At 7:00 a.m. on December 18 in the fourth year of Tianxuan, the infantry unit camped overnight in the Holy Land of Yihou Territory and rushed to the aid of the Lianhe Marquis Battlefield. Only walked more than 60 kilometers.

Since he had to wait for the cheat points to accumulate, Qu Mao didn't ask the infantry to march day and night, so Qu Mao ordered the infantry to stop and set up camp as soon as it got dark the day before.

Every time he camps, Wei Qubing will naturally arrange tasks such as troop defense and night watch.

During the march on December 18, the fourth year of Tianxuan, they walked more than 100 kilometers because they didn't stop for lunch. When camping at night, Qu Mao, Su Yan, and Xinping sat around the bonfire outside the big tent of the Chinese army.

Qu Mao took a look at his cheating value. After two days and one night, his cheating value reached 300,000 points, so he said to Xinping and Su Yan: "Su Yan, Xinping, I'm starting to attack Monet now. The high-ranking fighters in Erhou Kingdom were worried.

In a war without superior forces, maybe we can win by relying on the quality of our soldiers, but it will inevitably mean that the casualty rate of our soldiers will increase significantly.

Oh, the dilemma! "

Su Yan leaned closer to Qu Mao and said, "My lord, I know that you are reluctant to part with those soldiers who died in the siege of Lianhehou King's City, but just as Master Xuande said, this is a war, how can a war not die?" What about people? I hope adults can take it easy.

In the early years, Zhao Pan killed several soldiers when he attacked the folding space. You built a hero tomb and scolded Zhao Pan half to death. Your subordinates knew that you were soft-hearted. "

Xinping thought for a while, and said: "My lord, according to the military report from the army, after the second phase of the battle started, it went very smoothly.

The Dali Kingdom and the Qingyi Principality did not act rashly, and the advancement of the Marquis of Jili, Napoleon and Marquis of Gillette was also going smoothly.

However, his subordinates found that Mr. Zhao Pan had invested a large number of troops in the northeast battlefield of the Marquis of Jilie, and the combat situation was very fast. He didn't consider fighting steadily at all. It seemed that he wanted to fight until the border with the Marquis of the War and the Marquis of the Abyss. Location.

The strange thing is that Mr. Zhao Pan did not seem to consider connecting with the garrison, and Mr. Zhao Pan deployed a large number of highly mobile cavalry units on that front, but Mr. Zhao Pan did not lead the team himself. It is Master Zhao Pan's favorite treasure, and he basically leads it personally.

So the subordinates boldly guessed: Mr. Zhao Pan may be making two-handed preparations. In the troop arrangement along the way, there must be reinforcements prepared for you in advance, waiting for your dispatch at any time. "

Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, and said, "Damn! Can Zhao Pan have such a thought? In my impression, Zhao Pan has always been a forward hero with more than bravery and insufficient strategy."

Xinping took out a simple map and spread it out. With the help of the bonfire, he pointed to the map and said to Qu Mao: "My lord, Zhao Pan is now leading the army to fight in this area, but he is deployed here in the northeast corner of the Marquis of Gillette. The unit that my subordinates reported to you just now.

You see, my lord, this army only needs 1 or 2 heroes to lead the team, put all the fighters' equipment into the backpack, regardless of whether they are infantry or cavalry, all ride horses, and cross the territory of the Abyss Kingdom. It only takes about one day and one night to reach Lian This location in Hehou Kingdom.

Even if the infantry and cavalry are separated, the infantry will only need about three days to reach the northern border of the Marquis of Lianhe. In fact, the troops arranged by Mr. Zhao Pan may even arrive at the Lianpeng City of the Marquis of Lianhe before our infantry troops. If we Continue to march at the current speed. "

Qu Mao pinched his chin and began to think, Su Yan said: "Sir, Master Zhao Pan has always been very assertive, since he has reserved this force for you, Sir, naturally it will not exist on other battlefields Such a thing will only be done under the premise of any problem.”

Qu Mao thought for a while and said, "Xinping, according to my plan, the infantry unit we are currently in can arrive at the south gate of Lianpeng City around the evening of December 20th in the fourth year of Tianxuan.

How many troops did Zhao Pan deploy on this battlefield? "

Xinping said: "My lord, Master Zhao Pan deployed 350,000 troops here. In fact, it is estimated that 50,000 troops can take this battlefield. The army of the Marquis of Gillette is not strong."

Qu Mao said: "How many fighters of the fifth rank and above are there?"

Xinping thought for a while and said, "My lord, although Master Zhao Pan did not report the specific troop composition in detail, his subordinates estimate that there should be no problem with the extra 50,000 high-level fighters. Among the invading troops that invaded the Marquis of Lianhe, there were 10,000 fifth-tier heavy cavalry and 40,000 fourth-tier light cavalry."

My lord, our army of Yihou Territory has millions of high-level soldiers, but they are all scattered on the battlefields of the three princes. Although we have the intention of deterring the Kingdom of Dali and the Principality of Qingyi, after all, it is the high-ranking soldiers of our Yihou Territory. Waste of troops.

On the battlefields of the three vassal states, our army of millions of high-ranking soldiers may not always fight, so I suggest that you ask Lord Zhao Pan to send 100,000 high-ranking soldiers to the Marquis of Lianhe. It can be used as the main force to invade the Marquis of Moner. "

Qu Mao thought for a while, and said: "Xinping, how about this, before you go out tomorrow, you send a message to Zhao Pan, saying that I hope he will send 200,000 to 300,000 high-level fighters to arrive before December 20th in the fourth year of Tianxuan. Participated in the decisive battle against the invading troops of the Marquis of Moner under the Lianpeng City of the Marquis of Lianhe.

During this period, if there are cavalry, he can be dispatched in advance, and he is allowed to dispatch cavalry in advance into the territory of the Marquis of Lianhe to participate in the settlement of the invading troops of the Marquis of Moner. "

Xinping said suspiciously: "Sir, don't you tell Mr. Zhao Pan the exact number of troops to send?"

Qu Mao waved his hand and said, "I didn't give a specific number, the reason why I gave a range is to let Zhao Pan adapt to the situation and flexibly dispatch reinforcements according to the actual situation of the combat mission over there.

I don't want the battle in the Marquis of Lianhe to affect the planned battle. After all, the combat mission over there is more important.

Even if we want to attack the Marquis of Moner here, we will not take all the territory of the Marquis of Moner. We can take at most two-thirds of the territory of the Marquis of Moner. It is different from the battle in the Marquis of Napoleon. "

Xinping nodded and said, "Yes, my lord! I understand, I will release the pigeons later, get in touch with Mr. Zhao Pan, and tell Mr. Zhao Pan what you mean."

Qu Mao patted the dirt on his clothes, and said, "Tonight, I will go to bed early, and I will get up at 5 o'clock in the morning to cook, and I have to leave before 6:30, so I have to go there early.

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