On January 23rd of the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao led his troops to the King's City of Jilie Hou, and after exchanging with Wang Ping about the current situation of Jilie Hou, he asked Wang Ping to adjust the troops for himself, and the wounded The soldiers stayed in the King's City of Jiliehou, and all of them were intact soldiers.

Originally, Qu Mao didn't plan to meet Lu Qianfeng, the garrison hero of the Marquis of Gillette sent by Su Yan, but because he wanted to spend the night in the King's City of Gillette, Qu Mao still called out Lu Qianfeng and other heroes of the army and garrison Have dinner together.

At seven o'clock in the morning on January 24th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao took 10,000 Tier 4 light cavalry, 1,000 Tier 5 heavy cavalry, and 500 Tier 6 champion knights prepared by Wang Ping, and left the King's City of Gillette. Go straight to the western border of the Marquis of Napoleon.

Qu Mao thought it was exaggerated for Wang Ping to expand his guard so much, but Wang Ping insisted on asking Qu Mao to bring so many troops, and Qu Mao couldn't refuse.

Compared with the time when he set off from the Marquis of Napoleon, the number of troops led by Qu Mao has more than doubled.

Marching south along the western border of the Marquis of Napoleon, although there are still many rebels and mobs, Qu Mao's escort troops are large in number and of high rank. The rebels and mobs dare not easily harass Qu Mao's troops, so When marching on the western border of the Marquis of Napoleon, the situation was much better than when Qu Mao first entered the territory of the Marquis of Napoleon.

Qu Mao even took the initiative to attack the rebel army, with the purpose of summoning Houyi to gain a wave of cheating points. Although each attack can only exchange for a few thousand cheating points, mosquitoes with small legs are still meat.

In order to speed up the speed of the Yihou Territory's attack on the main continent in the future, it is necessary to use krypton cheating points to farm high-level fighters, and the basis of all these is cheating points.

Qu Mao didn't see the effect of cheating points, but Qu Mao's level could break through level 100, but he didn't open the third talent. Of course, Qu Mao was banned by the Birdman system from the very beginning. Mao also did not expect to be able to open the third talent.

On the Continent of Hegemony, it is not too difficult for a hero to go from level 0 to level 50 to unlock the second talent. Like Yihou's territory, it may take about a week to level up to level 50 by hunting wild beasts. If you lead troops to fight more intensely , You can upgrade to level 50 in a few days to unlock the second talent, such as Yan Liang, Wen Qiu, Zhang He, Gao Lan and Lu Bu, basically after finishing the siege battle of Lianhehou King City, they will be upgraded to level 50 to start. second talent.

It is actually not difficult to upgrade from level 50 to level 99. If you fight a few more wars, you will be able to rise to level 99 in half a year.

It's just that upgrading from level 99 to level 100 is like a natural moat, which is difficult to break through.

For Yihou Territory, Qu Mao's level broke through 100, definitely the first hero to break through 100.

After Yihou Territory defeated the concentrated invasion of the holy land of Yihou Territory by the player lord forces of the Chosen Ones, Zhao Pan's level had reached level 99. Later, Zhao Pan personally participated in the Tassel Principality, the Six Great Marquis Kingdoms, and the current Three Great Marquis Kingdoms. Hou Guo's invasion, but Zhao Pan's current level is still 99.

This shows how difficult it is for a hero to upgrade from level 99 to level 100. After reaching level 99, Zhao Pan defeated at least five kingdoms, but still did not reach level 100.

However, Qu Mao himself has been promoted to level 100, which is still a very exciting thing. The attribute has increased a little bit, but it has little effect on Qu Mao, mainly to set an example for other heroes.

There should be some changes in the cheating system, but when Qu Mao reached level 100, it happened to be in the battle stage. Qu Mao didn't have time to look at it, but only glimpsed a string of yellow fonts passing by on his retina.

After entering the westernmost territory of the Jilihou Kingdom, Qu Mao found that marching on the narrow and long territory of the Jilihou Kingdom was really a disaster.

It is common for troops of tens of thousands of cavalry to encounter three or four battles a day, and even camp at night will be attacked by the enemy. The rebel troops and rioting soldiers and civilians of the Marquis of Ji Li obviously knew Qu Mao's identity. The troops attacking Qu Mao were almost crazy.

Even the border troops of the Principality of Green Wings, who had been restrained when passing through the western border of the Marquis of Napoleon, seemed to be ready to move.

Facing the fearless attack of the rebels and mobs in Jilihou Kingdom, Qu Mao and his troops were also very exhausted. From the western border of Jilihou Kingdom to Jilihou King City, Qu Mao led the troops to march for three days and three days. night.

On the afternoon of January 27th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao communicated with Hua Tielan, the army hero, and Hua Ganwu, the garrison hero of the Jilihou Kingdom, in the King's City of Jilihou.

Then at 7 a.m. on January 28, the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao led 15,000 fourth-tier light cavalry troops, 5,000 fifth-tier heavy cavalry troops, and 1,000 sixth-tier champion knights to the northern city of King Napoleon again. rush away.

The madness of the rebels in the Jilihou country still hasn't cooled down, but Qu Mao has added new troops, which makes it easier to deal with them.

In the King City of Jilihou, Hua Tielan also expressed to Qu Mao that the rebellion of Jilihou is more concentrated in the west, the narrow and long territory of Jilihou, and the east border with Jierhou, and the residents are influenced by the residents of Jilihou. There was no extreme resistance to the rule of the Yihou domain.

At best, there are a few rebels hovering in the east, and the guards of the Jierhou Kingdom are watching, and there is no trouble.

After Qu Mao learned of the situation of the Marquis of Jili, he did not delay, and rushed all the way to the King's City of Marquis Napoleon.

The rebels in the Marquis of Napoleon seemed to know Qu Mao's identity and launched a fearless attack. However, the number of Qu Mao's troops increased and their combat effectiveness was stronger. No matter how crazy the rebels were, they could hardly attack Qu Mao. Mao's forces pose a substantial threat.

When Qu Mao was 200 kilometers away from the city of King Napoleon, Zhao Pan led a large number of cavalry to respond, and the crazy rebels dispersed, but more rebels were killed by Zhao Pan.

After entering King Napoleon's city, Qu Mao asked, "Damn it! Zhao Pan, are you willing to tell me that the war between the Kingdom of Jili and the Kingdom of Napoleon is completely over?

Except for a little easier time in the territory of the Marquis of Gillette, there are battles almost day and night and everywhere. "

Zhao Pan smiled and said, "My lord, because Lord Xinping intentionally conveyed your whereabouts to the rebels in various kingdoms through intelligence personnel.

It is equivalent to Lord Xinping using you as a bait, trying to catch the main force of all the rebels of the Hou State. "

Qu Mao rolled his eyes and said, "Damn it! Fishing has bait, at least it must have a hook. Xinping is not fishing with bait, it's obviously just making nests. Let me make nests."

Zhao Pan smiled and said, "I know you can handle it, my lord, otherwise my subordinates would have gone to meet you long ago."

Qu Mao waved his hands, no longer entangled with this topic, and said: "Stop talking, let the heroes of the army get ready for a meeting."

Zhao Pan said: "Yes, my lord! The subordinates are waiting for you to come back to preside over the meeting."

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