of the staple food of the residents of the Yihou Territory.

Even if the average monthly output of these food crops per unit of arable land is less than 300 units, even if the average monthly output of sweet potatoes and potatoes is between 400 and 600 units.

Of course, Qu Mao discovered from the cheating technology column that interplanting different crops on the same farmland can also improve soil fertility. Qu Mao didn't feel much about the emergence of this technology, but when it was handed over to Jia Sixie, Jia Sixie praised it endlessly.

Of course, after the sowing scale and harvesting scale of potatoes and sweet potatoes trigger Qu Mao to obtain the cheat value rewards of the cheating system, new crop seeds or seedlings appear in the cheating technology column, and some food processing techniques appear, such as crushing potatoes and sedimenting Starch to make vermicelli.

This allowed Qu Mao to jump out of the previous method of earning cheating points, and found a new way to earn cheating points, that is, the industrial chain of agricultural product processing, which is completely different from the traditional industrial chain on the four southern industrial islands.

In Sky Island, after Jia Sixie took Qu Mao to visit the granaries and material warehouses in Sky Island City, he continued to take Qu Mao to visit the remaining folding spaces in Sky Island City one by one. , is now a patch of arable land.

Moreover, more than 90% of the cultivated land in the reserved folding space has been sown with food crops and vegetable crops, and the few idle cultivated land, Jia Sixie also explained that it is cultivated land that is left fallow to store soil fertility.

After visiting more than a dozen preserved folding spaces, Qu Mao also felt very tired, so he exchanged with Jia Sixie about the plant seeds and plant seedlings he had newly delivered to Jia Sixie.

It was completely different from last time. The seeds and seedlings that appeared last time were either food crops or vegetable crops, but among the seeds and seedlings that appeared this time, cotton and rapeseed unexpectedly appeared.

You must know that these two crops are definitely economical crops based on Qu Mao's shallow agricultural knowledge.

Rapeseed can be used to press rapeseed oil, which is an important part of enriching the dining table of the residents of the Holy Land; while cotton can be used to weave cloth, which is many times more economical than raising silkworms to obtain silk.

It is a pity that this time there is no direct production of the deep processing technology of rapeseed and cotton agricultural products, otherwise, during the trial sowing period, Qu Mao will prepare explosives and industrial facilities for weaving in advance.

After staying on Sky Island for a whole day, when Qu Mao returned to the lord's hut of Yi Island, it was completely dark.

Yihou Territory has not yet invented electric lighting, and even the concept of electricity is just a few frictional electrification experiments done by Qu Mao at Zhidao University of New Science and Technology.

However, after dinner in the restaurant on the first floor, Qu Mao asked the maids in the lord's hut to light a lot of candles in his bedroom. With the help of the candles, the small workshop in Qu Mao's bedroom became like daytime.

Qu Mao lit countless candles in the bedroom and work room. Naturally, it was not to stay up late to write stories about the elementary stage of ideological and moral education. Qu Mao was already extremely resistant to this task arranged by Kongfu. Send a remote communication to Kongfu, telling Kongfu that he needs to focus on agricultural technology innovation, and ask the third-level princess guard in the lord's hut to send the manuscript and a half-written story draft to Kongfu.

After rejecting this task, which he was extremely unimpressed with, Qu Mao took advantage of the light of the candle and began to study the cheating technology column in the cheating system. Since all the first appeared were all junk technologies that lagged behind the current actual technology of Yihou territory, so Qu Mao has never paid attention to the cheating technology column in the cheating system.

But now it seems that the cheating technology column is not as rubbish as imagined, and there is still a lot of room for development, so Qu Mao feels that it is necessary for him to study it seriously.

A long time ago, Qu Mao had decided that even if he could only earn a small amount of cheating points, Qu Mao would choose to do it if the consumption of cheating points was lower than the gain of cheating points. Such an opportunity was provided for Qu Mao.

After carefully studying the cheating technology column in the cheating system one by one, Qu Mao began to regret that he did not pay attention to the cheating technology column earlier, which was obviously a very big mistake.

When Qu Mao's level broke through level 100, the cheating system was greatly upgraded, but because the technology items in the cheating technology column were really bad, basically they were all ancient Stone Age technology, so Qu Mao didn't like it.

