Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 498 Planning of the Union Island Project

Following Qu Mao to the bedroom on the third floor of the five-story building, Kong Ming said directly: "My lord, you called your subordinates to the bedroom on the third floor alone, do you want to know about the connection project between the eight islands with less vegetation on the south side?" ?”

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Kong Ming, you are a sensible person, and chatting with a sensible person will save you trouble.

I'm not talking nonsense with you, you tell me your ideas first, and then I draw the blueprints, and you are responsible for organizing the prisoners of war and residents to construct according to my design blueprints. "

Kong Ming nodded and said with a smile: "My lord, there is still such a tacit understanding among the subordinates.

Since we built the Lihe Reservoir water retention dam project on the outlying islands, haven't we always cooperated like this?

The subordinates knew well that although they had been inspecting the south for a period of time, there would definitely be adjustments in the follow-up construction projects.

The subordinates first report the current stage, the subordinates' thinking and assumptions to the adults. "

Immediately afterwards, Kong Ming took out a piece of paper and a pen from his backpack, lay down on the desk in the bedroom, and began to draw pictures while reporting to Qu Mao the results of his investigation on the eight islands with little vegetation in the south, and Kong Ming's own thoughts on the United Islands Project.

The relative positions of the eight buildings that do not grow vegetation are all relatively close, the nearest is only more than 100 meters, and the farthest is no more than 5 kilometers.

Qu Mao looked at the sketch drawn by Kong Ming and asked, "Kong Ming, the farthest distance is probably not more than five kilometers?"

Kong Ming smiled and said: "My lord, the longest distance between these two islands is 5.8 kilometers when the tide is high, but only 4.3 kilometers when the tide is low. The connection project between these two islands should be the most difficult project for us.

As for some islands that are only about 100 meters apart at high tide and even directly connected with each other at low tide, the difficulty of the connection project is not too great.

The idea of ​​the subordinates is that all islands should be connected to each other, and of course the few islands that do not need to be connected are no longer considered.

For the two islands that are far apart, an artificial island is built in the middle. The size of an artificial island out of the sea is basically only a dozen square meters, and it only consumes about 3,000 units of stones, because the depth of the water is also low. Measurements were made and it was not even 3 meters deep at low tide, nor more than 10 meters deep at high tide. "

Qu Mao frowned and said, "There are winds and waves on the sea, so I'm afraid that the stones will not be easy to accumulate. The artificial island will cost a lot."

Kong Ming said disdainfully: "My lord, what's not to pile up? The stones extracted from the resources and materials warehouse in our territory are square and square. We already have experience in building the embankment of the Li River, even if we are worried about the inconvenience of transportation." , directly using the actual mining method on the United Islands, and it is not a problem for subordinates to put them in their backpacks and switch them in person.

Taking advantage of the ebb tide, arrange sailors or fishermen who can swim to bring stones to the bottom of the sea to lay them, and the artificial islands are particularly easy to pile up.

The key is how the artificial islands can become the basis for our bridge construction after they are piled up.

As long as the initial rocks on the bottom of the sea are leveled, the follow-up will not be a problem. We can also lay more stones on the base, and the area will be smaller as it goes up, which will be stronger. "

Qu Mao scratched Kong Ming's paper with his fingers for a while, and said, "Damn it! With such a long distance, Kong Ming, I'm afraid you will have to build at least 10 artificial islands."

Kong Ming said: "My lord, there is no measuring tool here, and my subordinates' drawings are not accurate. The initial idea is to build an artificial island every 50 meters. The total number of artificial islands is about 320.

However, the length of the two islands is about 1 kilometer, and there is no way to build an artificial island because the sea is too deep.

This 1 kilometer is planned to be solved by floating bridges, that is, small boats are connected in series with ropes and laid on the sea.

Of course, we need to find a shipyard to customize this kind of small boat, and my subordinates have also communicated with the designer of the shipyard, so it is not a big problem. The laying of the floating bridge is the simplest, but the follow-up maintenance cost is slightly higher. "

Qu Mao stared at the picture drawn by Kong Ming, frowned and thought for a while, and said: "Connect the islands first, and if it doesn't work, we will use Jingwei to reclaim the sea, and let the heroes take them with them when they are free." Stones are thrown into the sea, and sooner or later it will be filled."

Kong Ming continued to discuss with Qu Mao the issue of connecting the eight islands without vegetation, with a span of more than ten meters, regardless of whether it was because of the construction of artificial islands, they would all be connected by stone bridges.

If the length is less than 10 meters and the depth is less than 10 meters, it is directly filled.

No matter what method Kong Ming adopts, the eight islands with no vegetation need to be connected together, and the project volume is at least ten times that of the Lihe Reservoir's water retention dam.

While drawing the blueprint with some worry, Qu Mao said, "Kong Ming, I already understand what you mean, and I will draw the blueprint later.

However, the amount of work is definitely larger than that of building a water retaining dam, and the construction complexity will be much higher. "

Kong Ming smiled and said, "My lord, how many prisoners of war did we have when we built the dam? Now we have 200,000 prisoners as a base. Even if you need a certain number of prisoners to develop the island, I believe that 150,000 will be allocated." It’s not a problem for prisoners of war to build eight island-linking projects that don’t grow vegetation.”

Qu Mao said helplessly: "Kong Ming, have you ever thought about how many troops we have to send to guard these 150,000 prisoners of war?"

Kong Ming said: "Sir, are you still worried that our army is not enough?

Eight islands with no vegetation are connected in pairs, and there are 21 necessary island-connecting projects. Some small projects can be completed in up to seven days. After one week, we will have at most 14 island-connecting projects to continue.

Each joint island project arranges 10,000 prisoners of war, and you only need to dispatch 5 fifth-tier fighters, 200 fourth-tier fighters, and 1,000 third-tier fighters, and they can definitely come here.

Neither the second-tier fighters nor the first-tier fighters are talking about it. This is not counting the deterrent effect if we build a defense tower at the United Islands Engineering Office. "

Qu Mao said: "Okay, there are pontoon bridges and sea reclamation, and the bridge needs to be repaired. You should start construction as soon as possible, and try to start all the island-connecting projects before July 15.

At that time, I will go to see it in person. You can ask the navy to send out a troop transport ship to help you pull the prisoners of war to the corresponding construction site. "

Kong Ming smiled and said, "Yes, my lord!

In the past few days, my subordinates are waiting for your design drawings to come out, and by the way, select and arrange prisoners of war. The army will support my subordinates. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Okay, I will finish the design as soon as possible."

Immediately, Qu Mao opened his cheating system, glanced at the cheating value of 300,000 points, and heaved a sigh of relief. There is no problem with wanton development, but it also means that the gold coins are spent like water.

Thinking that once the 21 joint island projects are started, the cheating value will rise uncontrollably, Qu Mao's mood involuntarily becomes lighter.

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