Since Qu Mao came to Liandao, he naturally wouldn't just look at the green city and then return to the lord's hut. After all, Qu Mao once lived in a third-tier courtyard on the outskirts of Liandao Liancheng for a long time.

No matter what, when he arrived in Liandao, Qu Mao naturally needed to visit the third-tiered courtyards on the outskirts of Liancheng, and check the industrial development of Liandao by the way.

Qu Mao is still very familiar with Lian Dao.

In the third-tiered courtyard where Qu Mao lived for a long time on the outskirts of Liandao Liancheng, Qu Mao summoned the director of Liandao Lathe Factory and asked, "Director, how is Liandao Lathe Factory developing now?"

The director of Liandao Lathe Factory saluted Qu Mao respectfully, and said, "My lord, a few days ago a nine-story reinforced concrete building in Liandao Lathe Factory collapsed on the ninth floor of the production workshop.

Therefore, the Liandao lathe factory is currently in a shutdown inspection period, and the subordinates personally lead construction technicians to inspect all the reinforced concrete buildings and workshops in the Liandao lathe factory.

Starting from February 1st, all heavy equipment workshops above five floors will be closed and converted into staff dormitories, canteens, rest areas, etc., and all production workshops will be placed on floors five and below.

This means that the Liandao lathe factory will lose almost half of its production capacity in a short period of time. To restore full production capacity, it can only wait until the new five-story reinforced concrete building is completed, which is estimated to be completed within one or two months.

Fortunately, the lathe production process of the Liandao Lathe Factory is very mature and stable. Even if it loses half of its production capacity in the short term, it can meet the needs of the industrial development of the Holy Land and the independent territories of the mainland.

However, the orders of Liandao Lathe Factory have not been as hot as before. After all, after the production capacity has been increased, the first-phase lathe demand of most factories has been met.

In addition, it is also because lathe factories have been built in other places. "

Qu Mao smiled, patted the director of Liandao Lathe Factory on the shoulder, and said, "Director, don't be sad.

Lathes have always been the foundation of our industry in Yiwang's territory. Factories that need lathes have already laid lathes in place, but our lathe products can still be optimized and upgraded. Once our products are upgraded, it means that each factory will burst out. A round of demand comes.

The improvement direction of the lathe that I can know includes the improvement of the power system. Although it is not possible to use steam engines, internal combustion engines or electric motors as the power source of lathes by leaps and bounds, there is room for improvement of our lathes after the gear sets and pulley sets of the Island Machinery Research Institute are produced.

The same is the use of manpower, with the conversion of the pulley block and the gear set, it will save a lot of labor or provide more powerful vehicle functions.

Liandao Machine Tool Factory should not set limits on itself, but should think hard about the improvement and update of lathe products, and increase the application scenarios of lathes. "

The director of the Liandao Lathe Factory had already taken out a pen and paper, and began to record Qu Mao's words.

Qu Mao thought for a while and continued: "The Liandao lathe factory should not consciously control its own production capacity just because lathe factories have been built in other regions.

The production capacity of Liandao lathe factory should be further improved, so there is no need to worry about overproduction of lathe products. I believe that with the further development of the industrialization of our Yiwang territory, especially after a large number of mature factories in the Holy Land have been replicated in the independent territories of the Eastern Continent, the supply of lathe products will definitely exceed the demand again within a certain period of time. "

The director of Liandao Lathe Factory nodded and said, "Yes, my lord!

Comparing the production capacity of the Liandao Lathe Factory with its original establishment, even though it is now in the period of plant maintenance and has lost half of its production capacity, the remaining production capacity has increased by at least 10 times.

There are lathe factories built on Zhongdao, Bodao, Gandao, Green Island, and Jidao, and there are even four lathe factories on Jidao that are dedicated to producing military lathes for the new military industrial park..."

Qu Mao asked suspiciously: "I'm dizzy! Are there already so many lathe factories?"

The director of Liandao Lathe Factory nodded affirmatively and said, "Indeed, my lord!

In the early days, everyone believed that lathes were the only way to industrialization, so a large number of lathe factories were built in the Holy Land.

Not only that, among the industrial parks in the southeast coastal area of ​​the Tassel Empire, at least three industrial parks mainly produce lathes, milling machines and grinding machines.

In fact, within the jurisdiction of King Yi's territory, Liandao Lathe Factory no longer had much advantage. "

Qu Mao shook his head and said: "Let's ignore this, no matter how many lathe factories have been built within the jurisdiction of King Yi's territory, I think Liandao Lathe Factory is the first lathe factory in Yiwang's territory after all, and it was built by Kong Ming and I personally. The lathe factory is ahead of other lathe factories at least in the field of technology, and it is the starting point of all lathe factories."

The director of Liandao Lathe Factory said proudly: "My lord, you are right in saying this.

At present, most of the entrepreneurs who set up lathe factories in the Holy Land of King Yi are skilled workers from the early Liandao lathe factory, including the chief engineers of various lathe factories, who are basically skilled workers from the Liandao lathe factory.

Even many universities offering lathe-related majors will regularly invite skilled workers from the Liandao Lathe Factory to give lectures.

My lord, why don't my subordinates take you to the Liandao Lathe Factory, the Liandao Locomotive Factory is also nearby. "

Qu Mao rolled his eyes, but he just sighed and said, "Okay! Then let's go to Liandao Lathe Factory, even though Liandao Lathe Factory is currently in shutdown.

Then let's go to Liandao Locomotive Factory to have a look. The locomotive production should use lathe equipment.

It's just that I feel that when I visit the Liandao Locomotive Works, I am afraid that the director of the Liandao Lathe Works will be accompanied by the director of the Liandao Locomotive Works. "

The director of Liandao Lathe Factory smiled and said, "My lord, you don't have to worry about this.

The director of the Liandao Locomotive Factory is also a skilled worker from our Liandao Lathe Factory, and when he first entered the Liandao Lathe Factory, he happened to be my apprentice. "

Qu Mao shook his head. Accompanied by the director of Liandao Lathe Factory, a young veteran industrialist from Yiwang territory, he visited the Liandao Lathe Factory and Liandao Locomotive Factory, which were shut down for inspection.

The current Liandao Locomotive Factory looks a bit like the Liandao Lathe Factory back then. There are too many orders to produce. After all, the railway construction in Yiwang's territory is much faster than the production of steam locomotives.

Especially at the year-end summary meeting of Tianxuan's 11th year, the Ministry of Iron and Fire was newly established in Yiwang's territory. The Ministry of Iron and Fire could not make any achievements in steam trains in the short term, so it had to concentrate on building railways.

The more railways were built, the greater the demand for locomotives for steam trains.

Qu Mao visited all walks of life and factories in Lian Dao for three days, and was quite satisfied with the industrial development of Lian Dao, so he decided to return to the lord's hut in Lian Dao.

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