On the early morning of May 22nd in the eighth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Su Yan, escorted by 600 fifth-rank court guards, began to march towards the Nancun Naval Military Base in Luanshan Province.

Along the way, Qu Mao was not in a hurry, but to verify the effect of the civil engineering construction of the main continent in the west of the East Continent Bay that Su Yan said one by one.

Although ponds were being dug in the village and windmills were being built everywhere along the way, Qu Mao still insisted on randomly checking the attribute panels of some residents.

However, during the reign of Marquis Zhang Zhigang, the Luanshan Province was the independent territory of King Yi's territory at that time - Luanshan Houguo. The loyalty and loyalty of the residents were already at a high level, and the loyalty of ordinary residents had reached 80%. above.

So after checking the attribute panels of more than a dozen residents, Qu Mao found no evidence of increased loyalty and loyalty, so he resolutely gave up this unnecessary operation.

Along the way, there are civil projects of different sizes everywhere, which makes Qu Mao believe that Su Yan has indeed put in a lot of hard work in the livelihood projects of the Eastern Continent, and Qu Mao is very pleased with Su Yan's work achievements.

Qu Mao’s itinerary slowed down because he had to check the construction of the people’s livelihood projects in Luanshan Province along the way. It was not until 3 pm on May 24th in the eighth year of Tianxuan that Qu Mao and Su Yan arrived at the Nancun Naval Military Base. Under normal circumstances, this distance of 12 hours is almost the same.

Now that they have arrived at the Nancun Naval Military Base, Qu Mao and Su Yan discussed it, and after a short rest at the Nancun Naval Military Base, they continued to march towards Yancheng Port.

After all, Nancun Naval Military Base is not far from Yancheng Port, and it can be reached with a little effort. The conditions of Yancheng Port are naturally stronger than those of Nancun Naval Military Base.

After arriving at Yancheng Port, Su Yan did not allow Qu Mao to rush back to the Holy Land overnight. Although King Yi's navy is capable of night navigation, it is night navigation after all, and accidents are inevitable.

Qu Mao did not reject Su Yan's suggestion arbitrarily, the two of them rested at Yancheng Port for one night, and Qu Mao was ready to leave the next day.

On the morning of May 25th in the eighth year of Tianxuan, Su Yan personally sent Qu Mao off at the wharf of Yancheng Port before returning to the original imperial city of the Tassel Empire. Naturally, she needed to visit her cousin Marquis Yan Songlin in Yancheng on the way.

After Qu Mao boarded the navy's super warship, he stood on the deck and urged the navy's super warship to go straight to the civilian pier outside the village in the north and south of the outlying island. The matter of escorting the 28 prisoners of war of the God of Choice was delayed for 24 days. Let Qu Mao feel like returning home now.

It has been more than three months since I left the Holy Land, and the various scientific research projects on the Holy Land have already been industrially developed. Qu Mao has not paid attention at all. It is already very difficult to improve the military strength. The development of science and technology and industry can no longer keep up. Where does strength improve.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon on May 25th, the naval super warship that Qu Mao was on board was moored at the civilian dock outside Nanbeili Village on the outlying island. Then Qu Mao found a horse in Nanli Village, and rode the horse towards the outlying island power research institute. rush away.

In the outlying island power research institute, Kong Ming was not there. Qu Mao knew that Kong Ming must be sitting in the lord's cabin, so Qu Mao went straight to the steam locomotive laboratory, and sure enough, he found Bi Sheng, Yan Qisheng and their two R\u0026D team members in the laboratory. .

Without any politeness, Qu Mao asked immediately: "Bi Sheng, Yan Qisheng, how is the steam train project going?"

Seeing that it was Qu Mao, Bi Sheng and Yan Qisheng immediately surrounded him excitedly. After a brief exchange of greetings, Bi Sheng beamed and said, "My lord, someone has already reported to you the results of the three trials of the steam train locomotive operation. No more nonsense.

Now the subordinates, Yan Qisheng and team members are making the second steam locomotive. During the manufacturing process of the second steam locomotive, we have incorporated some new thinking and ideas about the steam locomotive. I believe that the second steam locomotive The train locomotive must have better performance and more beautiful appearance than the first one. "

Qu Mao patted Bi Sheng on the shoulder and said, "Is there any progress in the production of the second steam locomotive?"

Yan Qisheng scratched his head and said, "My lord, many parts and components are distributed to different factories in the four southern industrial islands for processing. Our team has sent four people to follow up and supervise the manufacturing process in the southern industrial four islands. After the components are shipped back to the Island Power Research Institute, we will assemble them.

However, 10 new experimental rails have been laid in the Power Research Institute, each of which is at least 200 meters long, and the total length of the railways in the Outlying Island Power Research Institute is more than two kilometers, although they are all experimental rails.

Passenger carriages and cargo carriages, and subordinates also ordered 5 more on the basis of samples. Both passenger carriages and cargo carriages have been sent back two each. You can take a look. Based on the samples , we also made some minor adjustments. "

Qu Mao nodded, and glanced at the project team members who were still busy. Sure enough, there were four missing, and he said: "It seems that your team has not increased its manpower. With the current achievements, I think it is already very remarkable. You can do it." Deploy manpower ahead of time.

Show me around first, to see your new test rails and passenger and freight cars. "

Bi Sheng and Yan Qisheng took Qu Mao around the Power Research Institute, and at the same time introduced to Qu Mao the development of the steam train project in the holy land of King Yi's territory.

Yan Qisheng said: "My lord, the survey and planning of the Dishui Railway has been completed, and it is planned to officially start construction on June 18, the eighth year of Tianxuan. This is a brand new railway, from the Power Research Institute to Digang, and the follow-up is even possible. Transit at Reservoir Village and go straight to Digang to Fucun.

Before that, the second track of the Shuifu Railway will be laid. Now Mr. Li Xiang is personally leading the construction team to lay the railway. According to the construction plan, the laying will be completed on June 10.

In addition, the subordinates have already applied to Master Kong Ming: strive to open the Shuifu Railway to residents on August 1, the eighth year of Tianxuan, and steam trains will officially become a way for residents to travel.

At present, the reservoir village railway station and Fucun railway station are under urgent construction. The reason why they will not open to traffic until August 1st is that the construction of the railway station can only rely on actual construction. We do not have the construction drawings of the railway station, so we can only rely on craftsmen We are groping for construction, and the construction progress of the railway station is a bit slow..."

Qu Mao smiled and said: "I will draw a schematic diagram for your reference later, and plan the railway network of the underground world as soon as possible. I hope that the two-way portal from the entrance and exit of the underground world to the end of the underground world can shorten the journey by railway.

A week is too long now..."

Bi Sheng said: "Master, this has to be discussed with Master Kong Ming."

Qu Mao thought for a while and said, "Okay, after returning to the lord's hut, I will deploy the railway construction plan."

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