Lord of the People: My Troops Have Mutated

Chapter 13 Legal Plant Legion

The news about the monster gathering place came back much faster than expected.

In less than an hour, a third-level beast lord brought the news back and posted it on the regional channel.

To everyone's surprise, he failed.

Not only did he fail, he was defeated completely. Almost all the soldiers were killed, and even he himself almost didn't escape.

The reason is very simple, that is, there is a fourth-level monster in the gathering place!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

"Oh my God, there are actually fourth-level monsters in the gathering place?"

"This is too scary, I haven't even reached the third level!"

"So the third-level boss was wiped out by the group and came back?"

"It should be. Fortunately, I didn't go, otherwise I wouldn't know how I would have died."

"Fuck! I thought it was a bonus for surviving three days, but I didn't expect it was a trap!"

"Sure enough, nothing good will ever happen in this world. I'd better kill low-level monsters honestly."

Lin You, who was in the territory, also saw the news and frowned.

The fourth-level monster is not simply one level higher than the third-level monster. It also represents the span from primary creatures to intermediate creatures.

To put it simply, it is.

After a creature passes the third level, it will undergo a qualitative change and advance from a low-level life to an intermediate life. At the same time, it will also learn a new skill. The improvement in strength is not as simple as one plus one.

This is all the information he has collected from regional channels in the past few days.

It is obviously very difficult for ordinary third-level troops to deal with fourth-level monsters, and there is even a risk of group destruction.

But if they don't face the fourth-level monsters, they will face an even more terrifying beast tide. By then, there won't be just one or two fourth-level monsters.


After the discussion, a man named Murong Tian stood up immediately.

"Everyone, I am Murong Tian. I am now recruiting third-level and above partners to attack the monster gathering place and resist the beast tide. If you are interested, please contact me."

"Murong Tian? Is he the third-level angel type boss?"

Everyone in the channel looked shocked when they saw the news about Murong Tian.

In their area, the only angel type that has ever appeared is Murong Tian, ​​and he is also a well-known third-level powerhouse. This is no secret.

You know, the angel type is recognized as one of the strongest arms.

Even such a strong person cannot deal with the fourth-level monster alone. He went to the channel to summon his teammates. You can imagine how terrifying the fourth-level monster is.

"It's really Boss Murong! I didn't expect him to show up!"

"Mr. Murong, can you bring me one? I should be able to reach the third level tomorrow."

"Boss, please guide me. I'm almost reaching the third level."

"Count me in, I just got an upgrade this morning."

"My second level, but I have a third level centaur. Mr. Murong, do you think it's okay?"

Murong Tian's appearance suddenly made the regional channel noisy.

Everyone wants to join this team and get the glory of the angel-type troops. In this way, the security of their eradication of monster gatherings will be much higher.

Lin You watched all this silently, feeling a little surprised.

This Murong Tian must be the young man he met on the plain before. If this guy is here, he might be able to successfully destroy the fourth-level monster.

After all, the strength of the angel system is not insurmountable, and may even become his formidable enemy in the future.

Moreover, the other party is also very smart and knows how to form gangs and strengthen himself.

"It seems I have to work harder."

Lin You murmured softly.

Unlike these people, he has no idea of ​​​​acting with others.

Putting aside whether he could trust the other party, just because of his territorial position, he didn't want to expose it too early to avoid being backstabbed by the other party later.

In this world where everyone is in danger, it is always right to be cautious.

Moreover, with his current strength, he might not be able to deal with level 4 monsters, but he just needs some preparation.

After thinking about it, Lin You came to the fire lotus planted yesterday.

After two days of accumulation, the magic energy produced by the Bathing Fire Lotus has reached more than 500 points, which is enough for him to create a magic army.

So throughout the morning, Lin You stayed in the territory and tried his best to build a legal army.

It wasn't until half past noon that he finished his work, and there was a group of soldiers around him who knew natural attack spells.

Among them, there are twelve poison ivy plants, nine tree spirit berserkers, six flower spirits, and the remaining three are new soldiers that have accidentally mutated.

[Name: Explosive Mushroom]

[Race: Plant]

[Level: Level 3 (0/50)]

【Strength: 5】

[Physique: 22]

[Agility: 30]

【Spirit: 44】

[Skills: Natural Control, Self-exploding Mushroom]

[Introduction: The advanced form of the explosive mushroom can quickly generate mushrooms and throw them at the enemy, causing a strong explosion. 】

Because the mutant embryos all use the spirit of vegetation, they all inherit the skill of controlling nature.

What surprised Lin You the most was that after the self-exploding mushroom advanced, it actually gained the ability to move and grew limbs from underneath.

What's even more outrageous is that the explosive spore skill has evolved into a self-exploding mushroom, which can also be picked off and thrown at enemies.

Isn't this the legendary grenade throwing?

When he first saw this unit, Lin You was shocked on the outside and tender on the inside.

Not to mention, although the jumping little mushroom looked cute, it was unambiguous in his hands. He threw the grenades one by one as if for free, almost blowing up his territory to pieces.

The addition of this new unit immediately made him much more confident in defeating the fourth-level monsters.

Glancing at the mighty plant legion in the territory, Lin You nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his hand.

"Set off!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he set off with a large number of plants and went straight into the mountains nearby.

After paying attention for half a morning, Lin You already had a basic understanding of the place where monsters gather.

The so-called gathering place actually refers to a place where a large number of monsters gather.

Due to the excessive number of monsters, ecological disorder is caused, causing harm to all directions. It is also easy for powerful individuals to appear, such as group leaders.

Based on this clue, Lin You moved forward and soon found a gloomy mountain col.

There are many walking corpses and skeletons gathered in the mountain col. The Yin Qi is so strong that it is constantly hovering over the mountain col, as if it is afraid that others will not know that this is a gathering place for monsters.

And the attributes of those monsters also appeared in Lin You's eyes.

[Name: Walking Dead]

[Race: Undead]

[Level: Level 3]

【Strength: 31】

[Physique: 39]

[Agility: 22]

【Spirit: 34】

[Skill: Rot and abscess]

[Introduction: The corpse was infected with the plague, and its body was filled with rotting poison. 】

[Name: Skeleton Axeman]

[Race: Undead]

[Level: Level 3]

【Strength: 40】

[Physique: 25]

[Agility: 36]

【Spirit: 28】

[Skill: Heavy Split]

[Introduction: A type of lower-level undead, with a powerful ax in his hand. 】

As he expected, these zombies and skeletons were all third-level monsters and posed little threat to him.

After recognizing the surrounding terrain, Lin You led a group of plants and approached carefully.

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