Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1156 The Idea of ​​Yidao Weekly

Although Bi Sheng's balloon flying experiment only added a little luster to Qu Mao's boring career in the Holy Land, Qu Mao was absolutely unwilling to regard this matter as a mere accident.

Qu Mao felt that as long as all the people participated in the scientific experiment, the effect of Krypton technology could even explode. After all, Yigong territory already has a total population of nearly 6 billion.

Bi Sheng's incident at least shows that Qu Mao and Liu Qianhui spent time and energy writing the book "Description of the Application of Science and Technology in Another World", and now it has achieved certain results.

After the establishment of Zhidao New Technology Research University, countless researchers reverse-engineered the technology in the book "Description of the Application of Science and Technology in Another World", but there has been no major breakthrough until now. Now an epoch-making experiment is being conducted by an unknown student. out.

Thinking about it carefully, it is nothing more than that the student Bi Sheng was able to try boldly and fail repeatedly, and he would not hesitate to use up his meager property.

Now that the literacy rate of residents in the Yigong Territory has reached a certain level, especially in the holy land of the Yigong Territory, it is time to adopt other means to open up the wisdom of the people, so that the outstanding literate residents of the Yigong Territory can understand the current affairs of the Yigong Territory and strengthen them. The recognition of Yigong Territory can also stimulate more outstanding residents to participate in the development and technological innovation of Yigong Territory.

On October 20, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao urgently called Xinping to the lord's hut after thinking about it for a few days.

After Xinping came to the lord's hut and met Qu Mao, he asked directly: "My lord, now is not the time for routine reporting. Is there a new change in the eastern peninsula battlefield in the eastern mainland bay or the kingdom battlefield in the inverted U-shaped area, or Do you have new instructions?

It was the first time in the recent period that the subordinates were summoned so urgently. "

Qu Mao said: "Xinping, a few days ago, there was a student at the Zhidao University of New Technology. When the experimental balloon was launched to carry people, it floated to the front yard of the lord's cottage. Do you know about this?"

Xinping nodded and said: "My lord, this subordinate knows about this matter. Haven't you already dealt with it, my lord? What? Want to change your mind?

This subordinate will arrange someone to help you bring that student named Bi Sheng back. "

Qu Mao glared at Xinping, and said angrily: "Who told you to catch Bi Sheng, I can't wait for more Bi Sheng to appear.

I came here mainly because I was thinking: Bi Sheng's actions are worthy of encouragement. Is it necessary to take some measures to publicize Bi Sheng's incident and encourage more residents in other fields to spontaneously invest in scientific and technological research and development. "

Xinping frowned and thought for a while, then asked: "My lord, do you mean that the Ministry of Intelligence publicized it? Or..."

Qu Mao shook his head and said, "How many people do you have in the intelligence department? How long will it take for you to spread word of mouth to cover our current 6 billion residents?

I hope that the residents will spontaneously participate in the research and development of science and technology, but I also hope that the direction of their research is accurate, so they must have a basic grasp of the development direction of Yigong Territory. "

Xinping frowned again, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Sir, you mean to find a channel to disclose some internal affairs or scientific research policies of our Yigong territory. Now our operations are issued by the administrative department to the island owner or The garrison heroes, then to the city lords, then to the mayors of the towns, and finally to the village chiefs to spread word of mouth to the residents."

Qu Mao nodded and said: "This form is very good, but I think the efficiency is too slow, and word of mouth will always lead to some mistakes and omissions, and it will also make the audience doubt the authenticity of the information.

Therefore, I want to create a journal to regularly print the progress of important matters in our Yigong territory, including foreign military operations, important administrative policies, important directions in science and technology, major events among residents, and exciting developments Results etc.

In the early stage of our trial, the frequency of publishing can be slowed down, such as one issue a month or one issue a week..."

Xinping thought for a while, and said with a bitter face: "My lord, our Yi Gong territory now occupies at least half of the Eastern Continent, and it may take a long time for the weekly magazines you publish to reach the independent territories quickly.

According to a rough estimate by my subordinates, it may take more than a month from the publication in the Holy Land to the delivery to the remotest independent territory. "

Qu Mao said: "That's why I came to you. Is there a faster way to start publishing from the Holy Land to the independent territories, such as using carrier pigeons, or using more powerful birds to see if there are any tame ones?" possibility.

Even if the distribution period is as long as one month, as long as we publish periodically, the independent territories can also receive our periodicals periodically.

We can even use the publication of periodicals to build communication outlets. "

Xinping thought over and over again, and said: "My lord, if we use carrier pigeons, then our journals must be smaller and thinner, and the Ministry of Intelligence has not found a communication bird with a greater load capacity.

If adults do not dislike the slow publication speed, it is feasible to take this opportunity to improve the communication system. After all, in addition to publishing periodicals, there is still a certain degree of private communication needs. "

Qu Mao nodded, and said: "With the current level of technology in the Holy Land of Yigong Territory, we have movable type printing and papermaking, and the pre-technology level for publishing periodicals has been reached.

By publishing periodicals, we can not only provide business for the paper and printing industries, but also incubate a new media industry.

Residents should be allowed to submit articles to journals and express their voices. Of course, the content of this voice needs to be reviewed in advance, and we cannot publish remarks that are not conducive to our rule.

Let's publish "Yidao Weekly" first, and publish it on a weekly basis. The editorial department will first be established inside the intelligence department. By the way, let's communicate with Kong Fu. Starting from the spring enrollment of the seventh year of Tianxuan, we will set up editing majors and enroll students in several universities. nourish. "

Xinping nodded and said, "Yes, my lord."

Qu Mao continued: "Try to publish the first issue of our "Yidao Weekly" in November of the sixth year of Tianxuan, and urge Confucius to contact all universities and vocational technical schools. Both types of schools must publish school magazines. Cannot be more than 1 period per month.

All publications must be reported to the Ministry of Intelligence, which reviews the accuracy of the content of the publications.

The editor of the editorial department of "Easy Island Weekly" should first look for the position of intelligence analyst in the intelligence department. Not only do you need to build a team, but you also need to prepare content. Xinping, your task is very heavy. "

Xinping sighed, and said: "Don't worry, my lord, I will do it now, and I will definitely be able to complete this task."

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