At noon on November 27th in the fourth year of Tianxuan, Su Yan originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to deliver meals to Qu Mao to chat with Qu Mao about the target of the attack, but unexpectedly Qu Mao asked about the royal guards on the independent territory of the main mainland things.

After listening to Su Yan's suggestion, Qu Mao did not hesitate to add 80,000 Imperial Guard soldiers recruitment coupons, and sent Su Buqing to immediately return to the Lord's Lodge of the Holy Land to recruit all these Imperial Guard soldiers and complete the training .

Seeing that Su Yan didn't close her mouth for a long time, Qu Mao heaved a sigh of relief deep in her heart, and spent more than 1 million cheating points, mainly because the imperial guards did not have Krypton fifth-level fighters or above Warrior Recruitment Vouchers, otherwise, I am afraid that more cheating points will be consumed.

After Su Buqing left for a long time, Su Yan came back to her senses and said, "My lord, you solved the problem of the lack of troops of the Imperial Guard so directly, and you didn't even let the resident heroes and nominal heroes of the lord's cabin discuss it. ..."

Qu Mao smiled and said: "Su Yan, these are small things, there is no need to discuss them so seriously.

I think what you said is very reasonable, and Kong Ming and Liu Qianhui will naturally not object, so let's implement what you want first, and if they really have an opinion, we can talk about it later.

What Liu Qianhui said is correct, that is, the pace at which God's Chosen players promote things is calculated on a daily basis. By the time everyone in the lord's hut discussed and reached a consensus, a long time had passed. "

Before Su Yan came to Qu Mao, Qu Mao had already been troubled all morning about how to spend 5 million cheating points. Now that Su Yan just proposed to expand the imperial guards, Qu Mao naturally seized the opportunity to spend the cheating points. Besides, if the heroes in the lord's hut discuss something wrong again, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?

Not wanting Su Yan to continue entangled with this issue, Qu Mao changed the subject and said, "Su Yan, after the Main Continent War starts, I will consider upgrading the lord's hut and territory after returning to the Holy Land. The territory of Yicheng was upgraded to the territory of Yihou."

Su Yan froze for a moment, and said: "My lord, upgrade to the Yihou territory, including the consumption of upgrading the lord's hut, the resources on our territory account should be sufficient, but once upgraded, our resource storage may not be enough. Let's continue Doing large-scale infrastructure activities."

Qu Mao said: "I know, I will find a way to solve it later.

Our Yicheng territory cannot afford to lose any war on the main continent, and after winning the independent territory of the main continent, we must also completely control it in our hands.

After Su Buqing rotates all the royal guards in the independent territories of the main mainland into troops directly dispatched by the Imperial Guards in the Lord's Lodge, I want Su Buqing to lead the Imperial Guards to attack the territory and the folding space and wild resource mines that appear after the upgrade of the Lord's Lodge On the one hand, it gives the Praetorian Guards a chance to train, and on the other hand, it also supplements the consumption of our main continental war. "

Su Yan's eyes lit up again, and she said, "My lord, our territory has been upgraded to the Yihou territory. Wouldn't it mean that there will be folding spaces and wild resource mines on the 15 islands of the Holy Land? After Su Buqing completes the strategy, he will harvest a large number of treasure chests." ..."

Qu Mao rolled his eyes and said, "Su Yan, the core is that Liandao and Kongdao will leave a lot of space for folding, and then it will have to be handed over to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Infrastructure to quickly carry out terrain transformation and reclaim arable land. To prevent food production from failing to keep up after we take down the three kingdoms this time."

Su Yan nodded seriously and said, "Yes, my lord!

This subordinate understands your thoughts. Once the swearing-in meeting for the troops here is over, I will immediately return to the Duchy of Tassels. Starting from the Principality of Tassels, I will send the royal guards of the Duke of Tassels back to the Holy Land to set an example for the other six princely states... "

Qu Mao waved his hands, and while buying various resources in the cheating mall, he said to Su Yan: "Su Yan, don't act too hastily.

It has been less than a year since the Duchy of Tassels was re-established, and the Duchy of Liuwang has been in operation for two or three years. Although the ordinary residents of the Duchy of Tassels have a high degree of loyalty to you, it cannot be ruled out that there are hostile forces who want to trouble you.

After you go back, wait for Su Buqing to send the Tassel Princess Royal Guard to the palace, and then send the current Tassel Princess Royal Guard back to the lord's cabin.

Don't send the royal guard back to the lord's hut in advance. In case Duke Liusu's royal guard is sent back to the Holy Land, but the new royal guard sent by the Holy Land Guard is not yet in place, if you have a problem during this period, then I will lose more than I gain. "

Su Yan blushed, and said: "Thank you for caring about the safety of my subordinates, my subordinates know what to do."

In the process of chatting with Su Yan, Qu Mao had already purchased all kinds of resources in the cheating mall, and after Krypton issued 80,000 Imperial Guard soldiers recruitment coupons and a large amount of resources, the remaining resources in Qu Mao's cheating system The cheating value of the game finally no longer exceeds 500,000 points.

Seeing that the cheating points have been consumed to such an extent, Qu Mao finally heaved a sigh of relief, and he finally relieved the entanglement he had been entangled in saving the 5 million cheating points.

Because when expanding the strength of the Imperial Guards, they did not purchase fighter recruitment coupons for fighters exceeding the fifth rank, so the cheat value consumed for the Imperial Guards Krypton soldiers was only more than 1 million points, so that the amount of resources Qu Mao purchased now far exceeded Budget.

As far as the resources that Qu Mao purchased now, I am afraid that it is enough to support Yicheng Territory to directly upgrade to Yigong Territory, and there are still a lot of resources remaining.

Resources are placed in the territorial material warehouse and will not run away. After coming to Wucheng for a few days, he finally consumed more than 26.12 million cheating points saved in the cheating system to less than 500,000 points. Qu Mao is quite satisfied .

These cheating values ​​can be regarded as all the hard power for the development of Yicheng territory, including gold coins, resources, and various high-level fighters.

If subsequent printing factories, porcelain factories, paper mills and other factories use Qu Mao's optimized technology for production, they will inevitably continue to bring a steady stream of cheating value to Qu Mao.

Thinking of this, Qu Mao asked Su Yan to take care of her own affairs, while Qu Mao himself found a war horse, ordered 10 fifth-rank palace guards to accompany him, and wandered around in Wucheng.

Wucheng still seemed very crowded, but it was crowded in a disciplined manner. The heroes of the army and the garrison found their own positions to recruit soldiers, and the recruited high-level soldiers were also specially received by the troops.

Looking at the busy recruiting scene in Wucheng, Qu Mao felt very proud. According to this speed, it is estimated that the assembly of troops can be completely completed before November 29, and the time for the swearing-in meeting may be brought forward.

The time for the swearing-in meeting is brought forward, which means that the time for the troops to march will be brought forward. Let's start the war on the main continent earlier, Qu Mao thought silently in his heart.

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