At 8 o'clock in the morning on April 16th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, after eating breakfast in the Wucheng City Lord's Mansion, Qu Mao took 7,000 fourth-tier light cavalry and 3,000 fifth-tier heavy cavalry personally selected by the heroes stationed in Wucheng, and left Wucheng. Chengcheng Lord's Mansion, set off towards the northwest gate of Wucheng.

After leaving Wucheng from the northwest gate of Wucheng, Qu Maohui led his troops out of Baihu Pass and entered Jilihou Kingdom through the western border of Jierhou Kingdom.

Qu Mao’s original plan was to advance to King Napoleon’s city, and after seeing Su Yan and others, he would go to Jilihou and Jiliehou respectively. Change your mind, first go to Geely Marquis to choose the location of the new city, and then go to Napo Marquis to choose the site.

Pick up Su Yan and Mo Yangqiao, Yan Liang, and Wen Qiu from the army in the King Napoleon City, and then go to the Hou Kingdom of Gillette to choose the location of the city.

In this way, it will save a lot of wrong roads, but at the same time, it will put higher requirements on the marching speed of Qu Mao's troops. After all, heroes such as Su Yan cannot be allowed to wait too long in the city of King Napoleon.

Along the way, he led the cavalry to maintain a state of marching in a hurry, and Qu Mao was also thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of continuing to build the city.

When he first thought of building a city, Qu Mao simply thought about building the city to generate some cheat points, and at the same time vacate the ordinary residents of the Holy Land.

However, considering that building a city on the border between the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire would help delay the Mughal Empire's direct participation in the war into a forced confrontation, Qu Mao's desire to continue building the city became even stronger.

The residents of the Holy Land in Yihou Territory, about 3 million people were diverted out after building 13 town groups in the four newly seized territories in March of the fifth year of Tianxuan, but the Holy Land is still very crowded, and the remaining population is estimated to be tens of millions about.

The population expansion of the Holy Land in the Yihou Territory mainly occurred during the period when the aboriginal forces invaded the fleet and the Chosen player lord forces invaded the fleet to besiege the Holy Land. Part of the large population came from the transformation of prisoners of war, and the other part came from Qu Mao during the two activities of the cheating mall Crazy krypton cheated to purchase resident recruitment coupons to recruit.

Although the Holy Land population has a large number of excellent-level qualifications and excellent-level qualifications, there are more residents with ordinary-level qualifications.

After nearly a year and a half of nurturing, these residents have a high degree of loyalty and loyalty to the Yihou territory, but their qualifications are relatively poor.

In the past, the Yihou Territory was trapped in the middle of the ocean, and there was no way to raise higher demands. Now that the Yihou Territory has so many independent territories on the Eastern Continent, Qu Mao wanted to make more space for the Yihou Territory Holy Land to accommodate more outstanding people. qualified residents.

Of course, the relocation of a large number of highly loyal and highly loyal residents from the Holy Land can also help the Yihou Territory to quickly stabilize the rule of the newly acquired independent territory.

After spending about a day wandering around the Jilihou Kingdom, Qu Mao decided to choose the new town cluster in the Jilihou Kingdom in the west of the Jilihou Kingdom, and the two town clusters built in March of the fifth year of Tianxuan are about 100 kilometers away from each other.

After determining the location of the city of Jili Hou, Qu Mao still led 10,000 cavalry to rush towards the city of Napoleon.

In the southwestern area of ​​the Marquis of Napoleon, Qu Mao chose the location to build a new town group in the Marquis of Napoleon.

At around 10 am on April 18th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao led 10,000 cavalry into the King Napoleon City. Su Yan, Mo Yangqiao, Yan Liang and Wen Qiu were already waiting for Qu in the King Napoleon City. Mao.

Although it has not been more than five months since the Marquis of Jili and Napoleon were captured by Yihou's territory, the security situation in these two marquises has improved a lot, and Qu Mao has not been attacked along the way.

Qu Mao did not delay too long in the city of Napoleon, and after replacing the accompanying cavalry, Qu Mao called Mo Yangqiao, Su Yan, Yan Liang and Wen Qiu to follow him, and continued to rush towards the country of Gillette.

After less than half a day of inspection in the Marquis of Gillette, Qu Mao said to Su Yan: "Su Yan, I want to choose the location of the new town cluster in the Marquis of Gillette at the edge of the desert in the northwest area of ​​the Marquis of Gillette.

One-third of the territory of the Marquis of Gillette is desert. At the beginning, the royal family of the Marquis of Gillette still had troops in their hands. Even if they were chased by our troops, they were unwilling to flee into the desert area, which shows the harshness of the environment.

But now the Marquis of Gillette is under the jurisdiction of our Yihou territory. I don't want to waste this third of the desert territory, so building towns on the edge of the desert is also for better development of the desert area in the future.

The desert has the sand and gravel we need for construction, as well as the original iron ore, which still has development value, but the construction of towns on the edge of the desert area will consume more manpower and material resources, and the satisfaction of the residents who migrate will not be too high . "

Su Yan thought for a while and said, "My lord, your consideration is to prepare for a rainy day, and my subordinates think it is very necessary.

As for the more manpower and material resources consumed by the construction of towns and cities, whether it will be consumed sooner or later, as long as you still want to develop the desert area, you will have to consume it sooner or later.

As for the satisfaction of the relocated residents, please leave it to the subordinates to deal with. The subordinates will let Su Qiaoer go back to the Holy Land to select the relocated residents. "

Qu Mao said: "It's fine, try not to force immigrants.

Tell Su Qiaoer the addresses of the newly built town groups in the Kingdom of Jili and the Kingdom of Napoleon, and let Su Qiaoer hurry up to handle it. After taking over the entire territory of the Duke of Green Wings and the Kingdom of Moner, we must build our own in these two independent territories. town. "

Su Yan nodded and said: "Yes, my lord. Now that wars are fought so frequently, it is very necessary to build towns for our residents in the newly captured territory, which can speed up our stabilization of the rule of the newly captured territory.

The subordinates will immediately rule over the residents Su Qiaoer plans to relocate, as well as the artisans and resources for building the city, please rest assured. "

Qu Mao nodded, and said, "Let's stop here for the new town clusters in the Kingdom of Jilihou, the Kingdom of Gillette, and the Kingdom of Napoleon. Let's rush to King City of Jilihou as soon as possible.

Xinping's military newspaper last night had already said that Su Buqing's imperial guards and garrison had captured the entire territory of the Marquis of Moner, and the royal family of the Marquis of Moner had all died.

But the Mughal Empire has declared war on us because the royal family of Marquis Moner was killed by us.

Zhang He, Gao Lan, and Lu Bu led an army of 200,000 soldiers, and they had already confronted the troops of the Mughal Empire on the border between the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire.

We must defend the border of Moner as soon as possible, and send more reinforcements to the battlefield of Moner. The Mughal Empire dispatched a total of no less than 500,000 troops. "

Su Yan said: "Yes, my lord, let's go back, the three lords Mo Yangqiao, Yan Liang and Wen Qiu are still waiting for us two in the King's City of Jiliehou."

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