At 3:00 p.m. on December 2nd in the fourth year of Tianxuan, the naval forces led by Sylvia Oshen and Fuer Swanpu had already launched simultaneous attacks on 18 ports or cities along the coast of the Marquis of Jili in advance.

Even though the purpose of the navy's operations at this stage was to contain the army of the Geely Marquis, destroy the coastal defense facilities of the Geely Marquis, and consume the expendable strategic materials of the Geely Marquis, the Geely Marquis was suddenly formally attacked by the fleet of the Yicheng Territory Navy. It is also panic throughout the country.

Before the start of the Main Continental War, Sylvia Osher had led the Yicheng Territorial Navy to carry out a more than three-month raid and harassment exercise on the coastline of the Jilihou Kingdom, so now the fleet is very familiar with it.

The training for more than three months is not only to make the naval soldiers familiar with this combat method, but also to achieve some practical results, such as beating the not-so-powerful navy of the Marquis of Auspiciousness to the point where even one ship floated on the sea. None of the ships remained.

Based on the combat purpose of the navy, although Sylvia Ocean kept sending battle reports to the Wucheng intelligence distribution center twice a day in the morning and evening, the pace of naval battles was not fast at all, and it was impossible to gain too much substance in a short period of time. Sexual results.

However, it is also based on such combat purposes. Apart from consuming some expendable strategic materials, the navy has no actual losses.

The coastal ports or cities of the Marquis of Jili, which have been ravaged by the Yicheng territorial navy for more than three months, have basically no ability to resist, and the coastal defense facilities only occasionally shot a few arrows in the beginning to symbolize resistance. Already lying flat, Sylvia Ocean and Fur Swamp led the Yicheng Territory Navy's expedition fleet, which was as easy as training on a fixed target.

As for attracting the attention of the 1.5 million regular troops of the Auspicious Marquis, since there is no resistance at sea, the Geely Marquis naturally dare not send out the 1.5 million regular troops on land, otherwise the coast of the Geely Marquis is basically equivalent to attacking Sir Via Ocean and her naval expedition fleet opened the door.

After the evening of December 2nd in the fourth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao did not appear nervous because the navy's expedition fleet had already begun to fight. Of course, Qu Mao did not appear too relaxed. I feel very boring.

After arranging for Liu Sansi to catch up with the army and the garrison to send soldiers advanced certificates, the original meaning of Qu Mao's stay in Wucheng was only to boost morale before the start of the war.

After the navy kicked off the war, Qu Mao could have returned to the Holy Land, but seeing Xinping's busy appearance, Qu Mao was too embarrassed to ask to return to the Holy Land.

There was nothing more to do, so Qu Mao had no choice but to silently set a deadline for himself, that is, after the news of the war between the army and the garrison came back to Wucheng, he would consider returning to the Holy Land.

Xinping's intelligence agency has reported that Yicheng Territory has such a large military operation in Wucheng, and the surrounding neighboring countries have long been alarmed. The Marquis of Napoleon has gathered 250,000 regular troops on the border to build a defense system.

This information did not cause much shock to Qu Mao. A mere 250,000 third-tier fighters and fourth-tier fighters, even if there is terrain to use, there are at least 1 million troops facing the Yicheng Territory Army and Guards The expedition troops of high-level fighters must also be ruthlessly torn apart like paper.

On December 3rd of the fourth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao spent the whole day in more than 20 military factories in Wucheng, watching the technicians in the military factories use lathes to produce arrow shafts. Qu Mao is one of the inventors of lathes , to put forward some suggestions for the application of the car factory to the mechanics who operate the lathe.

As for whether these suggestions are useful or not, Qu Mao’s idea is very simple, that is, to pass on the thinking on the application of lathes first, and the optimization and innovation of lathes cannot continue to be copied by oneself. After all, there is a lathe field in another world. Qu Mao didn't understand either. Perhaps the lathe technicians in the military factory would have some insights when they actually used the lathe. In this case, the optimization of the lathe is the closest to the actual needs.

On the morning of December 4th in the fourth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao got up in the Wucheng City Lord's Mansion. After a brief wash, he rushed to the living room of the Wucheng City Lord's Mansion. As soon as he arrived in the living room, he saw Xinping waiting.

Qu Mao said in astonishment: "Damn it! Xinping, today is much earlier than usual. Did the army and garrison arrive at the border of the Marquis of Napoleon? Or did Zhao Pan and the others directly lead the troops to break through the border of the Marquis of Napoleon?" The border defense of the 250,000 regular army?

According to my understanding of the itinerary of the army and the garrison, the army and the garrison should not be able to reach the border of Napoleon until noon today. "

Xinping said: "My lord, stimulated by the intelligence of the navy's attack, Master Zhao Pan and Master Zhang Da accelerated their marching speed, and the army and garrison troops arrived at the southeastern border of Napoleon at 3 o'clock this morning.

According to Mr. Zhao Pan’s biography of Feige, the army plans to launch a frontal attack on the troops defending the border of the Marquis of Napoleon at 7 o’clock this morning. The 250,000 troops are not expected to stop our army from going out for too long. "

Qu Mao took out his pocket watch, looked at it, and said, "It's less than 25 minutes before Zhao Pan plans to launch an attack. It is impossible for the 250,000 regular army to stop Zhao Pan and Zhang Da's 1.5 million army. We wait for the army to attack." And the good news for the Garrison is.

According to my understanding of Zhao Pan, maybe he will launch a battle in advance like Sylvia. "

Xinping nodded and said, "Yes, my lord!

The subordinates thought the same way. After all, Mr. Zhao Pan could flexibly adopt countermeasures according to the strength comparison between the enemy and our troops.

In addition, Mr. Zhao Pan also thanked you for providing the fighter advanced certificate in the Feige biography sent back, and Mr. Zhao Pan has notified the core heroes of the army that a total of more than 7,000 fighter advanced certificates are used as battlefield incentives. Morale was very high…”

"Oh?" Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "How come there are only more than 7,000 copies? Shouldn't it be 8,000?"

Xin Ping smiled and said: "My lord, that's what was written in the letter sent back by Mr. Zhao Pan, I'm afraid Mr. Zhao Pan gave all the overlapping fighter advancement certificates to Mr. Zhang Da.

After all, everyone felt that the presence of the garrison was not strong, and Mr. Zhang Da seemed too low-key, and his subordinates heard that Mr. Zhao Pan and Mr. Zhang Da had a good personal relationship. "

Qu Mao nodded and said: "The two of them are good friends, they used to sleep in the same room.

It seems that there is no need for the two of us to stay in Wucheng any longer, and we are ready to leave for the holy place of Yi Island. "

Xinping said: "Master, we have to wait for another day or two. Master Liu Sansi is on his way back to Wucheng. We will return together when he comes back."

Qu Mao nodded and said, "That's fine, we can go back after the war gradually kicks off."

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