At the meeting on the afternoon of May 19th in the sixth year of Tianxuan, Su Qiaoer once again brought up the issue of the population bottleneck in the Holy Land, which made Qu Mao a little vigilant.

The development of Yihou Territory in recent years has always been oscillating between accelerating the speed of the Eastern Continent's strategy and slowing down the pace of the Eastern Continent's strategy. Internal affairs cannot keep up, and we have to slow down again.

The number of residents accommodated in the 15 islands of the Holy Land is really limited, which greatly limits the speed of the Yihou Territory's attack on the main mainland.

Although Qu Mao has increased the population of Yihou Territory Holy Land to 1 million by using resident recruitment coupons since April of the sixth year of Tianxuan, but now it is only May, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the army have worked together to obtain a population in a short period of time. The independent territory of the four aboriginal powers, the emigration of the population is once again restricted.

Even if Qu Mao wanted to use krypton cheating to get more resident recruitment coupons, but the Holy Land of Yihou Territory could not accommodate more people, krypton cheating was useless.

That's why Qu Mao wanted to upgrade the Tassel Kingdom to the Tassel Empire, so as to spread the popularity of the Tassel Empire, and serve as an area for cultivating the loyalty of residents in the Yihou Territory, which is no less than the Holy Land.

The efficiency of transforming the holy land of Yihou Territory into residents with high loyalty was too low, so Qu Mao had to reconsider this issue.

But persuading capitulation was originally a strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Qu Mao personally arranged candidates to seize Silla Houguo and Mofeihouguo, but Baekje Houguo was an accident.

However, after Mo Feihou was captured, the goal of the Yihou Territory in the western part of the East Continental Bay was to take over one by one the aboriginal forces in the inverted U-shaped area that were not currently part of the Yihou Territory.

Qu Mao originally felt that the Holy Land of Yihou Territory has accumulated a large number of residents who can move out, and the total population of the Holy Land of Yihou Territory is close to 14 million, which is infinitely close to the upper limit of the population of the 15 islands of the Holy Land, so he arranged for new residents. The affairs of Luohou State and Mo Feihou State.

Who knew that after the arrangements were made, there would be another existence, the Marquis of Baekje, whose strength was not weaker than that of the Marquis of Silla. As soon as this speed was released, it became somewhat uncontrolled.

Now Qu Mao felt that he had to give the order to rest and recuperate again, but Qu Mao was a little bit reluctant.

In fact, upgrading the Tassel Kingdom to the Tassel Empire is just to make the residents have a stronger sense of honor, and it is not particularly important, at least Qu Mao thinks so.

In addition to the Holy Land of Yihou Territory, at least Tassel Kingdom, Aikou Pass of Luanshanhou Kingdom, Wucheng and Wucheng Port of Jierhou Kingdom, Nancun Naval Military Base of Tassel Kingdom, Garrison City of Qingyi Principality and Yihai under construction Naval military bases, etc., can cultivate residents with high loyalty and loyalty for Yihou Territory.

Of course, there are also the Teleportation City and the towns on the independent territory built by the residents of the Yihou Territory who migrated from the Holy Land in order to stabilize the rule during the combat phase. Qu Mao hadn't noticed this before.

The most important thing right now is to digest the three independent territories of Jianbei Hou, Silla, and Baekje acquired by persuading surrender at this stage, as well as the Mofei Hou that was captured by the blitzkrieg, and The Red Leaf Principality will be captured in nearly a month.

In order to cooperate with the strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the troops of the Yihou Territory doubled the combat period of the Red Leaf Principality's war of destroying the country. In fact, the battle of the Red Leaf Principality's destruction of the country lasted less than a week, and the troops of the Yihou Territory had fully grasped the situation on the battlefield. In theory, there is no accident in taking down the Red Leaf Principality.

After thinking about it, Qu Mao thinks that it is still necessary to find Su Yan in person, so that Su Qiaoer can inform Su Yan that there is no problem in promoting the Tassel Kingdom to the Tassel Empire, but there are some towns with a high degree of independence in the independent territory of the Eastern Continent And the area can also cultivate residents with high loyalty and loyalty, this arrangement Qu Mao thinks it is still necessary to have a good communication with Su Yan.

After sending off the heroes in the meeting, Qu Mao went straight back to his bedroom and began to think carefully.

Similar problems happened more than once or twice for the Yihou Territory. Each time, it was thought that the Yihou Territory was developing too fast and had insufficient background, but which player lord force of the God Chosen player was not like this?

Those like Fuzhi who directly inherited the power of the aborigines belonged to the rare minority after all.

You can't just stop the lord's hut every time the troops are fighting in full swing.

Every time the match fails, it is because the internal affairs cannot keep up. In fact, Krypton can recruit enough resident recruitment coupons for 1 million residents every month, and it will also use up Qu Mao’s cheating value. Why can't we continue to krypton a little more and put it on the independent territory of the Eastern Continent to cultivate loyalty and heart?

After thinking for a long time, Qu Mao still thought that he would not stop attacking this time. After the Red Leaf Principality's war of annihilating the country, at most let the troops recuperate for a month or two, and how to attack later.

At worst, from soldiers to residents, all the krypton cheating values ​​are purchased in the cheating mall.

And before the end of the battle of the Red Leaf Principality on June 16, the sixth year of Tianxuan, the cheating value must be used to stabilize the rule of the Jianbei Hou Kingdom, the Silla Hou Kingdom, the Baekje Hou Kingdom, and the Mofei Hou Kingdom. Among the four Marquis states, the first three Marquis states that surrendered directly did not consume much of the internal affairs of Yihou's territory, and the main one was Mo Feihou.

Stimulated by Liu Qianhui's record, Zhen Fu is very likely to persuade the aborigines in the inverted U-shaped area of ​​the Eastern Continent to persuade the aborigines to surrender directly. This must also reserve sufficient internal affairs resources in advance, such as food and Migrated residents, etc.

Thinking of these problems, Qu Mao even felt that Su Yan's promotion of the Tassel Kingdom to the Tassel Empire would not solve the problem, and he might have to face the upgrade of the Yihou Territory itself to the Yigong Territory.

After all, more food needs mean that the Yihou territory needs more cultivated land belonging to the lord's hut, and retaining folding space is naturally the best choice for high-quality cultivated land.

After thinking about all kinds of possibilities, Qu Mao took out his own magic communication crystal, contacted Su Qiaoer, Xinping, Jia Sixie and Franklin Jin successively, and informed everyone to go to the palace of King Liusu on May 23, 6th year of Tianxuan, to communicate with Su Yeon discusses the upgrade of the Tassel Kingdom to the Tassel Empire.

And let Xinping inform Sunan that he must rush back from Wucheng to the palace of King Liusu to participate in the meeting.

Su Qiaoer showed great support for Qu Mao's plan, and even volunteered to inform Sunan, but Qu Mao did not agree.

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