On April 21st of the fifth year of Tianxuan, in a closed room in the royal palace of King Jiliehou, Qu Mao stared at Su Yan as she wrote the warrant, and arranged for the third-tier princess guards of the Marquis of Moner to be sent to the palace. After the Ministry of Intelligence announced the continuation of the military meeting.

Mo Yangqiao, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou immediately regained their spirits, because Qu Mao had just said that after Su Yan arranged the task of building the city, they would discuss the matter of reinforcements on the battlefield of Marquis Moner.

When Su Yan was writing the warrant, Qu Mao had already drawn the plans for the construction of 12 towns on the border between the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire, and handed it to Su Yan, who asked Su Yan to follow her warrant. Hand it over to the Intelligence Department, and the Intelligence Department will send it to Suramar, the hero garrisoned by the Marquis of Moner.

By the time Mo Yangqiao, Yan Liang, and Wen Qiu rushed to the front line of the Moner Marquis battlefield with a large number of soldier recruitment coupons, I am afraid that Suramar had already organized manpower to start construction.

After arranging the construction of the town group, Qu Mao said: "Guys, let's continue discussing the composition of the reinforcements."

Su Yan said: "My lord, Mr. Wen Qiu's suggestion is very good. Once the border towns are built, I believe that low-level fighters can also confront the Mughal Empire's invading troops.

After all, according to the information provided by Lord Xinping, the Mughal Empire's invasion troops were mainly Tier 3 fighters.

Considering that the soldiers on both sides were facing each other when the towns were built on the border between the Marquis of Moner and the Mughal Empire, the subordinates suggested that the towns be built next to the border. The eight villages originally built around the town were all placed in our Moner. Hou country territory.

Considering the construction of one town group each in the Marquis of Gili, the Marquis of Gillette, and the Marquis of Napoleon, as well as the construction of 12 towns on the border of the Marquis of Moner, and the port of Moner will definitely be the front line after it is taken. We also need to replace residents in our Yihou territory, so this time we can divert a total of 4 million people from the Holy Land.

After diverting so many people, the total population of the Holy Land may not exceed 6 million, and the number of households in the Holy Land is not enough. There will be a large number of bachelors among the residents of this migration. "

Qu Mao thought about it, the 15 islands in the Holy Land have a population of 6 million, which should be considered a very comfortable state, after all, there are 15 islands plus the underground Huitong Town.

However, in the future, we will definitely have to continue to arrange new residents with excellent qualifications to supplement the population of the Holy Land. At least when universities and vocational schools recruit students in the spring and autumn, they must use excellent resident recruitment coupons to supplement the number of residents.

So Qu Mao nodded and said, "You don't have to worry about the migration of the population from the Holy Land. Let's discuss the composition of the reinforcements next."

Yan Liang, Wen Qiu, and Mo Yangqiao expressed their opinions one after another. It is generally believed that with the city wall, the first-tier spearmen and second-tier archers should be the main force of the reinforcements.

Qu Mao spread his hands helplessly, and said: "Don't think about first-tier fighters and second-tier fighters. There is no way to get a large number of recruitment coupons. You can only consider fighters from third-tier fighters and fighters above third-tier fighters. The highest is seventh-tier fighters." That's all."

In fact, at the beginning, Qu Mao wanted the reinforcements to be mainly Tier 4 and Tier 5 fighters, with some Tier 6 fighters to match. With more than 20 million cheating points as a base, Qu Mao thought that spending 10 million cheating points would not be a big problem, so he considered giving each hero a suggestion to bring 350,000 reinforcement fighter recruitment coupons.

Since everyone thinks that low-level fighters are fine, it means that by spending 10 million cheat points, Qu Mao can get more fighter recruitment coupons, so why not do it?

Listening to the different opinions expressed by Mo Yangqiao, Yan Liang, Wen Qiu and others, Qu Maosi thought about it, and said: "You are all right, 12 new towns may need strong military guards during the construction period, but After the town is built, there is no problem at all with low-level fighters guarding the town.

It's just that I can't get the recruitment coupons for Tier 2 fighters and Tier 1 fighters. I should focus on Tier 3 fighters, and I can match some Tier 4 fighters. If there are more, I must reserve troops for the subsequent attack on the Mughal Empire. "

Mo Yangqiao said excitedly: "My lord, it is enough to have second-tier archers for defense, but since you don't have the recruitment coupons for second-tier archers, sir, you want to reserve excellent soldiers for future attacks on the Mughal Empire.

The subordinates think that it is not as good as 100,000 third-tier sharpshooters, third-tier crossbowmen, and third-tier swordsmen, and then 30,000 fourth-tier light cavalry and 20,000 fourth-tier guards? "

Yan Liang said: "My lord, after all, there is a border line of 1,200 kilometers. We only have 13 defensive towns including Port Monell. Why don't we get an average of 100,000 or 50,000 third-tier cities from the hands of third-tier sharpshooters and third-tier crossbowmen?" Get out on the whistle."

Wen Qiu also said: "My lord, the reason why the Mughal Empire became the most powerful aboriginal force in the Eastern Continent is mainly because of their powerful cavalry.

The first-tier spearmen can restrain the cavalry, but you can't buy them, you might as well change to some fourth-tier crusaders or long soldiers with iron armor. "

Qu Mao counted and calculated, and said: "The third-tier sharpshooters, third-tier crossbowmen, and third-tier swordsmen each have 100,000 people; the fourth-tier light cavalry, fourth-tier crusaders, and fourth-tier guards each have 20,000; Heavy cavalry, fifth-tier priests, fifth-tier court guards, and fifth-tier bed crossbowmen each have 10,000, and each carries a total of 400,000 warrior recruitment coupons.

The three of you rushed to the front line of the Moner Kingdom and then recruited. You can call other heroes to assist you in recruiting together, but when the war in the Moner Kingdom ends or enters a period of stable confrontation, the troops at hand must belong to your respective troops. Among the military branches, there are nothing more than the Garrison, the Army and the Guards. What do you think? "

According to this troop configuration, one hero would have to spend 2.58 million cheating points, and the three heroes would add up to 7.74 million cheating points, not even 10 million cheating points. Qu Mao Krypton naturally felt no pressure at all.

Wen Qiu said: "My lord, the strength of 400,000 troops per person is 50,000 more than the 350,000 you said before. There is no need to equip the auxiliary arms of the fifth-level priest, right?"

Su Yan said: "My lord, all the troops of the Imperial Guard are deployed on the battlefield of the Marquis of Moner. It is better to increase the strength of the Imperial Guard. After all, my lord, you need the army to equip you when you travel."

In total, 10 million cheating points were not spent. Qu Mao thought about it. Even if 100,000 third-tier princess guard recruitment tickets were added each, it would only cost 500,000 more cheating points for one hero, and the total would be 1.5 million. The point cheat value still does not exceed 10 million points.

Therefore, Qu Mao said directly: "Then add another 100,000 third-tier princess guards each, and Su Buqing will probably wake up with a smile.

After dawn tomorrow, the three of you will each set off with a total of 5,000 fourth-tier light cavalry. "

Mo Yangqiao, Yan Liang and Wen Chou said: "Yes, my lord."

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