Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 921 Ownership of Liandao Lathe Factory

On December 11th of the fourth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao woke up in the village hall of the reservoir village. After eating breakfast, he found Kong Ming who was still waiting in the blacksmith shop. The ownership of the factory.

Kong Ming smiled and said: "My lord, this subordinate should have gone with you, but the test of fixing the turning tool and rotating the raw material is imminent, and the experiment here cannot continue without my subordinate.

So please go there alone, my lord. The subordinates want to develop at least three new lathe products before the construction of the three new lathe factories is completed. "

What Kong Ming said was also true, so Qu Mao had no choice but to go to Jidao alone, and said that after Jidao resolved the ownership of the Liandao lathe factory, he would return to the Outlying Island Power Research Institute and work with Kong Ming to solve the problem of lathe process optimization. .

Originally, Kong Ming had been improving the samples of the soldiers yesterday morning, but Qu Mao was not very interested. Since Kong Ming wanted to develop other types of lathes, Qu Mao naturally wanted to participate. After all, the future will be a continuous cheating value.

Kong Ming did not see Qu Mao off. Qu Mao led 10 fifth-rank court guards and continued to walk towards Jidao through the purple light path in the underground world.

At 10 am on December 11th in the fourth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao met Xuande in a military factory in Jidao, and Mengde who had been chatting with Xuande for a long time.

Qu Mao didn't shy away, and said straight to the point: "Xuande, the purpose of my coming to you must have been told to you by Master Meng De."

Xuande nodded expressionlessly, and said: "Yes, my lord, Lord Meng De has already told his subordinates.

But my subordinates don't really agree with your decision, my lord. The military factory is not only a part of the industrial development of our Yihou Territory, but also the key to our Yihou Territory's future struggle to dominate the continent.

No matter what kind of war it is, if the logistics cannot keep up, it means that the progress of our army, navy and even the garrison on the main continent will be affected.

Therefore, the subordinates believe that since the military factory belongs to the logistics department, at least one lathe factory must be assigned to the logistics department, and even regard the lathe factory as an integral part of the military factory.

My subordinates also heard from Mr. Mengde that you have rebuilt three lathe factories for the Ministry of Industry in Gandao, Bodao and Green Island. If this is the case, then there is no problem with the Liandao lathe factory being handed over to the logistics department. Woolen cloth? "

Qu Mao looked at Xuande, and listened to Xuande talking more and more excited, but he didn't interrupt Xuande.

Xuande continued: "My lord, I admit that the lathe factory is very important to the industrialization of Yihou territory, but the logistics department really needs the lathe factory to produce a large amount of lathe equipment for the military factory.

At present, lathes are mainly used to produce arrow shafts in consumable strategic materials, but according to the functions of lathes, it is also possible to produce accessories for long and short weapons such as spearmen and sword hilts. "

Qu Mao smiled and said, "Xuande, even if a new lathe factory is built in Gandao, Bodao and Ludao, these new lathe factories cannot compare with Liandao lathe factory.

The first lathe factory in our Yihou territory is the Liandao Lathe Factory, and the Liandao Lathe Factory has a large scale, sufficient production capacity, and a large number of skilled workers for lathe production. Island Lathe Factory.

If the Liandao lathe factory is under the logistics department, then Master Xuande thinks how Master Mengde gathers the best lathe production technicians to go to Gandao, Bodao and Ludao lathe factories to stably produce the lathes that Master Kongming innovated?

Besides, after dealing with your affairs, I will return to the Outlying Island Power Research Institute, and together with Kong Ming, we will continue to improve the lathe production process and design new functional lathes to ensure that the new lathes can produce more production equipment that factories need.

And all of these require the gathering of experienced lathe production technicians and obeying the unified deployment.

You said that the lathe factory should give priority to supplying the production equipment of the military factory, and the expansion of the parts produced by the lathe in the military factory, I agree.

Therefore, in the follow-up, it is enough for the Ministry of Industry to guarantee at least the full production capacity of one lathe factory to supply the Logistics Department, and to ensure that it can produce more than two lathes for the Logistics Department on average every day.

If Liandao Lathe Factory, the earliest lathe factory, only produced lathes for military factories, then what they did would be simple repetition, which would not benefit the improvement and optimization of the lathe industry at all.

Xuande, you are the early hero of the territory, and even the titular hero of the lord's hut. I hope you can understand this truth yourself. "

Meng De quickly added: "That's right, Lord Xuande, what your Lord said makes sense.

Besides, after the Liandao Lathe Factory was assigned to the Ministry of Industry, it doesn't mean that it won't stop producing lathes for military factories. Besides, our lathe factory has innovated in technology and produced new types of lathes. If the military factory needs them, we can also give priority to supplying them to the military. The factory..."

Xuande said a little unconvinced: "My lord, but the importance of the military factory..."

Qu Mao interrupted Xuande's words with a wave of his hand, and said, "Xuande, no matter whether Liandao Lathe Factory belongs to the Ministry of Industry or the Ministry of Logistics, first of all it belongs to our Yihou territory.

The Yihou territory still needs to be planned and developed in a unified manner. Except for the handicraft workshops and the factories that the aborigines applied for registration and built on their own, all factories belong to the lord's hut.

I hope you can understand this truth, Xuande, the Liandao Lathe Factory should be directly assigned to the Ministry of Industry.

Xuande, you can choose any lathe factory among the three newly built lathe factories in Bodao, Gandao and Ludao. The production capacity of this lathe factory is given priority to serve the military factory.

However, in non-wartime conditions, military factories cannot forcibly occupy the production capacity of any lathe factory; in wartime state, military factories can forcibly requisition the production capacity of all lathe factories.

As for when it is a wartime state, it is determined by the lord's hut. "

Xuande's face was turned blue and red by Qu Mao's words, and he couldn't get off the stage in front of Xuande, but after thinking about it, Xuande still bowed his hands and said: "Yes, my lord! This subordinate obeys orders!"

Qu Mao waved his hand and said, "Xuande, take Mengde to hand over the production capacity of Liandao Lathe Factory. There is nothing to do. I will go back to Lidao Power Research Institute and Kong Ming to continue researching new lathes."

Meng De bowed his hands and said: "Yes, my lord."

Before the two of them left, Qu Mao said again: "Xuande, I'd better wait for you for a while, after you and Lord Mengde have handed over, you can accompany me to the outlying island reservoir village, and I will take you to see what Master Kongming is doing now." What you are doing, you will understand why I have arranged it this way."

Xuande froze for a moment, then said: "Yes, my lord, this subordinate obeys."

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