At 10:00 p.m. on February 5th, eighth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao had just laid down on his bed and was about to go to sleep, but unexpectedly the door of the room was opened suddenly. quilt.

Qu Mao was startled, and was about to jump up, but someone grabbed his arm and dragged him onto the bed, and then Mo Yangqiao's voice came over: "My lord, it's me!"

"Damn it! Mo Yangqiao, why don't you lead the army to attack the newly-emerged wild resource mines and folding spaces, and run back to the lord's cabin without authorization?...Hey, don't move your hands...I'm asking you What about it?" Qu Mao was furious, pushed away Mo Yangqiao's dishonest hand, and shouted angrily.

Mo Yangqiao laughed like a cat, and said: "My lord, this subordinate promised to complete all the new folding spaces and wild resource mines that appeared due to the upgrade of the territory for you in one day and one night, so naturally he will keep his word.

Now that all the raids have been completed, the soldiers are carrying the raids to the lord's hut or the main cities of the islands to raid the new wild resource mines and explosives in the folding space. This time it can be regarded as a big profit.

The 200,000 high-ranking army troops won a lot of things in one day and one night, and the subordinates couldn't remember clearly.

However, Su Qiaoer said that all hero treasures, hero equipment, and hero weapons must be handed over to the lord's hut, and the heroes in the administrative department will be responsible for distributing them to the heroes in need as soon as possible, and the warcraft explosives will be handed over to the island owners of each island. The island owner makes overall arrangements.

In addition, all the treasure chests have been brought back by the subordinates, and the treasure chests obtained from each island are being transported to the lord's hut. The subordinates know that Lord Su Yan likes to open treasure chests very much, so they didn't move any of them, waiting for you and Lord Su Yan to open them together. "

Qu Mao slapped Mo Yangqiao's dishonest hand away again, and said, "Even if you want to open it, you can't open it without my authorization."

Mo Yangqiao obviously wasn't thinking about the explosion, he stuck out his tongue and faltered a few times, even though the storm was coming.

After Qu Mao's intense exercise, he lay on the bed like a puddle of mud, but Mo Yangqiao continued: "My lord, after the upgrade of the territory and the lord's hut, let's take a look at the newly-appeared folding space and wild resources. In the mine, the harvest seems to be much higher than usual.

The subordinates have used magic communication crystals to contact the generals in charge of military operations on each island. There are almost more than 2,000 treasure chests in total. In addition, there are hundreds of architectural drawings and construction drawings.

Mrs. Su Qiaoer said that she would hand it over to her for screening in advance, and then she would hand over the architectural drawings and construction drawings that have not appeared before to your disposal. "

Qu Mao took a breath and said, "Well, the difference is an extra gain. Although our King Yi territory has already passed the stage of relying on these things for development, we still need to convert it into the strength of our King Yi territory as soon as possible." OK.

After all, it has been too long since we have replenished the troops on the battlefield of the Eastern Continent Peninsula. Opening treasure chests will definitely yield hero recruitment coupons, inferior hero recruitment coupons, and hero transfer props. Our territory of King Yi can not only replenish a wave of soldiers Yes, you can continue to add a batch of heroes.

I've always felt that we don't have enough heroes in King Yi's territory. Now we've almost won two-thirds of the Eastern Continent, which means more than a thousand heroes. Is it true that there are only more than a thousand heroes in the entire continent? "

Mo Yangqiao smiled and said: "My lord, please forgive me for speaking bluntly. I think that our King Yi's territory is actually not short of heroes. We have thousands of heroes. The god-chosen player lord forces in the Anti-Yi Town Alliance generally have only dozens of heroes in a family, and the god-chosen player lord forces with hundreds of heroes already belong to the top forces in the anti-Yi Town alliance.

We have thousands of heroes. According to the Prisoner of the Chosen players in Novice Village, the Dugu Empire, which ranks first in the lord power of the Chosen players, only has less than 800 heroes. "

Qu Mao nodded and said: "Mo Yangqiao, the information you have learned is basically true, but there are not too many heroes.

I always think that sending garrison heroes on independent territories is better than sending managers, at least they can carry more supplies in their backpacks..."

Mo Yang laughed a few times and said, "My lord, do you only fancy the hero's backpack?

Before the first year of Tianxuan, the subordinates were the most influential figures in the entire Eastern Continent, and of course they were even rarer, because the probability of heroes appearing among the aborigines was extremely low.

Among the younger generation in the Eastern Continent at that time, the most famous were the two subordinates and Lord Su Yan. Lord Su Yan said that a princess of the principality can be compared with a princess of the empire under her, mainly because we have the same hero status.

A large part of the strength and status of the Liusu Principality is because Lord Su Yan is a hero.

Even in the Mughal Empire, there were only two young heroes who became heroes, and this subordinate was one of them.

If your subordinates are not captured by you on Sky Island, then the probability of your subordinates taking over the throne of the Mughal Empire is very high. Originally, the purpose of attacking the holy land was to accumulate credit, but unexpectedly, you became your captives, my lord. "

Qu Mao patted Mo Yangqiao on the back, and said, "Mo Yangqiao, don't worry too much. After our King Yi territory stabilizes the independent territories of the Eastern Continent for a year or two, the King Yi territory will definitely help you capture the Mughals." The position of the Empress of the Empire is just like helping Su Yan restore the country back then.

Sooner or later, the Mughal Empire will also belong to our King Yi's territory, and the entire Eastern Continent will belong to our King Yi's territory. "

Mo Yangqiao nodded, lying in Qu Mao's arms, and said: "My lord, now this subordinate is also one of the heroes of King Yi's territory, and naturally knows that our King Yi's territory has the strength to unify the entire Eastern Continent.

The subordinates are not in a hurry..."

Qu Mao suddenly trembled, and said: "Damn it! Let's discuss the future, why are you moving your hands?

Isn't this discussing the gains gained from the new folding space and wild resource mines after being upgraded to King Yi's territory, huh...

Hey, don't move around, take a good rest, you lead troops to fight for a day and a night, don't you hate hard work? "

Mo Yangqiao smiled and said: "It's not hard, my lord. How can the good time be wasted casually?

Wait a few more days, Lord Su Yan may come back to open the treasure chest, and at that time, the subordinates will leave for the border. "

Qu Mao pulled Mo Yangqiao's hand away, and said: "Well, it's good for Su Yan to come back earlier, we have to digest these things as soon as possible and convert them into our strength.

At that time, you will bring all the soldier recruitment coupons to the peninsula battlefield and hand them over to the military commissioner of the peninsula battlefield... You... You can also inspect the border on the peninsula... Damn it! "

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