Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1282 Strategies of the original inhabitants of the peninsula

On February 23, the eighth year of Tianxuan, the military meeting of the Peninsula Battlefield Military Committee was held in Rueling City, which lasted for a long time. On the other hand, he also conveyed Qu Mao's determination and expectations for the Peninsula Battlefield to the members of the Peninsula Battlefield Military Committee.

Especially after hearing Zhao Pan's introduction, Chafidel has arranged a total of 30,000 firearms soldiers on the peninsula battlefield, including 500 artillery soldiers, and even though the rotation has begun, there are currently no soldiers on the peninsula battlefield Qu Mao was very excited that any soldier of the Firearms Army was injured or injured.

Of course, the weapons of the soldiers of the Firearms Army are sharper and their attack range is far larger than that of traditional rank fighters, so it is reasonable to have no casualties.

During the more than a year of fighting against the Anti-Yi Town Alliance, none of the god-chosen player lord forces in the anti-Yi-town alliance have used gunpowder weapons. The other player lord forces are researching gunpowder weapons like the Principality of Pengda, but at least they have not been fully applied to military operations. Otherwise, if King Yi's territory attacks the Anti-Yi Town Alliance, it will definitely lose more than the current loss.

The peninsula battlefield military conference held at the City Lord's Mansion of Ruthless City lasted until dark at night, and there was still no sign of ending. Qu Mao asked the maid of the City Lord's Mansion to serve boxed lunches for the heroes attending the meeting. Take a break.

However, Qu Mao and Liu Qianhui ate boxed lunches at the venue at noon, and now they continue to eat boxed lunches with everyone. No one is treated specially, so the military heroes have no complaints. Zhao Pan and Zhang Da also recalled the first The past where everyone gathers around the living room of the lord's hut to have a barbecue.

After dinner, Qu Mao rubbed his face, cheered up and said, "Everyone, the topic we are going to discuss is the business strategy of the peninsula that has seized the territory.

Since the start of the war, our King Yi territory has migrated 30 million residents to the Peninsula Battlefield, which is equivalent to twice the total number of residents of the Holy Land, because the current upper limit of residents on the 15 islands of our Holy Land is 15 million. We are on the Peninsula Battlefield The number of his own towns built has exceeded 3,000, and the cost is not small.

But so far, there are still 19 god-chosen player lords on the peninsula that have not been completely wiped out, so the original residents on the peninsula battlefield are still very hostile to the soldiers and residents of our King Yi territory, and will respond to the remnants of the Yi Town Alliance anytime, anywhere The Chosen player instigates rebellion and then riots, causing harm to our soldiers and residents. "

Liu Qianhui raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "Grandma, you should listen to my mother, as long as the towns are captured and all the original residents who don't bow their heads and serve as slaves will be killed, then there will be no troubles now.

Even if it is thousands of miles away, it is better than raising a pack of white-eyed wolves. "

Sophie Trani raised her eyebrows and said, "Master Liu, I don't quite agree with your point of view. After fighting for a year and a half, the number of original residents who died in the war has exceeded 200 million. The number of original residents was only 5 billion, and the aborigines of the Anti-Yi Town Alliance have suffered heavy casualties because of the war."

Liu Qianhui said disdainfully: "The benevolence of a woman!"

Sophie Trani retorted: "Master Liu, you are also a woman!"

Zhang Da said: "My lord, most of the soldiers who died in battle were soldiers from the garrison, and my subordinates feel that if the original residents on the eastern peninsula of the Eastern Continent Bay cannot be used by me, the method Master Liu said may not be unavailable.

After all, we can also replenish residents in large quantities through resident recruitment coupons. Mrs. Su Qiaoer has at least accumulated ordinary resident recruitment coupons that can recruit more than 8 million residents.

If all these resident recruitment coupons are used on the peninsula, we can at least recruit enough residents to build 20 towns. Why can't the aborigines be exterminated? "

Wang Ping said: "My lord, exterminating the original residents is definitely the worst policy, and it will lead to desperate resistance when we attack other territories in the future.

Besides, what's the point of us paying such a high price and laying down a barren land? "

Su Buqing also said: "My lord, my subordinates agree with Lord Wang Ping's opinion, but with the basis of the original residents, the power of the remaining God's Chosen player lords is like a centipede that is dead but not stiff, which is very troublesome to us.

The lordship of the Chosen player itself is very troublesome. If Master Zhen Fu's diplomatic persuasion and division strategy is cracked by the Chosen player who opposes the Yizhen Alliance, the subordinates are worried that it will bring irreparable damage to the morale of our army. Negative impact. "

Zhao Pan said disdainfully: "My lord, this subordinate feels that it is not as serious as what Wang Ping and Su Buqing said. If you continue to provide your subordinates with 10 million high-level army soldiers, your subordinates will directly lead the troops and push them across. , The Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha, prepare a clean and clean Eastern Peninsula of the East Continental Bay for you, the original residents of the Peninsula can only surrender and be enslaved, otherwise the subordinates will directly kill them all."

Qu Mao glared at Zhao Pan, and said: "Kill, kill, kill, you know how to kill, and you don't know the strategy at all.

I think our territory of King Yi can build an isolation zone on the peninsula territory to the north to completely block the connection between the Anti-Yi Town Alliance and the original residents, and at the same time drive the original residents in the middle of the peninsula to the isolation zone.

Of course, if the naval fighters can push the actual line of control one or two kilometers inland, we can also drive the original peninsula residents in the central area to the coastal area, and let the naval fighters isolate the anti-Yizhen alliance from connecting with the original residents. In time, these The original residents of the peninsula naturally lost the rebellious mind.

Especially when we completely wipe out the power of the Chosen player lords of the Anti-Yizhen Alliance, they will inevitably accept our rule, but there is no need to enslave them.

Anyway, the current naval fighters are also very leisurely, and it should not be a big problem to block off a section of the dead coast to avoid contact with the troops and personnel of the Anti-Yizhen Alliance. "

Sylvia Ocean frowned, and said, "My lord, even if the artillery on the warship is removed, the area actually controlled by the navy must be extended by one kilometer inland, and a map of at least two kilometers must be drawn. Please rest assured, my lord.”

Liu Qianhui let out a long breath, and said, "Qu Mao, then deal with the original residents of the peninsula according to your strategy, everyone has held a meeting for nearly ten hours.

Everyone is working hard, let's rest first, and tomorrow we will continue to discuss specific strategies. "

Qu Mao nodded, and the heroes of the Military Committee of the Peninsula Battlefield returned to their residences.

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