However, as Qu Mao continued to reveal which primitive technologies use cheating values, and gave them to the corresponding heroes in Yihou Territory to realize them, no matter how primitive the technology is, in fact, every time it is realized, Qu Mao will be rewarded with a certain amount of cheating value. It's just that the rewards for cheating in the early days are basically single digits, so Qu Mao is not even willing to look at the improvement of the cheating system.

Now, the technology in the cheating technology column has begun to be linked to the actual technology level of Yihou territory, even if it is behind, it will not be too long behind.

Since every time Krypton comes out and the technology is realized in the real world by Yihou Territory, the cheating technology column will continue to refresh new technologies, does it mean that as long as this thing is done persistently, sooner or later there will be more than Yihou Territory. What about the emergence of technological level technology?

Thinking of this, Qu Mao began to get a little excited. This is more exciting than opening a new technology research university.

Zhidao New Technology Research University has set up countless scientific research projects described by Qu Mao and Liu Qianhui, but few projects have been successfully realized in the past few years, and the technical essentials of the cheating technology column can be directly obtained by spending a little cheating value. Buy.

Qu Mao began to hope that the production blueprints of submachine guns and machine guns could be refreshed in the cheating technology column, and then the soldiers of Yihou territory would charge and sweep the entire Continent of Hegemony.

In addition to extracting the technology in the cheating technology column and handing it over to the Ministry of Science and Technology to refresh the technology in the cheating technology column, Qu Mao keenly discovered that Ji Lie Houguo Shacheng has currently developed a process for obtaining steel by frying steel, which is similar to In the corresponding cheating technology column, there is a new metal smelting technology.

In other words, the scientific and technological progress of Yihou Territory itself can also promote the update of the technological entries in the cheating technological column.

It has to be said that true knowledge still comes from practice. The iron mines in the desert of the Marquis of Gillette have existed for a long time, but the Marquis of Gillette has never been developed.

After the territory of Yihou seized the entire territory of the Marquis of Jilie, it built the Shacheng town group on the edge of the desert, and built the Iron Village to smelt iron ore. This was just over a year of development, and Qu Mao accompanied Kong Ming to Jill in person. Liehou State Shacheng learned iron smelting technology, and now there is a method of frying steel to obtain steel.

Once steel is applied to the manufacture of barrels and barrels of guns and artillery, it is believed that even if the research and development of guns and artillery cannot go further, at least the barrels and barrels made of steel will have higher safety performance.

When Kong Ming heard the news, he asked Qu Mao to go to the Shacheng of Jilie Hou State to dig technicians back to the holy land, but Qu Mao asked Kong Ming to give priority to researching the flintlock gun, which dispelled Kong Ming's idea of ​​going to the Jilie Hou State immediately.

However, Kong Ming still asked Xinping for assistance, and asked Xinping to arrange special intelligence personnel to transport back the finished steel products obtained by the steel frying method to Shacheng, Jilie Houguo, and to record the technology of the steel frying method.

While carefully reading each piece of technological content in the cheating technology column, and buying back all the ones that have not been purchased, Qu Mao thought about how to realize these technologies in the holy land of Yihou territory, and the extended development after realization.

It wasn't until all the technology items and technology tools were purchased that Qu Mao closed the cheating technology bar, rubbed his sore eyes, and shouted at the guards in the lord's cabin downstairs.

Soon, the third-tier princess guard who was in charge of standing guard climbed to Qu Mao’s room on the fourth floor, and Qu Mao handed all the results in the cheating technology column that he had obtained to the third-tier princess guard, regardless of whether it was late at night, and said: "Send all of these to Zhongmou, the Minister of Science and Technology, and tell Zhongmou that they must verify everything as quickly as possible and make a finished product."

"Yes, my lord!" The third-tier princess guard gave a military salute and answered Qu Mao seriously, then put away the technological blueprints and technological equipment that Qu Mao handed him, turned around and walked downstairs to the lord's cabin.

Qu Mao watched the third-tier princess guard leave the door of his bedroom, stretched a long waist, and yawned a lot. After studying the cheating technology column for a whole night, Qu Mao discovered that cheating technology is a good thing .

There are too many prompts in the cheating system now, and Qu Mao has no way to carefully look at the cheating value rewards after each technology is realized, but theoretically it should not be lower than his own consumption of purchasing these technologies.

And as long as these things are realized by researchers, they will continue to refresh new cheating technologies. The efficiency of such technological development is far beyond the speed of scientific research in new technology research universities. This is the key to victory.

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