On February 13th, the eighth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao began to inspect the Holy Land of Yigong Territory, which had been upgraded to the territory of King Yi. The size of the island.

This time, Qu Mao is going to seriously inspect the islands in the holy land of King Yi's territory, at least to see clearly the specific changes on the islands in the holy land after being upgraded to King Yi's territory.

Someone has reported to Qu Mao many times that the area of ​​the islands in the holy land has been increased a lot this time. Qu Mao also got a vague impression last time that the area of ​​each island has been increased by 10% to 10%. 20%, but not all areas are raised in the same proportion. For example, what Qu Mao can perceive is that the reservoirs of the four islands have not been raised.

Bearing the brunt, Qu Mao felt that he needed to see the changes in the area of ​​each university in person. Last time, Qu Mao focused on the universities, but he didn't look carefully.

However, Qu Mao went all the way and found that all the universities are currently construction sites of various degrees. Even if there are construction sites, Qu Mao still feels that the internal sites of the universities are quite empty.

Before King Yi's territory was upgraded, Kong Fu had allocated 200 school construction drawings. The principals of the universities had long been looking forward to expanding the teaching venues. Naturally, they spared no effort to use the school construction drawings to expand the school buildings.

After the upgrade of King Yi’s territory, the area of ​​each island in the holy land has been increased. Qu Mao was surprised to find that the area of ​​each university has been increased by 20%. Some of the vacant land that has been upgraded is included in the university campuses, and the teaching area of ​​each university can be expanded by more than 20% just because of the territory upgrade.

In addition to the increase in the school area obtained from the allocated school construction drawings, Qu Mao felt that there should be no problem in expanding the capacity of each university in the Holy Land by 30%. 10% of the enrollment scale will not reach the limit saturation state.

What's more, there are some middle schools and elementary schools in the surrounding area, which are desperately joining forces in various universities, and some scientific research institutes inside the universities are moving to a new folding space that has been captured and preserved on the empty island, just because the folding space The terrain in the space has not been completely remodeled, so the relocation speed is not fast enough.

Qu Mao, who came to Jidao, was even more surprised to find that the new military industrial park in Jidao had also been expanded by 20%. Xuande naturally did not let the newly raised land be idle, and was organizing construction workers to build a new factory building.

So Qu Mao specifically approached Xuande and asked Xuande about his plan to use the newly expanded land of Jidao New Military Industrial Park and Lian Dao New Military Industrial Park.

Xuande told Qu Mao with a wry smile: "My lord, you don't know something. Two days ago, Chafidel ran over aggressively and told his subordinates that the Tianxuan Eighth Firearms Army needs to expand its combat troops by more than 1 million soldiers, and expand its exclusive logistics troops. 80,000, requesting subordinates to expand the factory as soon as possible to increase the production capacity of the new military industry and meet the equipment and weapon needs of more than 1.1 million firearms soldiers.

Once the Firearms Army expands its army by 1.1 million, the consumption of ammunition will increase exponentially. With the current production capacity of the two new military industrial parks, even if it is day and night, it will not be able to meet the needs of the 1.1 million newly added Firearms Army troops for new firearms and weapons. .

It just so happened that the territory was upgraded and the land was expanded. The subordinates saw that the expanded land of Jidao New Military Industrial Park and Lian Dao New Military Industrial Park could expand 20 new military factories each, so they seized the time to build factories in advance.

It's just that the subordinates don't understand why the Firearms Army's army building has suddenly taken such a big step, expanding more than one million combat soldiers and one hundred thousand logistics soldiers a year. Isn't Chafidel crazy? "

Qu Mao said: "That's not true, Chafidel has already reported to me about the Firearms Army's plan, and I agree.

The firearms army will expand by 1 million in the eighth year of Tianxuan, and the firearms army may be doubled in the ninth year of Tianxuan, so Xuande, you should prepare logistics supplies well.

I think the holy land of King Yi’s territory is not enough for you to build a new military factory in an all-round way. You need to know that the increase in the number of weapons and equipment can be controlled. After all, the replacement cycle is relatively long, but the consumption of ammunition is Multiplied, and the cycle of replenishment is short.

So you have to make a comprehensive plan, Xuande, just relying on Jidao New Military Industrial Park and Lian Dao New Military Industrial Park to build 20 factories each, I guess you can't even supply the soldiers of the Firearms Army who have been selected by God for eight years. "

Xuande smiled wryly again, and said: "My lord, my subordinates are also aware of this problem, and are also thinking about the need to build a third new military industrial park.

Because there are currently at least 6 factories in Lian Dao New Military Industrial Park and Jidao New Military Industrial Park, and all the production capacity is used for the single-handed short gun newly developed by the Firearms Research Institute..."

Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, and asked, "What is a one-handed short grab?"

Xuande said: "My lord, it is a rear-loading flintlock gun that can be fired with one hand. It is shorter than the previous flintlock guns and is more convenient to carry. However, the shooting range is slightly shorter, but it is more convenient to control than a crossbow."

A pistol from another world immediately appeared in Qu Mao's mind, and he nodded and said, "Well, since the trial production has already been carried out, it means that the Firearms Research Institute has produced samples and conducted practical tests, so you should mass-produce it as soon as possible.

You don't have to think about the construction of the third new military industrial park. It must start as soon as possible, and the production capacity of the third new military industrial park must be at least equal to that of Lian Dao New Military Industrial Park and Jidao New Military Industrial Park Sum. "

After parting with Xuande, Qu Mao continued to tour the four southern industrial islands, which also expanded in size. It just so happened that steam locomotives were successfully manufactured, and some factories related to mechanical processing were derived. Mengde has arranged for these machinery factories All moved to the newly expanded land on the four southern industrial islands to concentrate on building factories.

Qu Mao was very interested in these new machinery factories. After on-the-spot inspection, he also felt that these new machinery factories could better meet the development of the steam train industry, so he gave some policy incentives.

With the popularization of iron and steel smelting technology, the wheels of steam trains have also improved their craftsmanship. The reason why Qu Mao wants to give policy preference is mainly because this kind of technological improvement is a natural product of the industrial development of King Yi's territory, rather than the improvement required by Qu Mao's administrative order. .

When inspecting the Reef Chain Naval Military Base and Midway Twin Islands, Qu Mao found that these two places have also been boosted correspondingly, but the raised area is only less than 10%, but it is better than nothing, and Qu Mao found that Midway The distance between Twin Islands and the Holy Land seems to be getting shorter.

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