On the morning of January 13th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, after Qu Mao, Kong Ming, Xinping and Su Yan bid farewell to Liu Qianhui and the embassy fleet at Yi Island, the sacred place of Yihou Territory, they dealt with some other matters in Yihou Territory.

However, it is of little significance for Qu Mao to continue to stay in the Holy Land. The new industrialized products are beyond copying. Either Qu Mao didn't think of it, or he couldn't produce it now.

The production process of existing industrialized products has been optimized, and Qu Mao couldn't find his way in a short time. It would be a waste of time to stay in the Holy Land any longer.

So Qu Mao and Su Yan had a brief discussion, and then decided to go directly to King Moner's City on the main continent, and planned to call Xuande, who was in charge of daily affairs there, back to the Holy Land and continue to be in charge of the logistics department.

On the other hand, Qu Mao also wanted to ask Su Buqing and Wei Qubing, the two Imperial Guard heroes, how they were preparing for the establishment of the Imperial Guard Command and the training of the special units of the Imperial Guard in Yihou Territory.

There are also Yan Liang, Wen Qiu, Zhang He, Gao Lan, and Lu Bu. These five general heroes are all heroes recruited by Qu Mao according to the top-level aptitude of the epic level. Whether it is the first talent, the second talent or the skill , are the top choices, compared to Zhao Pan, Sylvia Ocean, etc., they are only stronger but not weaker.

So Qu Mao was not at all willing to station these five epic-level qualified heroes in the territory of Marquis Moner, where the main battle had ended. The army of Yihou Territory had a wider platform for using these five epic-level heroes. Compared with Zhao Pan, These five epic heroes just came to Yihou's territory a little later, their qualifications are not as good as Zhao Pan's, and their level is currently not as high as Zhao Pan's.

At 2 pm on January 13th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Su Yan boarded a naval super warship together. Since the war in the Auspicious Marquis ended, Sylvia Oshen has successively retreated the navy back to the Holy Land, the Armed Forces, etc. Chenggang and Nancun Naval Military Base, Qu Mao and Su Yan travel, and it is no problem to provide a super warship.

After landing at the Yancheng Port of the Liusu Principality, Qu Mao and Su Yan, under the escort of 300 fifth-tier court guards, did not return to the Liusu Duke's King's City, but walked directly to the Lianhehou King's City.

On the morning of January 15th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Su Yan came to the King City of the Marquis of Lianhe. Hou Guo expressed his heartfelt thanks for sending the food.

In fact, Qu Mao and Su Yan slowed down after entering the territory of Marquis of Lianhe, inspecting the post-war recovery of Marquis of Lianhe all the way to King City of Marquis of Lianhe.

Although Spartala, the garrison hero of the Lianhe Marquis, does not have enough experience and talent in the military, after Su Yan determined the policy, Spartala was only responsible for implementing the strategy Su Yan determined in the Lianhe Marquis. In this regard, Spartala's execution is not bad.

When Qu Mao and Su Yan were marching in the territory of the Marquis of Lianhe, the residents of the Marquis of Lianhe even served Qu Mao with snacks and tea. Against the background of the three food reliefs, there is still a certain sense of gratitude to the Yihou territory.

When Qu Mao received the tea and snacks offered by the residents, he was very happy. Although the tea and snacks were worthless in Qu Mao's eyes, it meant that the residents of the Lianhe Marquis had improved their hearts to a certain extent. Excited.

Wandering in the King's City of Lianhehou for a few hours, Qu Mao left the King's City of Lianhehou with 200 fifth-rank court guards, and continued to walk towards the King's City of Monerhou.

Su Yan stayed in the Lianhehou King's City. She needed to determine the current actual situation of the Lianhehou country, and collect the situation of the nearby Monerhou country, and then arrange a more suitable strategy. personnel to assist the military heroes in administering the newly captured territories.

After understanding the situation, Su Yan will return to the Duchy of Tassels to preside over daily affairs.

After Qu Mao left the King's City of the Marquis of Lianhe, he never deliberately slowed down his speed. Instead, he led 200 fifth-rank court guards and ran wildly towards the King's City of the Marquis of Moner.

At 10:00 am on January 16th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao brought 200 fifth-tier court guards and arrived at King Moner's City in just one day and one night.

After entering the territory of the Marquis of Moner, compared with the Marquis of Lianhe, the territory of the Marquis of Moner can only be said to be devastated, with broken walls and ruins everywhere. Obviously, the troops in the Yihou territory are not as good as those in the war. So restrained in the territory of the Marquis of Lianhe.

From time to time along the way, you can encounter organized cavalry units in the territory of Yihou patrolling back and forth, attacking rioting villages.

When Qu Mao came to King Moner's City, Xuande led the troops to greet him at the gate of the King City. Although Xuande was full of etiquette, Xuande, who had not received the order in advance, was still the first time he saw Qu Mao. He asked in astonishment: "My lord, why did you come to Moner Marquis?

Perhaps it is because the royal family of Marquis Moner has not been completely wiped out, so the Marquis of Moner is now rebelling a little fiercely against the rule of our Yihou territory.

Rebellions and riots often break out in all the territories we have seized in the Marquis of Moner. Even if you are coming, you must tell your subordinates in advance, and your subordinates will send people to meet you.

The village head, town head, and city lord of the Liusu Principality sent by Master Su Yan were killed by the rioters. "

Qu Mao nodded, with an ugly expression on his face, and said: "Understood, we often saw our cavalry troops suppressing rebellions along the way, and there are 200 fifth-rank palace guards to guard, so there is no danger.

It's just that I don't know that the village chiefs, town chiefs, and city lords we sent from the Liusu Principality will be killed by the mob. In any case, it's because your military didn't protect them well. "

Xuande's face changed, and he said: "My lord, the royal family of Prince Liusu said that they will continue to send people over.

The subordinates believe that according to the actual situation of the Marquis of Moner, it is best to rule from the towns protected by the city walls, and after a period of stability, they will further radiate and dispatch personnel. "

Qu Mao thought for a while, and said: "Xuande, advance to the city, let's listen to Su Yan's arrangement for this one. Now that Su Yan is in the King's City of the Marquis of Lianhe, it also means to get a closer understanding of the actual situation of the Marquis of Moner.

This time I came here originally to transfer you back to the Holy Land, but now that I see the actual situation in Marquis Moner, I'm afraid I won't transfer you back in a short time.

Well, I'll take a break and inform the heroes to have a meeting at 2pm.

If things here are handled well, I still have to go to the five heroes, including the Marquis of Jili, the Marquis of Napoleon and the Marquis of Gillette, and Yan Liang, and I will most likely take them all away.

But Xuande, you don't have to worry, before transferring these five heroes, I will continue to arrange six heroes to come over. "

Xuande said: "My lord, please enter the city."

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