In March, the fifth year of Tianxuan, the Yihou Territory was full of happy events. Infrastructure construction was carried out with great fanfare, and none of the developments in economy, technology, military, industry, agriculture, and education were left behind.

Jenny Walter successfully advanced, and the first ninth-level warrior appeared in the territory of Yihou; Kong Ming personally configured the most primitive gunpowder; The number of soldiers planned at the military reform meeting on the 5th; on the last day before the end of March, thanks to the results of gunpowder research, Qu Mao's cheating value quickly increased from almost zero to 5 million points...

Qu Mao's mood is extremely comfortable, it has been so long since he came to this world, it is the first time that Qu Mao has been happy continuously for such a long time.

Perhaps by the beginning of May in the fifth year of Tianxuan, when he was preparing to launch the Main Continental War, Qu Mao's cheating value would exceed 20 million points again, and even breaking through 30 million points was not out of the question.

You must know that this is the accumulated amount of cheating points before launching the main continent battle under the premise that the troops are ready and the expendable strategic materials are available.

However, it is just a longing for now, the fifth year of Tianxuan ends on March 31, and Qu Mao's cheating value is only about 5 million points.

On April 1, 5th day of Tianxuan, after Qu Mao got up, he planned to give the 30 super warships he bought in the market in the early morning to Sylvia Ocean in person. Unfortunately, Qu Mao had just finished eating in the restaurant on the first floor of the lord's cabin. After breakfast, I came to the living room on the first floor of the lord's hut, and I didn't have time to get out of the lord's hut.

They found that Zhao Pan from the army, Sylvia Ocean from the navy, Zhang Da from the garrison, Sophie Trani from the magic army, and Su Buqing from the imperial guards were all sitting in the living room on the first floor of the lord's cabin.

Qu Mao looked at the five commanders-in-chief of Yihou Territory sitting in the living room with some puzzlement, while applying for a deal with Sylvia Ocean, he asked, "Why are you all here?

Sylvia, I originally planned to go out to find you. I purchased 30 super warships in the early morning and wanted to send them to you.

Did you come to me because you knew that I was going to purchase warships from the Chosen friends early this morning? "

Sylvia Ocean looked at the 30 super warships on the transaction panel, agreed to the transaction and said, "No, my lord.

Before I came down, I didn't know that my lord would look for my subordinates. Even if there were no such warships, my subordinates would come to you together with the commander-in-chief of other troops today. "

Qu Mao nodded and said: "It means there are other things, but it doesn't matter.

When I was in Wucheng at the end of November last year, I promised the navy that Tianxuan would commission 1,800 warships for the navy in five years. How much have I given to the navy now? I reckon that the number of warships commissioned by the Navy this year will be more than this number, not less.

So Silvia, you can rest assured to train new naval fighters, and don't worry about not having enough warships for naval fighters to board. "

Sylvia Oshen smiled and said: "My lord, this time is another 30 super warships. So far this year, my lord, you have provided the navy with a total of 450 super warships, 200 new warships and 150 giant warships." Warships, a total of 800 warships have been provided, and now only three months have passed, and there are still nine months to go. The follow-up is still at this pace, and 3,200 warships can be installed throughout the year.

The subordinates have never worried that our naval fighters do not have warships to board the ship, so the subordinates basically spare no effort in the training of the marine fighters, not to mention that most of the residents of our holy land are from the invasion fleet that invaded our holy land in the past. Come on, the navy has plenty of manpower. "

After handing over the warship to Sylvia Ocean, Qu Mao and Sylvia Ocean sat down and asked, "Is there something important that several commanders-in-chief have come to see me together?"

Zhao Pan looked at everyone and said, "My lord, why don't we go to a conference room on the third floor to discuss in detail? It's not like we don't have this condition now."

Qu Mao nodded, and brought the five commander-in-chiefs to a small meeting room on the third floor of the lord's cabin.

Zhao Pan said: "My lord, last week you helped us make up the number of soldiers planned when we established the headquarters of each army. We have recruited all of them and conducted the necessary training.

The five of us summed it up. Your lord said last time that you want to fight the Green Wing Principality this time. We think that now should be the most suitable opportunity, and we have enough troops to win.

Because now the Principality of Green Wings seems to feel our threat, military mobilization is frequent, and combat readiness mobilization has also started. What's even worse is that their envoys frequently go abroad to contact the surrounding forces.

So after we finished discussing, we came to the lord's hut of the Holy Land and asked your lord for orders: Let's start the war against the Green Wing Principality as soon as possible. "

Qu Mao glared at Zhao Pan, and said dissatisfiedly: "Damn it! Zhao Pan, when did you start taking over the work of the Intelligence Department? I only provided you with a recruitment voucher for 500,000 new high-level soldiers in the Army on March 24th. How many days have passed?

In just one week, you told me that all the recruits have been recruited, and the necessary training has been carried out, and some information has been compiled to deceive me, so that the war can be fought earlier.

Let me tell you, Zhao Pan, sending high-level fighters with no combat experience to the battlefield is irresponsible for the lives of the soldiers! "

Su Buqing said: "My lord, we are indeed ready. The information Mr. Zhao Pan said was provided by the intelligence department. Not only Mr. Zhao Pan knows it, but all five of us know it.

The subordinates have discussed: If we launch an invasion of the Blue Wing Principality with lightning speed, we are sure to occupy the entire Blue Wing Principality within a month, before all the forces react. But when the war is launched in May, we are afraid that the Green Wing Principality has already formed an alliance with the Great Li Kingdom, and then we will have to face a principality and a kingdom at the same time. "

Sophie Trani also said: "My lord, under the encouragement of the teacher's advancement, all members of the Magic Army are full of fighting spirit, especially the veteran magicians, they all hope to understand in battle."

Zhang Da said: "My lord, the garrison also wants to fight!"

Qu Mao pondered again and again, and asked, "Sylvia, what do you think of the Navy?"

Sylvia Ocean smiled and said, "My lord, we came to you after discussing it."

Qu Mao touched his chin and said, "It's not impossible to start the war in advance, but I want to review the training of the Army Special Forces, Marines and Navy Magicians before making a decision. Is it okay?"

Sylvia Ocean and Zhao Pan glanced at each other, and Zhao Pan said with some embarrassment: "My lord, the Army Special Forces is still in training, and it hasn't been completed yet..."

Qu Mao said: "I'll just take a look at the results of your training. If you can practice for me in the Holy Land on April 5th, then we can confirm that the war will start before April 15th. What do you think?"

The five commanders-in-chief looked at each other and said in unison: "Yes, my lord!"

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