At 9 a.m. on August 7th, the seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Su Yan led a team of 200 fifth-tier court guards, still riding alone and riding in pairs, marching non-stop towards Shacheng, the original Marquis of Gillette.

Under normal circumstances, it would take at least two to three days of marching time from the Teleportation City to the Shacheng City of the Marquis of Gillette, but during the journey, Qu Mao and Su Yan basically kept changing horses and changing horses. So in one day and one night, the Shacheng of the Marquis of Gillette is already in sight.

Fortunately, there is also the support of game attributes. Otherwise, even if one person rides with two riders, the marching time should be shortened to one-third of the normal time. Even if the knight can stand it, the war horse can't stand it.

Most of the time, Qu Mao can only feel that this Continent of Hegemony is too peculiar, the game attributes are not too strong, but there are game attributes at critical moments.

On the morning of August 9th, the seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Su Yan did not rush to the gate of Shacheng City, because Qu Mao chose to stop and camp to rest for two consecutive nights.

And now that they are not too far away from Shacheng, Qu Mao and Su Yan had to slow down the speed of the team, because there were more and more residential buildings and pedestrians along the way.

Qu Mao reined in his horse and asked Su Yan beside him, "Su Yan, how far is this from the city wall of Shacheng?"

Su Yan looked around at the terrain and said, "My lord, here is about 4 kilometers away from Shadongbei Village, a village in the northeast of the Shacheng town group, and at least 8 kilometers away from the northeastern gate of Shacheng."

Qu Mao glanced at the pedestrians beside the horse, sighed, and said, "Has Shacheng become so lively now?"

Su Yan glanced at the pedestrians around, pointed to a restaurant in front, and said to Qu Mao: "My lord, it is said that between Shacheng and the satellite villages around Shacheng, there was originally cultivated land, but now it is probably full of people.

We camped in the wild for two consecutive nights, and the soldiers didn't have a good rest. They just ate a few mouthfuls of dry food in the morning and hurried on the road.

There is an open-air restaurant in front, or we can go there to have some breakfast and ask about the situation by the way. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "That's fine, it's not noon or noon, and there aren't many customers in the restaurant, so it won't cause trouble to the boss."

Su Yan waved her hand, and the two fifth-rank court guards stepped forward to communicate with the owner of the restaurant.

Qu Mao and Su Yan came to the restaurant and got off their horses and sat down. The boss was so excited that he personally invited Qu Mao to sit down, and ordered an old lady on the stove to call for someone to take care of Qu Mao and Su Yan's horses.

The restaurant on the side of the road is relatively simple, including the kitchen and the dining area, which are all temporary thatched sheds. The place is not big, and it can accommodate up to 4 tables for people to eat at the same time.

Qu Mao and Su Yan sat down at the table, ordered a few dishes, and then looked around.

Soon, the boss cooked by himself, fried four small dishes, and brought two big bowls of rice. After putting them on the table, the boss didn't leave, and stood beside Qu Mao and Su Yan's table so that Qu Mao And Su Yan is at your beck and call.

When Qu Mao and Su Yan were eating, they saw the boss waiting at the table, so Qu Mao asked while eating, "Boss, how is your business here?"

The boss replied respectfully: "Thanks to your lordship and His Majesty's blessings, Xiaomin runs a restaurant here, which can barely support a family of 12 people, which is much better than the arable land allocated by Shacheng City Lord's Mansion in the early days.

Xiaomin was originally a resident of Jidao. A few years ago, he responded to the call of the Ministry of Administration and moved his family to Shadongbei Village, just to covet the cultivated land allocated by Shacheng City Lord's Mansion.

This restaurant was originally my family's farmland, but in recent years, more and more migrant workers have flooded into Shacheng, and there is no income from farming.

Now Xiaomin and his old wife run a small restaurant here. The three sons and three wives all go to work in mines and factories. The income of Xiaomin’s restaurant is enough to support the family. The money earned by the three sons is used to support the education of the four grandchildren. , the days are getting more and more prosperous.

A large number of residents commute to and from Shacheng and the surrounding mining areas every day, so Xiaomin's business is also very stable. When you come, sir, it's not time for meals, so there are no diners in Xiaomin's restaurant.

Of course, I have to thank my lord. You and Her Majesty the Queen come to eat at this time, which can be regarded as an extra income for Xiaomin. "

Qu Mao smiled, nodded, pointed to the four side dishes and two bowls of rice on the table, and asked: "Boss, how much do you sell for the four side dishes and two bowls of rice ordered by the two of us?" ?”

The boss said with a smile: "My lord, these 4 dishes plus 2 bowls of rice, normally Xiaomin will sell 50 copper coins, but it is for you and Her Majesty to consume, and Xiaomin is willing to give you a 20% discount. You pay 40 copper coins. Can.

Even if it is 40 copper coins, because the restaurant is built on their own farmland, Xiaomin and his old wife can still earn 15 copper coins. "

Qu Mao laughed loudly, took out a gold coin from his backpack and handed it to the boss, saying: "This gold coin is used to pay for the food expenses of the two of us and the 200 fifth-level palace guards. If it is not enough, You tell me again."

The boss quickly pushed Qu Mao's hand away, and said, "My lord, you can't help it. This is already too much value for this meal. We people in the Liusu Empire don't lack food at all. Although the people in Northeast Sha Village no longer grow The land, but the price of buying ingredients is extremely cheap..."

Su Yan said: "Old man, you can just accept it, the extra will be rewarded by our lord, and the residents of our Liusu Empire are also the residents of our Yi Gong territory."

The boss happily took the gold coin from Qu Mao, and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, Your Majesty.

Your Excellency, Your Majesty, in fact, if you two walk less than 5 kilometers further, you will come across a more upscale restaurant, at least you don’t need to eat with road dust. "

Su Yan said with a smile: "Old man, my lord likes to eat in your restaurant. Eating is one thing, and the other is to know how lively Shacheng is."

The boss smiled and said, "My lord, Shacheng and its surrounding areas are indeed very lively and prosperous today.

There were only 100 households in Shadongbei Village where Xiaomin lived, with a total population of just over 500. When they moved here, most of the families came for the allocated farmland.

Now the aborigines in Shabeibei Village are building bamboo buildings on the cultivated land. All these bamboo buildings are rented out to migrant workers. At present, the number of residents living in Shadongbei Village alone has exceeded 2,700.

Not to mention the Shacheng, which is specially used for living, there are also some other villages, where five-story buildings are built at first glance, and the number of rented residents is even larger. "

Qu Mao glanced at Su Yan and said, "Su Yan, based on this calculation, Shacheng's originally planned 100,000 residents may now have expanded to more than 500,000 residents."

Su Yan said: "My lord, when you arrive in Shacheng, ask the city lord and you will know."

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