All day long on June 28, the sixth year of Tianxuan, an intense and heated mid-year summary meeting was held in the meeting room on the second floor of the lord's hut in Yihou Territory.

The meeting didn't end until around 5:30 in the afternoon. After Qu Mao announced the closure of the meeting, he invited the participating heroes to the tavern opposite the lord's cabin for dinner. Unfortunately, Qu Mao himself did not have a good dinner with the heroes.

Because not long after the meeting ended, Sylvia Oshen and Su Buqing seemed to be crazy, and would send Qu Mao a remote communication application every three to five minutes, asking Qu Mao to upgrade the lord's cabin and territory as soon as possible.

Qu Mao was a little depressed by being urged, and the mid-year summary meeting during the day was relatively successful. At the mid-year summary meeting, heroes from various departments and fields commented on the achievements made by Tianxuan in their department and field in the first half of the past six years. Report and present.

Before the end of the meeting, Qu Mao also planned the things that need to be done and the general development direction in the second half of the sixth year and even the future of Yihou Territory Tianxuan. Now is just the time to gather the hearts of the heroes with a sumptuous dinner, Sylvie Ya Oushen and Su Buqing were like two discordant notes, jumping out from time to time to affect Qu Mao's mood.

Qu Mao also knew that Sylvia Oshen and Su Buqing had already deployed all the naval soldiers and Imperial Guard soldiers on the 15 islands in the Holy Land of Yihou Territory before the mid-year summary meeting was held. The Yihou Territory was upgraded to the Yigong Territory, and immediately launched the strategy of the new folding space and wild resource mines.

In desperation, Qu Mao hurriedly drank a few glasses of wine with the heroes, then left the dinner party and returned to his bedroom on the fourth floor of the lord's cabin.

When Su Yan saw Qu Mao leave the table, she wanted to keep up. Qu Mao told Su Yan that she was going back to her bedroom to upgrade the lord's cabin and territory, and asked Su Yan to accompany the heroes to have dinner and drinks at the dinner party, so Su Yan gave up.

At 7:00 p.m. on June 28, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao returned to his bedroom on the fourth floor of the lord's hut, opened the attribute panel of Yihou territory, and prepared to be promoted to the lord's hut and territory.

In fact, the Yihou Territory has already met the conditions for being promoted to the Yigong Territory a long time ago. The time when Qu Mao wanted to upgrade the territory in the early days can be traced back to the end of the fifth year of Tianxuan. The conditions of the territory, but at that time, it felt that upgrading the territory was of little significance, so under the persuasion of Kong Ming, Su Yan and others, Qu Mao did not insist on upgrading.

Qu Mao has long been familiar with upgrading the lord's hut and Yihou territory.

Now the gold coins in the account of Yihou Territory and various resources in the material warehouse are very sufficient. There is no problem with the total population after taking down the Red Leaf Principality. The total population is 4 billion, and the total number of various fighters exceeds 150 million Qu Mao thought that there would be no problem even if the territory of Yi Hou was promoted to the territory of King Yi or even the territory of Emperor Yi.

Quickly click the plus sign behind the lord's hut on the territory property panel to upgrade the lord's hut. When the lord's hut can no longer be upgraded, Qu Mao directly chooses to upgrade the Yihou territory to the Yigong territory.

After doing this, Qu Mao continued to return to the property panel interface of the territory, and continued to fill up the plus sign behind the lord's hut. As for whether to upgrade the newly upgraded Yigong territory to Yiwang territory, Qu Mao obviously had no plans in advance.

Because after filling up the lord's hut again, Qu Mao directly closed the territory attribute panel.

As for the level of the territory, Qu Mao felt that it was better to keep a low profile and not promote unless necessary.

According to the rewards of the heroes who are responsible for escorting food to the Principality of Fulu every time, the strength of the Principality of Fulu has long since reached the imperial level, but Fuzhi has always maintained the level of the Principality of Fulu, and has not been promoted. Even kingdoms have emerged within the Fulu Alliance The strength of the level, as the leader, the Principality of Fulu still did not choose to upgrade.

Fuzhi's game experience is far richer than Qu Mao's, so Qu Mao believes that Fuzhi's not upgrading the territory should have deep considerations.

Fuzhi is not willing to upgrade, and Qu Mao is naturally unwilling to continue to upgrade. This upgrade is mainly due to the new folding space after the upgrade. After the strategy is completed, some of the remaining folding spaces can provide a large amount of cultivated land for the territory, which is convenient. The Yihou Territory is intensively cultivated to produce more food and meet the basic survival guarantees of more residents, otherwise Qu Mao is not even willing to upgrade the Yihou Territory to the Yigong Territory.

Qu Mao, who was staying in the bedroom on the fourth floor of the lord's hut, could not feel the movement brought about by the upgrade of the lord's hut at all. The movement of the lord's hut and the territory during the upgrade almost completely disappeared when it was upgraded to the Yihou territory.

Qu Mao was just a little worried. In case the upgrade of the lord's hut will increase the floor and his bedroom is raised again, it will be a bit difficult to go back to the bedroom. After all, the concept of electricity has not been brought up now, let alone elevators. It was a novelty, every time Qu Mao returned to the bedroom, he still had to climb the four floors of stairs honestly.

After being upgraded to the territory of Yi Gong, Qu Mao also couldn't see the change of the territory. After all, it was the night of June 28, the sixth year of Tianxuan, and it was pitch black outside.

Just as Qu Mao continued to worry, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

Qu Mao opened the door and saw Su Yan standing at the door. He asked, "Hey, Su Yan, didn't you ask you to eat and drink with the heroes? Why did you come back to me? Is there something wrong?"

Su Yan asked: "My lord, have you upgraded the territory to Yigong territory?"

Qu Mao nodded.

Su Yan smiled and said: "My lord, seeing the urgent attitude of Sylvia Oshen of the Navy and Su Buqing of the Imperial Guard, the subordinates feel that they can continue to stay in the Holy Land for a few more days, and it is estimated that they can open a new fold at that time." The treasure chest picked up in the space."

Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "It's quite possible, they definitely won't spend a week capturing the new folding space and wild resource minerals.

Since you are going to stay in the Holy Land to open the treasure chest before leaving, I suggest you wait until we finish opening the treasure chest and use up all the hero recruitment coupons or hero job transfer props before returning to Tassel Kingdom.

At that time, when the new heroes are trained to open the second talent, they can all be placed under the jurisdiction of the Yigong Territory Administration Department, so you better get to know them in advance. "

Su Yan nodded and said, "Good idea, my lord."

Qu Maodao: "The reserve heroes of the administrative department don't need to wait until a new independent territory emerges before being dispatched. They can go to practice in advance."

Su Yan smiled and said: "Yes, my lord, my subordinates have informed Qiao'er to continue purchasing some low-quality hero recruitment coupons in the market.

The subordinates believe that we must at least increase the number of heroes to more than 1,000 to be sufficient. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Let's first set the goal of having more than 1,000 heroes, and strive to complete it within the stage of the Yigong Territory."

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