In fact, during the preparatory meeting for military operations against the Anti-Yi Town Alliance, Qu Mao heard Sylvia Ocean say that the naval ships were equipped with artillery. Qu Mao was a little dissatisfied. The 27 god-chosen player lords of the Yi Town Alliance did not have too much confidence in the battle.

However, a meeting lasted until evening, and the details of the battle discussed by the military heroes, as well as the deployment before the battle, began to give Qu Mao some confidence.

In any case, you have to fight it before you can know whether the Yigong Territory has the strength to fight head-on with other God's Chosen player lords, although the anti-Yi Town Alliance is dealing with 27 God's Chosen player lords at the same time.

The early conflicts with the Anti-Yizhen Alliance were mainly provoked by the Anti-Yizhen Alliance. The Yigong Territory was forced to defend and counterattack, but it was not at a disadvantage. Now that the offensive and defensive transitions, Qu Mao felt that it was a challenge.

Kong Ming had already started researching thunder mercury manufacturing technology and boring machine technology, and seeing that there were still 80 million cheating points in the cheating system, Qu Mao's confidence was instantly restored, and he mustered up his courage to start making preparations for the battle at the preparation meeting. Deployment, since it is necessary to fight, it is natural to arrange to win at the least cost.

After the anti-Yizhen alliance combat preparation meeting was over, all the participating military heroes left the office building of the military department and returned to their respective posts for pre-war preparations.

Qu Mao himself returned to the lord's hut, climbed directly to the fourth floor of the lord's hut, walked into his bedroom, took out the distribution map of the Eastern Continent from his backpack, and spread it on the coffee table in the small living room of his bedroom.

When he thinks about the strategy plan of the Eastern Continent, Qu Mao likes to take out Xinping's map with the background color. Every time the Yigong Territory seizes an independent territory on the Eastern Continent, Xinping will update this Eastern Continent power distribution map. And each update also optimizes the less accurate places in the past map.

Theoretically, there is still half a month to a month before the planned attack on the Anti-Yi Town Alliance. Thinking that the Yi Gong Territory will face the anti-Yi Town Alliance's 27 god-chosen player lords at the same time, Qu Mao's The head is a bit big.

At that time, the navy will simultaneously attack different God of Choice player lords from the entire peninsula where the 27 God of Chosen player lords of the Anti-Yi Town Alliance are located, so as to prevent the 27 God of Chosen player lords from concentrating their forces together. If the God Chosen player's lord force gathers troops in one place, it will still pose a fatal threat to any army in Yi Gong's territory.

Qu Maoyuan planned to send about 1 million troops from the army, garrison army and magic army to enter the Silla and Baekje kingdoms, synchronize with the imperial guards and navy, and attack all the aborigines between the Anti-Yizhen Alliance and the Mughal Empire Forces attack.

Try to take down all these aboriginal forces as quickly as possible, and then build a defense system, mainly to prevent the Mughal Empire from intervening, and facing the direction of the Anti-Yi Town Alliance, the army will continue to advance and further disperse the Anti-Yi Town The combat focus of the alliance's 27 Chosen player lord forces.

The aboriginal forces located between the Anti-Yizhen Alliance and the Mughal Empire, because they are sandwiched between the power of the Lord of the Chosen players and the strongest aboriginal forces in the Eastern Continent, their strength is relatively average. After the Jihou Kingdom, Xinping's intelligence department actually conducted investigations on the aboriginal forces in this area and obtained a lot of new information.

Qu Mao was not willing to split the Anti-Easy Town Alliance into 27 Chosen players and lords, but regarded the Anti-Easy Town Alliance as a force to attack.

As for the aboriginal forces sandwiched between the Anti-Yizhen Alliance and the Mughal Empire, Qu Mao is unwilling to look at them separately, but as a whole, even if the aboriginal forces in this area are regarded as one, Counting the Marquis of Silla and the Marquis of Baekje, it is not comparable to the strength of a small aboriginal power empire, at best it is the strength of two medium-sized aboriginal power kingdoms.

Take this area and quickly build a group of towns along the border of the Mughal Empire. There is a high probability that it will form the same situation as the border of the Marquis of Moner.

It doesn't take up much defensive force of the army and garrison, and it can be regarded as forming a second line of approach to the Mughal Empire.

However, after the meeting, Zhao Pan and Zhang Da discussed, and then they went directly to Qu Mao to tell them their plan, that is, before the war started, they would use the navy's warships to attack the Marquis of Silla and Baekje. Hou Guo sent 1 million troops, 100,000 magic troops and 2 million garrison troops.

With the official start of the battle, the garrison will gradually increase to 5 million troops. With this strength, Qu Mao can not only deter the Mughal Empire from moving, but also support the army to continue to send troops against the territory of the Yizhen Alliance.

Since the inverted U-shaped area of ​​the Eastern Continent is the focus of the army, magic army, and garrison, the size of the standing army of 5 million and 10 million garrison soldiers will still be maintained, and Liu Qianhui and Zhen Fu from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will cooperate with the inverted U-shaped area. The intensity of intimidation by the aboriginal forces in China to persuade them to surrender.

In other words, once the Yigong Territory declares war on the Anti-Yizhen Alliance, the Yigong Territory will theoretically have more than 20 million troops on the battlefield, and this is not counting the troops dispatched by the navy and the Imperial Guard.

The navy is going to simultaneously launch an attack on the peninsula where the Anti-Yizhen Alliance is located. It is estimated that the number of warships dispatched will not be less than 5,000, and the total number of troops dispatched will not be less than 8 million, including marines, naval magicians, and guards. For the army, it is possible that the whole army was dispatched.

At the end of the six years of Tianxuan, Qu Mao hopes to completely capture all the land in the eastern part of the East Continental Bay, although this goal is a bit ambitious.

At the same time, if no less than 10 aboriginal forces can be captured in the inverted U-shaped area, then the six years of Tianxuan will be a perfect ending.

Qu Mao thought it was a big goal, but the information fed back by Sierta Delta was that all the military heroes were all inexplicably excited, and they were gearing up one after another. Xuande's logistics department was also broken through by the heroes who led the army independently.

Qu Mao stared at the map of the distribution of power in the Eastern Continent, his heart was inexplicably excited for a while, and a little uneasy for a while.

After opening the cheating system and seeing that there are still 80 million cheating points, Qu Mao heaved a sigh of relief. The cheating value is his core reliance, not to mention that the Yigong territory has been updated in the cheating technology column. Directly applied military technology.

With the cheating value and the new military technology produced by the cheating value, Qu Mao believes that even if the size of the troops in the Yigong Territory does not expand, its combat strength will become stronger and stronger in the future.

After trying to figure out these problems in the bedroom, Qu Mao couldn't help mustering endless courage. In the past few days, he had really had less rest, so Qu Mao, who mustered up his courage, directly climbed onto the bed and went to sleep.

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