On the morning of December 16th in the fourth year of Tianxuan, outside the west gate of Lianzi Town, there was continuous white light and roaring. Qu Mao led more than a dozen heroes, and in less than an hour, they recruited more than 40,000 people from Yihou Territory to help Among the more than 40,000 soldiers rushing to the aid of the Lianhe Marquis battlefield, the fourth-tier light cavalry and fifth-tier heavy cavalry are the main ones.

Seeing the progress of the heroes recruiting fighters, Qu Mao shouted loudly: "Heroes, after recruiting fighters, immediately reorganize the formation, and strive to dispatch troops before 10 o'clock and complete the battle against Moner, who is besieging Lianhehou King's City." For the anti-encirclement of the invading forces, it is best to launch an attack around 10:30 under ideal conditions."

Xinping and Su Yan, who did not go out to recruit soldiers, looked at Qu Mao who was shouting loudly, and Su Yan couldn't help but said: "My lord, please go down and inform the heroes? Everyone is far away, and they probably can't hear you shouting. "

Xinping also said: "My lord, there are at least 200,000 troops from the Marquis of Moner who besieged the King's City of Lianhehou. If we want to encircle them, we need at least 500,000 troops. The recruitment coupon you gave, Can you recruit so many fighters?"

Qu Mao thought about it carefully, and said: "Not to mention, Xinping, there really aren't that many fighters. The fighter recruitment coupons I took out can recruit a total of 46,650 fighters, including 1,500 third-tier swordsmen." .

In addition, there are 3,000 fourth-tier crossbowmen and 150 magicians of all levels, all of whom are infantry, and a total of 42,000 cavalry. "

Xinping said: "My lord, our soldiers are mainly cavalry, and the number of soldiers is not comparable to that of the invading troops of the Marquis of Moner. It may be extremely difficult to completely encircle the invading troops of the Marquis of Moner."

Qu Maodao: "In this case, let's not encircle them. According to the direction of the 12 gates of the Lianhehou King's City, divide our rescue troops into 12 divisions, and directly penetrate the encirclement of the invading troops of the Marquis of Moner. , into the Lianhehou King City, is this feasible?"

Xinping said: "This is not a big problem. The subordinates think that there should be no problem. After entering the city, with the help of the city wall defense, it can basically make up for the lack of troops."

Qu Mao rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Damn it! Still defending?

Defense shit, I have 2,000 sixth-tier champion knights, and a total of 50 sixth-tier magicians from various departments, and a total of 50 seventh-tier magicians from each department. I still want to continue to defend?

Are these troops not enough to drive all the invading troops of the Marquis of Moner out of the territory of the Marquis of Lianhe? I even want to chase all the way, and keep taking down King Moner's city. "

Xinping said: "My lord, it shouldn't be difficult to clear the siege, but it's a bit difficult to break into the Marquis of Moner, right? It's not for other reasons, it's just relying on this little force."

Qu Mao rolled his eyes and said, "Damn! It was agreed during the meeting in the lord's hut, except for the territory bordering the Mughal Empire, we will not move, and we must take all the territory in the Marquis of Moner. Including their royal city, but I didn't expect that I could only get such a small amount of troops."

Xinping said: "My lord, after entering the Lianhehou King's City, we will think about it when we gather our troops."

Qu Mao asked: "Xinping, we are about to launch an offensive on the outside. Can you get in touch with the heroes stationed in the Marquis of Lianhe? It should be in the city of the Marquis of Lianhe."

Xinping said: "My lord, it is very easy to contact the heroes stationed in King Lianhehou's city. With the current distance, if you fly a carrier pigeon, you can get in touch in half an hour at most.

In the city of King Lianhehou, our intelligence personnel have carrier pigeons on hand. "

Qu Mao glanced around and said, "We still have to contact the heroes stationed in the Marquis of Lianhe, the vegetation here is not dense, so the invading troops of the Marquis of Moner can easily find us.

It would be more appropriate to cooperate with the defenders in the city of Lianhehou King from the inside and outside, and attack back and forth to destroy more invading troops of the Marquis of Moner. "

Xinping looked around, and Su Yan also said: "My lord, the white light is flickering here, and the smoke is full of dust. I think the invading troops who came to the Marquis of Monel have already discovered us.

However, the soldiers recruited by our heroes are mainly cavalry, and a cavalry charge can arrive at a distance of only ten kilometers.

I don't care if they find out, the decisive battle will definitely be fought, but the time may have to be delayed. "

Qu Mao thought for a while, nodded, and said: "At that time, it will be divided into twelve troops, and each army will attack an encirclement outside the city gate. The magicians will hide in other areas under the protection of the third-level swordsmen to attack and kill the fleeing troops. warrior.

Since the time has to be delayed, let's delay it. It may take some time for the troops to go around to the other side of the Lianhehou King's City.

Xinping, contact the heroes stationed in the Lianhehou Kingdom, we will launch an attack at 12:00 noon, there should be enough time. "

Xinping nodded, and said, "The timing shouldn't be a big issue. The subordinates will immediately draft the letter and let the pigeons fly it into the King's City of the Marquis of Lianhe."

Not to mention that Xinping was preparing to contact the garrison heroes in King Lianhehou's city by Qu Mao's side, the other heroes had basically finished recruiting fighters and began to group them together.

Qu Mao asked the heroes to divide the troops into 12 parts, hand them over to different heroes to lead them, and disperse towards the 12 gates of the Lianhehou King City one after another, and agreed to launch an attack together at 12 noon.

Qu Mao himself led a team of 2,000 sixth-tier champion knights, 1,000 fourth-tier guards, and 1,000 third-tier princess guards to personally attack the east gate of Lianhehou King City, which is the gate facing Lianzi Town. .

Worried about Su Yan's problems, Qu Mao would rather have several troops led by non-hero soldiers than let Su Yan lead an army alone, but let Su Yan follow him, even if the hero dies, as long as the support army Still, they will be resurrected in the Holy Land Tavern.

As soon as the invading troops of Marquis Moner discovered Qu Mao's troops, some cavalry turned their horses and began to form a front.

The direction of Qu Mao, because of the presence of Tier 6 champion knights, was naturally regarded as a key direction by the invading troops of Marquis Moner, and a large number of Tier 5 heavy cavalry were assembled in this direction.

He took out his pocket watch and watched the time carefully. When 12 o'clock came, Qu Mao gave the order: "Cavalry, charge!"

The sixth-level champion knight, led by a sixth-level champion knight named Huo Yingzi, began to slowly charge towards the opposing troops. The opposing cavalry, about two kilometers away from Qu Mao, also began to wave their mounts and slowly speed up. .

1,000 fourth-tier guards started to move, using tower shields as tall as one person to guard Qu Mao, Su Yan and 1,000 third-tier princess guards in the center of a circle.

And piled up layer by layer without leaving any dead ends.

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