Before March 15th in the seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao spent almost all his time running back and forth between the 15 islands in the holy land and the midway twin islands. After a round of inspections, Qu Mao was very dissatisfied. Xuande called a meeting in the lord's hut.

Meng De, Zhong Mou, and Monk Xuan De Zhang ran back to the living room on the first floor of the lord's hut in confusion, sat upright and took out their notebooks, waiting for Qu Mao to speak.

But Qu Mao's expression was not good, but he didn't speak.

Xuande had no choice but to say: "My lord, you left the Holy Land on January 15th and returned to the Holy Land at the end of February. Recently, I heard that your lord is very busy. Why did you suddenly think of calling the three of us for a meeting?

It has been two full months since the conclusion of the Tianxuan's six-year year-end summary meeting, and when you gave us instructions when you inspected industry, military and technology. I don't know why you called us for this meeting. "

Qu Mao let out a long sigh and said, "You three, I feel that the industry and technology in our Yigong territory have almost stagnated in the past two months, so I think it is necessary to ask the three of you to come back and chat chat."

Meng De said with some dissatisfaction: "Sir, if you say that, the subordinates think it may be biased.

In terms of technology, Mr. Zhongmou is here, and his subordinates dare not speak nonsense. But in terms of industry, the number and types of factories in the Holy Land of Yigong Territory are increasing rapidly. Can't you see the results of such industrial development? "

Zhong Mou also said helplessly: "My lord, no researcher in the field of science and technology is wasting time, they are all working hard on science and technology research.

It's just that technological innovation needs to be based on technological accumulation, and it cannot be accomplished overnight.

My lord, you have only been away from the Holy Land for two months. In such a short period of time, it seems unrealistic for you to achieve a qualitative leap in technology. "

Xuande scratched his head and said: "My lord, after you left the Holy Land, the industry and technology of the Holy Land are developing according to the established plan, and the speed of development is much faster than our original plan. Your lord, you should see that our industry and technology Instead of so anxiously accusing us of stagnant technological and industrial development.

At least the new military industrial park and the traditional military industrial park that the subordinate is in charge of are desperately producing all kinds of war consumables and new firearms for the peninsula battlefield. The subordinate believes that the military production of the logistics department has made great progress in standardization and advances in mass production.

My lord, you have also visited Midway Twin Islands in the last half month. Lord Chafidel has not returned to the Holy Land for more than two months, and has been staying on Midway Twin Islands to form and train the firearms army.

Both the Firearms University and the Firearms Research Institute on Twin Islands have made great progress, and any research results on new firearms will be transformed into industrialized products immediately..."

Qu Mao waved his hand, interrupted Xuande's words, and said, "I know everything you said, but some projects related to the future strength of our Yigong territory, such as the ironclad ship project, the steel chariot project, the wing suit project and There is almost no substantial progress in the controllable hot air balloon project, which makes me extremely anxious and dissatisfied."

Xuande said helplessly: "My lord, it's not that you haven't been to the Outlying Island Power Research Institute, let alone the controllable hot air balloon project and the wingsuit flight suit project. It is impossible for the two projects of steel chariot and iron-clad ship to have substantial development.

Besides, the two interns Nanli and Mu Degui, who are in charge of the controllable hot air balloon project and the wingsuit flight suit project, spent a lot of energy on the tooling and clipping project some time ago, so the lack of progress is completely predictable. "

Zhong Mou said: "My lord, the newly discovered new energy petroleum crude oil and new material rubber, my subordinates believe that in the future, it will definitely bring opportunities for a qualitative leap in the technological field of our Yigong territory.

Just like the discovery of coal a few days ago, it brought us a series of technological and industrial innovations in Yigong territory, but I don’t know if the new energy and new materials discovered this time can complete the application-level research in about half a year.

However, with the strength of the Outlying Islands Power Research Institute, the subordinates believe that within half a year at most, the development and application of rubber, and the extraction and application of crude oil will definitely achieve phased results. At that time, my lord, you can just wait for the progress of technology and industry. "

Meng De also nodded frequently, and said: "My lord, I have already organized relevant experts in the industrial field to observe the refinement and separation device of petroleum crude oil in the Power Research Institute. And in the future there will be factories that process crude oil."

Qu Mao nodded, and said: "You all work hard, I still feel that our industrial development is too slow, and it has almost stagnated recently. You should find a way to change the status quo.

Regarding new energy petroleum crude oil and new material rubber, I hope you will be clearly aware: for now, we only have 10 barrels of crude oil samples, which is not a large number of samples. The technology is not yet certain. We have not found oil deposits in the holy land of our Yigong territory and the independent territories we control; we only have 10 barrels of rubber liquid samples for the new material rubber. Although 100 rubber tree seedlings have been planted, these rubber trees It may take a long time for the seedlings to produce rubber.

This is a big problem, which means that the oil industry and rubber industry we are considering now will be constrained by raw materials for a long time to come. "

Meng De smiled and said, "Master, Lord Xinping is organizing people to find where there are oil mines. Even if the oil mines we find are not in our holy land or independent territory, what's the problem? Let's dispatch the army to directly destroy the territory with oil mines Isn't it over when you come down?"

Qu Mao glared at Meng De, and said: "Don't think about these things. I hope that the three of you will work together on the existing basis to accelerate our industrial and technological development with the greatest possibility and the smallest cost. , especially on your side, Xuande."

Xuande said: "My lord, I don't need you to tell me what to do. The subordinates all know how to develop."

Qu Mao said: "The reason why you emphasize your side is because new weapons will determine the outcome on the battlefield in the future, so the two new military industrial parks must produce enough new weapons.

The production capacity of these new weapons must ensure that Chafidel can accelerate the expansion of the firearms army anytime and anywhere. "

Xuande said: "Yes, my lord, the subordinates know."

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