Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1292 Industry is advancing steadily

Time passed quickly as Qu Mao was immersed in the front line of scientific research. The technicians in the factories and handicraft workshops in the four southern industrial islands of King Yi's Holy Land were first surprised that Qu Mao personally guided their technology, and then they took the initiative to come to Qu Mao's door to ask for advice. Mao asked for advice, and before he knew it, he came to November, the eighth year of Tianxuan.

Qu Mao also had to raise his head from being immersed in guiding industrial technological innovation, because Xinping brought heavy intelligence: Chaifedel and Mrak Sir had already ordered troops on the Twin Islands in the middle, and planned to personally bring firearms. A full 500,000 firearms soldiers from the 1st Army Group and the 2nd Army Group rushed to the battlefield on the peninsula!

This news not only means that the Navy will dispatch a large number of troop transport ships to assist the firearms army in rushing to the front line of the Peninsula battlefield, but also means that after another year of fighting, the Eastern Peninsula battlefield in the East Continent Bay will finally usher in its final moments.

The remaining 19 God-Chosen player lords in the Anti-Yi Town Alliance have been compressed into a small area with a diameter of no more than 1,000 kilometers by the army of King Yi's territory.

In such a narrow scope, in addition to the armies and civil and military ministers of the 19 God-Chosen player lords, there are also about 500 million indigenous residents of the peninsula. Chafidel and Sir Mrak led two integrated firearms armies to participate in the war. Naturally, we must kill them all and usher in the final victory.

The remaining 19 God-Chosen player lord forces in the Anti-Yi Town Alliance have actually been in contact with Zhen Fu repeatedly since July of the eighth year of Tianxuan, trying to force King Yi's territory to withdraw through negotiations.

It’s just that Qu Mao felt that the Centipede Insect was dead but not stiff, and King Yi’s territory had paid a huge price, and the peninsula battlefield had been fighting for more than a year, so it was naturally impossible to accept the remaining 19 God-Chosen player lords from the Yi Town Alliance. Ceasefire conditions still exist for the forces.

Therefore, Qu Mao directly ordered that the Anti-Yi Town Alliance must be completely eliminated this time. The only way for all the God-Chosen players in the Anti-Yi Town Alliance to survive is to become prisoners of war detained in the Novice Village in King Yi's territory. Only in this way can they meet the requirements of King Yi. fundamental interests of the territory.

Qu Mao does not want to actively or passively respond to threats from other continental forces in the future. There are other forces in the Eastern Continent. Therefore, the remaining God-Chosen player lord forces in the Anti-Yi Town Alliance have no choice but to surrender unconditionally.

After such a long period of repeated military operations, as well as the strategy of continuously driving the original residents of the peninsula to move outside the actual control circle of King Yi's territory, the Anti-Yi Town Alliance currently has only 1,000 kilometers in diameter within which there are signs of activity. There are about 500 million original residents left. This number of original residents is no longer enough to support the 19 God's Chosen player lord forces. It is only a matter of time that the Anti-Yi Town Alliance will fail.

After Qu Mao closed the window for negotiation with the remaining God's Chosen player lords in the Anti-Yi Town Alliance, the struggle of the Anti-Yi Town Alliance became even more unscrupulous. However, Qu Mao firmly believed that this was just the final madness, because the remaining members of the Anti-Yi Town Alliance The total number of God's Chosen players, including the leader, no longer exceeds 30. The remaining God's Chosen players were either captured or voluntarily surrendered to King Yi's territory. They are now taking their families in the Novice Village within the Tassel Empire. They are struggling to survive by farming.

Perhaps the battle to eliminate the aboriginal forces in the northwest region of the Pengda Principality has not ended. It is also extremely quiet at the border of the Dali Kingdom. The Mughal Empire is quarreling over the issue of inheritance. The territory of King Yi has ushered in the quietest period. development period.

Therefore, Qu Mao was able to calmly spend more than half a year on the front line of scientific research in the four southern industrial islands, the Holy Land of King Yi. Of course, such investment also reaped huge benefits. The explosive development of science and technology and industry predicted by Kong Ming has indeed come. This is evidence that the cheating value in Qumao's cheating system has soared to 800 million points.

In the early days, Qu Mao still needed to personally inspect different handicraft workshops, and it would take a week or two to produce an improvement result; later, when technical personnel from factories and handicraft workshops took the initiative to come to ask for advice, a result could be produced in a day or two; Only technical staff came to Qu Mao for advice, and more technical staff organized technical seminars on their own, producing more than a dozen results a day. It only took seven or eight months in total. Now that the cheating system prompts the cheating value to increase every day, Qu Mao is already numb.

The Administration Department and Su Yan are still sending residents of the Holy Land and independent territories to the peninsula rhythmically. Although King Yi's territory is calm, it is developing very rapidly.

On November 1, the eighth year of Tianxuan, the number of steam train locomotives manufactured by the Power Research Institute has reached 6. At the same time, the Liandao Locomotive Manufacturing Factory was officially put into production on August 1. In 3 months, the Liandao Locomotive Manufacturing Factory has produced 9 steam train locomotives, 2 of which have been shipped to the Eastern Continent.

The construction of 16 railways with eight vertical and eight horizontal lines in the eastern mainland was officially announced on July 1 as planned, and Li Xiang opened 108 construction sites at the same time.

Shuifu Railway and Dishui Railway have been built according to the specifications of double rails. The Shuifu Railway will be opened to civilian traffic on August 1 as planned. The railways between the five entrances and exits of the underground world to the two-way portal at the end of the underground world are also under tension. Under construction.

Although most of the entire force of King Yi's territorial army is currently concentrated on the peninsula battlefield, it is obvious that with the participation of the firearms corps of two integrated armies led by Chaifedel, the war on the peninsula is really likely to be completely ended before the end of the eighth year of Tianxuan.

You must know that one of the two integrated armies is an artillery unit, which is equivalent to at least 20,000 artillery pieces that will be directly pulled onto the peninsula battlefield. How can the surviving Anti-Yi Town Alliance withstand the bombardment of 20,000 artillery pieces?

Chaifedel was able to mobilize two reorganized armies to participate in the battle, which means that there should be at least 5-6 reorganized armies on the Twin Islands on the way. It also shows that Xuande's Logistics Department has completed the construction of the ammunition consumption production capacity of the six reorganized armies.

In other words, if Chai Fidel needs to continue to expand the scale of the firearms army in the ninth year of Tianxuan, the production capacity of Xuande's new military industrial park will be further greatly improved.

Although it belongs to the Logistics Department, it is ultimately the result of the industrialization and technological development of King Yi's territory. Qu Mao is naturally very pleased.

From this point of view, for more than half a year, the territory of King Yi has definitely made steady progress in industry, and the pace is still very big. Originally, Qu Mao wanted to go to see Chaifedel's firearms army in person, but he quickly gave up this idea. idea.

It would be more reliable for me to stay on the four industrial islands in the south. At most, I could write a letter to the Peninsula Battlefield Military Commission to let them control the rhythm of the battle and not cause heavy casualties to the firearms army or the loss of weapons and equipment.

Today I raised my three-pointed star and made another small step forward.

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