Enduring until now, Fuer Swamp really couldn't bear it any longer. On the morning of December 31st in the fourth year of Tianxuan, Fuer Swamp, Chafidel, and Jia Kui waited for Qu Mao in the lord's cabin all morning and Not to mention, after Qu Mao returned to the lord's hut, he exchanged technology and industrial development projects with Kong Ming for the first time.

After finally bringing the topic to the battle of the three vassal states on the main mainland, Qu Mao actually asked about the losses without asking about the results of the battle. Fuer Swamp said extremely dissatisfied: "My lord, the war on the main mainland is not as good as the Holy Land The importance of industrial development..."

Qu Mao waved his hand to interrupt Fuer Swamp, saying: "Fuer, these things are equally important.

But at the current stage, our Yihou Territory has strong troops and strong horses, and the heroes are very independent. The established results of the battle of the three main kingdoms of the main mainland have been achieved. Therefore, the priority level of industrial development and technological development is now higher, and I attach more importance to it.

Let's talk about the losses in the first and second phases of the battles of the three kingdoms of the main mainland. I am still more concerned about this matter. "

Full of anger, Fuer Swamp disappeared without a trace in an instant, sighed, and said: "My lord, in the battle of the Geely Marquis, the naval losses in the first and second stages were relatively small, almost enough It is said that there is no loss, and there is no loss of warships.

During the second phase of the landing operation, 3,211 soldiers of all ranks were killed and 11,176 soldiers of all ranks were injured. Compared with the total number of soldiers participating in the navy, it is hardly a loss. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Fuer, the navy is not bad. The replenishment of the navy's super warships did not wait until the fifth year of Tianxuan to purchase them. Now a total of 90 super warships have been purchased. I will trade them to you first. .

What about the Guard? What about the losses of the garrison? "

Jia Kui said: "My lord, in the first phase of the battle, the navy fought well against the Marquis of Jili, and the army's operations were also very stable, so the loss of the garrison is not too great.

However, in the second stage, during the landing operations in the Marquis of Geely, the garrison operations in the Marquis of Napoleon and the Marquis of Gillette, and counter-insurgency operations, a total of 22,788 soldiers were killed and about 110,000 soldiers were injured. There are no specific figures, but The injuries are generally not serious, and most of them can recover under the treatment of the military doctor accompanying the army.

Of course, there will definitely be some soldiers who will have to choose to retire and change jobs due to injuries, but this is all a follow-up matter, at least until the soldiers' injuries are treated so that their lives are not life-threatening. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Well, if the soldiers who died in battle had family members, they will be given generous pensions; the soldiers of the garrison who retired due to injuries should be placed around Wucheng as much as possible, and Zhao Pan should set aside an area for the garrison."

Jia Kui said: "Yes, my lord! The subordinates will respect the soldiers' own choices. Soldiers are allowed to choose places where the garrison troops are stationed, such as the Holy Land, the Luanshan Houguo Pass, and the Teleportation City."

Qu Mao asked: "Zhaifidel, where is the army?"

Chafidel took out a piece of paper and said: "My lord, the army is the main force in the two phases of combat.

As of the return of the subordinates to the Holy Land, no one was killed in the seventh-tier fighters and eighth-tier fighters, but more than 300 people were injured; more than 20,000 people were killed in the sixth-tier fighters, and about 60,000 were injured; At about 100,000; the fourth-tier fighters killed more than 50,000 people and injured about 150,000; the third-tier fighters killed 87,918 people and injured about 270,000.

In the army, there are only second-tier archers in the second-tier fighters, and they are basically fighting in the rear. There are no deaths, but about 20,000 people are sick. "

Qu Mao swept his brows and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm dizzy, more than half of the army's casualties..."

Chafidel quickly waved his hand and said: "My lord, the army has killed less than 210,000 people in battle and injured 600,000 people, while the total number of soldiers in the army has reached 2.1 million, and the casualty ratio is only about 40%.

The death rate is only 10%, which is a very good record. Of course, the intensity of the battle still exceeded our expectations before the war. "

Qu Mao nodded and said: "Like other troops, try to treat wounded soldiers as much as possible, and arrange jobs for those who should be discharged and transferred, and try to arrange them in places where the army gathers.

Soldiers who died in battle will receive generous pensions for their families. "

Chafidel cupped his hands and said, "Yes, my lord, my subordinates will definitely do it."

Qu Mao said again: "All the soldiers who died in battle should be restrained together, and each army should choose a suitable cemetery, build a cemetery and commemorate it."

Chafidel said: "Yes, my lord, just like the soldiers who died when Master Zhao Pan led his troops to attack the folding space, we will build hero tombs outside Wucheng."

Qu Mao nodded and said, "How did Zhao Pan prepare for the follow-up?"

Chafidel said: "My lord, under the order of Mr. Zhao Pan, I will report to you the specific combat situation.

The first phase and the second phase of the battle of the Three Marquis lasted for a month, and they have all occupied the entire territory of the Marquis of Ji Li, the Marquis of Gillette and the Marquis of Napoleon.

A total of 270 million residents have been added, more than 1 million soldiers of all ranks in the three marquis states have been wiped out, and a total of 700,000 soldiers of all ranks in the three marquis states have been captured. Exotic placement.

In addition, the army, navy and garrison have captured a total of 120,000 horses, which can form a new army cavalry unit. "

Qu Mao nodded, and said, "Count the horses captured on the battlefields of the Marquis of Lianhe and the Marquis of Moner together.

After you go back, tell Zhao Pan that the third phase of the battle will be carried out according to the established plan, but the battle time needs to be shortened, and troops should be freed up as soon as possible. You can communicate with Su Yan about stabilizing the rule.

Also for all military heroes to consider: we will create Army Command, Navy Command, Garrison Command and Praetorian Command. In the future, the headquarters will arrange the battles of our troops, and the frequency of wars on the main continent will accelerate. "

Chafidel's eyes lit up, and he said, "My lord, our army is not afraid of fighting frequently."

Qu Mao said: "After the establishment of the military headquarters, the military headquarters will draw up their own combat plans. We must speed up and take down the entire Eastern Continent, no later than the end of the six years of Tianxuan."

Chafidel said: "Yes, my lord!"

Qu Mao continued: "There is one more thing you have to consider, we have to consider training our own unique military, just like the third-tier princess guards trained by the Duchy of Tassels.

Next time Zhao Pan, Sylvia Ocean and Zhang Da must give me a plan.

The three of you rest in the Holy Land for a period of time, and decide for yourself when to return to the battlefield.

Kong Ming and I have to continue discussing the technology and industrial development of the territory. "

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