Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1140 Inspecting Independent Territory Infrastructure Projects

On August 5th of the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao added 1 million troops to the Eastern Peninsula battlefield in the East Continental Bay, and spent another 2 million cheating points to purchase gold coins to supplement the account of the Yigong territory, and spent nearly 10 million cheating points in one go , the distance from the cheating value of over 100 million is still further away.

Thinking of this, Qu Mao decided to leave the Holy Land of Yigong Territory and head towards the Yancheng Port of the Tassel Kingdom on a naval ship. At the beginning of the year, Su Yan started a large number of infrastructure construction projects and water conservancy and livelihood projects in the independent territories of the Eastern Continent. Qu Mao felt that he had It is necessary to see the construction results that cost a lot of gold coins and resources.

This time, Qu Mao did not choose to increase the number of troops for the battlefield in the eastern peninsula of the Eastern Continental Bay. After hearing the total number of casualties of each army, he only added troops for the army and the imperial guards.

The increase in troops for the army is only because the army is now fighting on two fronts, and it is difficult to deploy troops; the increase in troops for the Imperial Guard is mainly because the total number of soldiers in the Imperial Guard is small, and the loss in this battle is too great.

The base of the garrison is over 100 million. Even if there is a loss, there is no need for additional additions for the time being, especially for the magic army and navy.

Now the number of traditional fighters in the Yigong Territory has exceeded 150 million. In the future, these 150 million traditional fighters will be equipped with firearms, or transformed into a firearms army.

In late July, Kong Ming demonstrated new firearms for Qu Mao and Xuande on the Shuangzi Island in the middle of the road. Rear-loading flintlocks had already appeared. Qu Mao believed that with the rear-loading flintlock, the Firearms Army could already be called an official The army only needs to distribute rear-loading flintlock guns and bullets to all soldiers. The problem now is to quickly produce guns and ammunition.

In this context, let Qu Mao continue to increase the number of traditional fighters, it is better to let Qu Mao desperately build military factories to replenish rear-loading flintlock guns and train new firearms soldiers.

Of course, Qu Mao has arranged for Xuande to carry out the layout and construction of the new military factory industrial chain. Once Xuande completes Qu Mao's task, the Yi Gong territory will inevitably enter the era of frantic expansion of the firearms army.

At about 11:00 p.m. on August 5th, Tianxuan Six Years, Qu Mao rushed to the Palace of King Liusu, and briefly explained with Su Yan that he wanted to go to the independent territories of the Eastern Continent to see the infrastructure construction projects and water conservancy and civil projects that were laid out at the beginning of the year Regarding the progress, Su Yan readily agreed to accompany Qu Mao to inspect various construction sites.

At six o'clock in the morning on August 6th in the sixth year of Tianxue, Qu Mao and Su Yan had breakfast in King Liusu's palace, and then set off for the southeast of Liusu Kingdom with 3,000 fifth-rank court guards.

According to the result of the discussion between Qu Mao and Su Yan, the two first entered the Luanshanhou Kingdom, then went from the Luanshanhou Kingdom to Jierhou Kingdom, and then went all the way north, passing through the Bertierhou Kingdom, the Wangzhanhou Kingdom and the Abyss Hou Country, Then turn eastward into the Marquis of Lianhe, and after arriving at the northern border of the Marquis of Lianhe, go all the way westward into the Marquis of Mofei, pass through the Marquis of Mofei and then enter the Marquis of Gillette, and finally the Marquis of Napoleon and Marquis of Jili. Finally, pass through the Principality of Qingyi and return to Yancheng Port by warship from the Yihai Naval Military Base.

The entire inspection process may take a month, but whether it is Qu Mao or Su Yan, they have no objection to the long time span of the entire itinerary, even in the territory of Yigong, the Eastern Peninsula battlefield in the Eastern Continental Bay, and the Kingdom battlefield in the inverted U-shaped area. Two wars are going on.

Since Su Yan entered Tianxuan six years ago, she has been actively building infrastructure projects and water conservancy and people's livelihood projects on the independent territory captured by the Eastern Continent earlier, and has won word of mouth for the rule of the Yigong Territory on the independent territory.

Now that more than seven months have passed, Qu Mao and Su Yan should go to test the results.

And it is also necessary for Qu Mao to arrange more infrastructure tasks. After all, yesterday in the lord's hut, he added 1 million troops to the Eastern Peninsula battlefield and replenished 30 million gold coins to the account of Yigong territory. Qu Mao's cheating value was nearly 10 million points, which made Qu Mao's cheating value far from 100 million points.

Every infrastructure project and every water conservancy and people's livelihood project can still provide Qu Mao with some cheating points, some of which can have tens of thousands of cheating points, and many can even earn hundreds of thousands of cheating points.

Now the number of gold coins in the account of Yigong Territory is less than 90 million. If there is no other income before the end of the month, or the income cannot cover the consumption, it means that Qu Mao still needs to cheat to buy gold coins.

Purchasing 15 gold coins with 1 point of cheating, although this price has increased a lot compared to the previous purchase of 10 gold coins with 1 point of cheating, but for Qu Mao, it is still not enough, 150 million soldiers, one moonlight military expenditure has to be consumed Nearly 100 million gold coins were dropped.

Su Yan said that the number of safe gold coins in the Yigong Domain account is 100 million gold coins, which is less than 100 million gold coins, which means that the funds in Yigong Domain will be very unsafe, and there is a possibility of liquidation anytime, anywhere.

Therefore, by the end of August, if the gold coins in the account of Yigong Territory could not be maintained on the safe line, Qu Mao thought that he would have to spend at least 20 million cheating points to purchase gold coins.

Qu Mao and Su Yan took 3,000 fifth-tier court guards and walked on the independent territory of Yigong Territory located in the Eastern Continent. Almost everywhere, they could see windmills slowly turning with the breeze, and they also saw countless brand new ditches. Irrigated the fertile fields, and my mood became much better involuntarily.

When walking out of Jierhou Kingdom, Qu Mao said: "Su Yan, in addition to the construction of windmills, large hospitals, reservoirs, water conservancy and other infrastructure, you can also contact the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Infrastructure to see when the Eastern Continent will be independent. Stone road construction works between territories.

If all the stone roads are built, I think the road we have traveled before can save at least two days. "

Su Yan said: "My lord, let's take it easy. Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been persuading the aborigines to surrender. The Navy and the Guards are fighting against the lords of the 27 God-Chosen players in the Yizhen Alliance. We have recently captured Mo The nine aboriginal forces between the Woer Empire and the Anti-Yizhen Alliance are still fighting in the inverted U-shaped area of ​​the Eastern Continent.

The demand for gold coins and resources is very high, and the subordinates are worried that the gold coins in the territory account will not be able to support it. "

Qu Mao thought to himself: "With cheating points, I have everything, and the construction of infrastructure projects is to earn cheating points for me. Without 100 million cheating points, I will never feel safe."

But naturally he couldn't tell Su Yanming what he was thinking, so Qu Mao just said indifferently: "If you think of a way, there will always be enough gold coins."

Su Yan resolutely stopped discussing this topic, and introduced the development of the independent territories to Qu Mao along the way.

Qu Mao didn't say anything, and followed Su Yan to seriously inspect the infrastructure construction of the independent territories of the Eastern Continent.

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