Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1146 Going to Midway Twin Islands Again

On the afternoon of September 18th in the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao accompanied Zhen Fu to wander around Yicheng for a whole afternoon. Originally, Qu Mao just wanted to reward Zhen Fu for her diplomatic achievements, but Zhen Fu proposed such a perverted reward program .

Qu Mao was so tired that when he returned to the lord's hut at night, he didn't even want to eat, so he called two third-tier princess guards to carry him back to his bedroom on the fourth floor, and went to bed without washing his feet.

At 6:00 a.m. on September 19th, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao boarded a naval warship from the civilian pier outside Yidao Fisherman's Village after a hasty breakfast, and headed straight for Twin Islands on the way.

Accompanying Qu Mao to the Midway Twin Islands were Xuande, two heroes, and a liaison team of 15 managers from the Logistics Department stationed in the Firearms Research Institute. Of course, 30 transport ships followed Qu Mao's warship. .

This 17-person team is specially selected by Xuande to be the liaison personnel of the logistics department on the small island of Twin Islands in the middle of the road. They are dedicated to connecting with the latest firearms research results of the Firearms Research Institute and the Firearms University anytime and anywhere. Kong Ming demonstrated firearms to Xuande on July 26. Xuande's power left a deep impression on him.

When Qu Mao and Xuande exchanged and discussed the layout of the new military industry in Yigong Territory on September 11, they also discussed the transformation of the achievements of the Firearms Research Institute and the Firearms University as soon as possible, and shortened the transformation time between scientific research results and firearms equipment. With such a big determination, I will directly arrange for two heroes from the logistics department to station on the small island of Midway Twin Islands for a long time.

Xuande believes that as long as new weapons can be popularized in the army of Yi Gong Territory, even if it is only equipped with old-fashioned traditional fighters, Yi Gong Territory only needs 1 million troops to gain an advantage in the competition for the entire main continent. Of course, the premise of Xuande's thinking is that other God's Chosen player lord forces do not have firearms with the same power.

Therefore, Xuande has a mentality of overwhelming and impatient in building new military factories and accelerating the production of new firearms and weapons. The 17-member docking team is the product of this mentality.

In fact, Qu Mao is not optimistic about Xuande's efforts, because according to the current number of new military factories built in Xuande, once the military factories in Jidao New Military Factory Industrial Park and Liandao New Military Industrial Park start production, July 1st The determined progress of the formation of the firearms army will inevitably lead to the problem of overcapacity of firearms and artillery.

On the warship heading to Twin Islands midway, Xuande kept persuading Qu Mao to speed up the construction of the Firearms Army, apparently Xuande was also aware of this problem.

Qu Mao was forced to feel helpless by Xuande, so he had no choice but to explain: "Xuande, although the Firearms Army has no grades, the control of firearms is by no means a simple matter. It must be done step by step. Only the number of soldiers in our Firearms Army who have undergone strict training is large. Only then can the firearms army be further and rapidly expanded.

I think the expansion speed you suggested before is a bit fast, which is equivalent to training new firearms soldiers in the form of 1 with 1 after only one month of training.

Let's expand safely until the end of this year. Later, we will evaluate the training of the soldiers of the Firearms Army, and then consider the expansion speed of the Firearms Army in the seventh year of Tianxuan.

Or simply wait for Chafidel to finish the war in the kingdom's battlefield, and let him personally determine the expansion speed of the Firearms Army. "

Seeing that Qu Mao disagreed, Xuande stopped insisting.

Midway on Twin Islands, counting the new Firearms Army soldiers in September, and deducting the 500 Musketeers who went to observe on the battlefield in the eastern peninsula of the East Mainland Bay, the total number of Firearms Army soldiers does not exceed 6,000.

At 4:00 p.m. on September 19, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Xuande boarded the temporary pier on the small island of Twin Islands. On both sides of the temporary pier, five civilian piers and two military piers were being upgraded. Kong Ming stood On the trestle of the temporary pier, Qu Mao and Xuande were greeted, as well as the two heroes and 15 staff members from the logistics department.

After helping Qu Mao, Kong Ming waved the goose feather fan and said with a smile: "My lord, you have four heroes in total this time, but there is already 5 meters of water in the Dadao Reservoir. Need to trouble the hero to water your 10 small fish."

Qu Mao smiled and said, "It's only been a few days since September, and the water has been stored five meters deep? I remember that the bottom of the reservoir is at least 100 meters in diameter and five meters deep, but it has stored a lot of water.

The bottom of the reservoir is 5 meters deep. In fact, Li Xiang can consider bringing more live fish from other islands in the holy land to the island and put them in the Dadao reservoir. "

Xuande rolled his eyes and said, "My lord, don't worry about your 10 small fishes. With a diameter of 100 meters and a depth of 5 meters, you can't even see those 10 small fishes now."

Qu Mao said: "That's right, that's why Li Xiang has to put more fish in the Dadao reservoir.

Don't put more fish, the first 10 small fish are so lonely. "

Kong Ming and Xuande laughed when they heard what Qu Mao said.

The two heroes of the logistics department and 15 staff members of the logistics department are already commanding 30 transport ships to berth at the civilian docks and military docks that are being upgraded. Naturally, Qu Mao, Kong Ming, and Xuande do not need to hand over supplies in person. Do.

So Kong Ming greeted Xuande and Qu Mao to the office building of the Firearms Research Institute. This office building was only three floors high next to the zero-level residential buildings in the past, but it was enough for the office building of the Firearms Research Institute.

After entering the office building, Kong Ming asked, "Xuande, what do you mean by sending two heroes to the island?"

Xuande said: "My lord Kong Ming, my lord attaches great importance to the construction and layout of the new military industrial chain, so the logistics department decided to send a liaison team to the Firearms Research Institute. Once the Firearms Research Institute develops the latest firearms military products, the liaison team will contact you. The logistics department will build mass production factories in Jidao and Liandao to speed up the transformation from fire research to production in our Yigong territory."

Kong Ming shook his goose feather fan and pondered for a while, then said: "The number of weapons in the firearms army is not enough to directly distribute to the traditional army, and there is a high risk in directly distributing the traditional army. After all, not all firearms are used like explosives. Simple.

Since this is the case, I think it is appropriate for you to establish a liaison team..."

Qu Mao said: "Kong Ming, I think Xuande's move is very necessary. We must work together to expand the strength of our army as soon as possible, not the number of troops. When the military expenses are deducted at the end of each month, I am frightened." .

The improvement of the strength of the army, the equipment of firearms bears the brunt. "

Kong Ming nodded and said: "In that case, let's arrange an office for the logistics department's contact point in the office building of the Firearms Research Institute.

However, the subordinates still believe that it is not appropriate to rush to equip the army with firearms. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "The core is to make breakthroughs in technology first."

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