Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1359 Firearms Army Planning Special Meeting

On December 31, the 11th year of Tianxuan, just after the conclusion of the 11th year-end summary meeting of Tianxuan in King Yi's territory, Qu Mao summoned Xuande, Su Yan, Sir Mrak, Chafidel, and Silta Delta to meet In a meeting room on the third floor of the lord's hut, a special meeting on the development of the Firearms Army was held.

Only because Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, Su Buqing, Sophie Trani, Sylvia Ocean, Fuer Swanpu, Liu Qianhui, and Mo Yangqiao did not return to the Holy Land for a meeting, the firearms The scale of the military planning special meeting is somewhat small.

When he came to the meeting room, Qu Mao glanced at the participants, and said straight to the point: "Zafidel, Sir Mrak has already communicated with you my position and thoughts on the Firearms Army?

Have you fully communicated with me about my opinion? Is there a consensus? "

Chafidel nodded and said, "Yes, my lord!

Mr. Sir Mrak has already fully communicated with his subordinates. Regarding your thinking and positioning of the Firearms Army, sir, apart from the fact that the Firearms Army has been organized to send soldiers to other armies since the thirteenth year of Tianxuan, other requirements of your subordinates are for you. There is no disagreement with the arrangements.

The subordinates believe that it is not realistic for the Firearms Army to send soldiers to the Army, Magic Army, Garrison Army, Imperial Guard Army, and even the Navy in the 13th year of Tianxuan..."

Qu Mao glared at Chafidel, stopped Chafidel from continuing, and said: "The matter of sending soldiers from the Firearms Army to other military branches is not negotiable. This is the general trend. If you disagree, the most likely thing is to delay it." At this time, it may not be possible to change this matter.”

Su Yan said: "My lord, the improvement of the future military strength of King Yi's territory must be the improvement of the combat power of soldiers equipped with firearms and weapons. You have communicated with military heroes on this point many times, and my subordinates think that you should continue to talk about it, no It is necessary to get angry.

What my subordinates are worried about is that the expansion of the Firearms Army means that there is a greater demand for the production capacity of the new military industry. We need to produce more weapons and equipment, as well as guns and ammunition. This may bring a heavy burden to the economy of our Yiwang territory. burden.

After all, the current military industry in the territory is directly supplied to the army after it is produced. All raw materials are purchased from the territorial account and workers' wages are paid. Not to mention any taxes, a large amount of raw materials need to be purchased and a large number of workers' wages need to be purchased. "

Qu Mao waved his hand and said: "Su Yan, if there is a shortage of gold coins in military production, you can tell me directly that there is no need to focus on improving military strength.

Sirta Delta, Chafidel, Sir Mrak, I hope that the twelve years of the Chosen One will end, and the number of combat soldiers trained by the Firearms Army will exceed tens of millions. Can this be guaranteed? "

Silta Delta looked at Zafidel and Sir Mrak, but did not directly answer Qu Mao's question.

Chafidel thought for a while and said: "My lord, according to the recruitment situation in December of the 11th year of Tianxuan, and the recruitment plan for January and February of the 12th year of Tianxuan, my subordinates believe that the size of 15 million firearms soldiers should be A conservative figure.

My subordinates and Sir Mrak have broken down the recruitment plan of the Firearms Army's new army in detail. By the end of February in the twelfth year of Tianxuan, our Firearms Army has 1.5 million combat soldiers on the Western Front and the Eastern Front. There are also 2 million newly trained soldiers on the Twin Islands, and 1 million Firearms Army soldiers who have been rotated from the Western Front.

That is to say, to achieve your goal of 10 million Firearms Army soldiers, in the ten months following the 12th year of Tianxuan, it is enough to recruit an average of 400,000 new Firearms Army soldiers every month.

The subordinates believe that it should be possible to reach 15 million. At that time, it is estimated that the artillery soldiers will reach the size of 10 integrated group armies, with a total of 2.5 million artillery combat fighters; Ten thousand.

Counting the Firearms Army's logistics department and the Firearms Army's combat support personnel, the size of the Firearms Army can reach 20 million at the end of the twelve years of Tianxuan.

However, the Firearms Army Headquarters on the Big Island of Gemini Island is only prepared to accommodate a total of about 10 million soldiers. The combined western and eastern battlefields may be at most 4 million soldiers, and there are still 6 million Firearms Army soldiers who have nowhere to put them.

The subordinates are planning to enclose a piece of land in the Dali Kingdom, following the model of Wucheng and Garrison City, as the second headquarters of the Firearms Army, and also as the main station of the Firearms Army on the main mainland. "

Qu Mao thought for a while, and said: "Well, Chafidel, the Firearms Army's plan is still a bit big, but I will still do my best to support you in realizing this plan. Of course, Xuande must also cooperate well. just work.

Silta Delta also needs to communicate well with Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, Su Buqing, Sophie Trani, and Sylvia Ocean, so that they will not resist the massive expansion of the Firearms Army.

The metal bullets have been developed in the 11th year of Tianxuan, and I estimate that all the bullets of the soldiers of the Firearms Army will be replaced by the end of the 12th year of Tianxuan.

By the end of the twelfth year of Tianxuan, I am afraid that assault rifles, submachine guns and machine guns will also be successfully developed. At that time, the combat power of the firearms army will be greatly improved, and the number of soldiers will no longer be the key to the firearms army's combat power.

By the way, I thought of a brand new solution to the problem raised by Chafidel.

Since the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief of the Firearms Army are unwilling to transfer the Firearms Army to other military branches, I think that starting from the second half of the twelfth year of Tianxuan, other military branches should be required to send troops to the Firearms Army to accept the new For training on the use of weapons, the training time for each army is tentatively set at half a year or three months. What do you think? "

Chafidel and Sir Mrak looked at each other and nodded together, then Chafidel said: "My lord, I think this will make it easier for the Firearms Army to accept this reality.

We will follow the form you suggested, sir, to help other military branches train them into an organized firearms and weaponry unit. We may not put it in the second half of the 12th year of Tianxuan, because the subordinates will stay in Midway Twin Islands until May, so All services can advance. "

Qu Mao turned to Silta Delta and asked, "Sirta, do you think this arrangement is acceptable to other armies? That is, let them organize soldiers to go to Midway Twin Islands to receive training from the Firearms Army."

Silta Delta said: "My lord, as long as you give an order, the subordinates think that there is no reason for other military branches to disagree.

This is also the fastest way to increase the military strength of King Yi's territory without creating any rift between the various military branches. There is no reason why the commander-in-chief or deputy commander-in-chief would object to this most effective method. "

Qu Mao nodded, and said, "The Firearms Army will follow suit. Next, let's talk about the supply of new military equipment."

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